Nice history Lithose
So, if someone does get a gofundme to pull an R. Kelly on Ravv, be sure to do it right. Eat a lot of spicy shit and don't drink much water leading up to the appointment so you're sure to be pissing a particularly pungent rust. You know, so it's sure to be a memorable experience for both parties.
Brb, fapping to memories of trying to find porn on tv in my youth.Only thing I can think of that might make that worn out whore look slightly better.
we had a puiblic access kind of pay channel back in the 80s. WHT ch68 in the NYC/NJ area. late at night it showed some skinemax style films like lady chatterly's lover or the story of O. anyway, i discovered that if you put your cable dial/knob thingy halfway between ch 68 and 69 the pictured cleared up and you could watch movies for free. much rejoicing was had for teenage chuk & friends over for atari and boobs and hairy hairy beavers. later on the station became free and was an awesome video channel called U68 which specialized in pure heavy metal.Brb, fapping to memories of trying to find porn on tv in my youth.
looooool - Many a desperate wank were had on the wavy channel.Only thing I can think of that might make that worn out whore look slightly better.
This feels like the long con. Good work you two.If people had gotten the money together when she first started turning tricks in Ohio I totally woulda made the drive to bang her, and made her pose with a rerolled sign too. With the way her pictures look now? Y'all would have to pay ME 200 bucks an hour to fuck her on top of whatever she charges.
Serious question:
I believe the whole Ravenn story is before my time here (started following FOH back in 2010) Already read what happened in the fuck some people gave her money????
We couldn't find anyone to go there. There was an offer to fund someone's time with her but we could not get any takers.
I assume going R Kelly on her wouldbe free though.If people had gotten the money together when she first started turning tricks in Ohio I totally woulda made the drive to bang her, and made her pose with a rerolled sign too. With the way her pictures look now? Y'all would have to pay ME 200 bucks an hour to fuck her on top of whatever she charges.
EQ heavies later come in and say Rav was good, and the person saying this (Tyen) was an awful cock sucker who was worthless and only there because he amused people with his monkey like antics.
Rav gets sick.
Rav joins in this flame fest and despite her nature, is able to make Tyen look like a gimp, and Trex look like even more like drama whore--speaks volumes about how bad Tyen/Trex are.
Tyen joins the board and we realize despite holding nugget of truth, he is still a terrible person and is quickly banned.
Every opiate addict is always "getting sick" and not just dopesick. Drama and pity parties are two of their biggest manipulation tools, especially the females because they can actually get that shit to work. Case in point: all the people who were willing to help her with money and xbones because of her sob stories about health, kids and abandoned animals or whatever the fuck. Fucking junkies.
The way her life has gone, she might not legally be able to leave the state, LOLShe's available for outcalls, lets just hook her up with a plane ticket to whomever the unlucky guy is.