Spoiler Alert, click show to read:Sorry for the thread necromancy, but I think this story needs an ending.
Okay... Shelly"s son was born two and a half months early by cessarian. Her ex was at the birth and put on the birth certificate. She says the hospital made her do that, but it"s bull. When asked who the baby"s father is right in front of him and me, she didn"t answer. When asked while I was on the phone, she muted it.
She told me a day and a half after he was born, and when I showed up at the hospital, she called me a selfish asshole for wanting to see him. That was the final nail in the coffin of what was the most fucked up relationship ever. By the way, the baby is now at home with her, healthy, and shows no signs of WMS -- the connective tissue disorder that causes her small stature.
Her craziness has tapered off lately. The only annoyance left is that she stole the title to my home. She can"t do anything with it without ending up in prison, and as of today the tax assessor of this parish has recognized me as the sole owner. So, someone out there found out what she did and paid the sales tax for me. When I find out who it was, I"ll hug the hell out of their neck.
Ashley and I are back together. Like me, she wonders how we fought for three years. I can now have something to do with my daughter, so all around this story has a great ending.
I"ve also gone back to work. Light stuff for now. I float for a restaurant covering call ins and the like, but it"s a start. I"m considering expanding to float at multiple places, thus acting as my own temp agency. Protip: job security is not relying on one employer. I"m covered to make 900/month without it affecting my disability. I"ll be going solar (tied in) and doing other things to create a steady, independent income. Maybe in two years but definitely before I use what I"ve paid into the system (thus before I become a drain on it), I will no longer be disabled.
Shelly is still ugly.
Thanks for the push in the right direction, foh. I"ve never been happier.