Long full disclosure

  • Guest, it's time once again for the massively important and exciting FoH Asshat Tournament!

    Go here and give us your nominations!
    Who's been the biggest Asshat in the last year? Give us your worst ones!


Golden Knight of the Realm
GaliemVaelant said:
Yeah, Erronius, and you"re Jesus Christ, right? Absolutely perfect. God"s gift to the world with no faults, so you"re just the perfect person to sit in an ivory tower and judge everyone around you.

You"re a coward. Where"s your admission of your problems? Where"s your airing of your dirty laundry? Where"s your recognition of your OWN fucking flaws?

You can"t do it. Why? You"re a chicken shit whom feeds on the misfortune of others to distract yourself from the meaningless existence daddy bought you.
Bro.. Rather than focusing on what everyone else has and what you don"t, why don"t you step away from the computer for a while and focus your energy on finding some way to do better for yourself and yours? We know you have problems. We all have problems in some fashion (most of us vent those problems to people who care about us in person, but it"s understandable if you don"t have that kind of support). What you need to be worried about most for the rest of your life is making sure that your kids aren"t anywhere near as fucked up as you. Provide them with a much better quality of life than you had. You"re a parent. Start acting like one.
See, here"s what you fucking snobs don"t get. I DID fucking work for what I have. I AM COLLECTING MY FUCKING MONEY. I have been on my own since AGE FUCKING FIFTEEN.

You know who decided I"m disabled. A fucking PANEL of psychiatrists.

You think you"re motherfucking perfect, but let me tell you something. You"re fucking shallow and empty. Shelly is ugly, so in your world she shouldn"t be allowed children and shouldn"t date? YOU DUMB FUCKS she is disabled because her motherfucking fingers DO NOT UNBEND and her fucking SPINE will collapse under 50 pounds of weight, not to mention that her fucking ankles and knees can"t handle more than 30 minutes of activity without fucking breaking. Oh, but you wouldn"t know that. NO, you see ugly and disabled and assume it means unfit for life.

She need counseling, but she"s a human god damned being you sick fucks. Yes, I turned to this place for support, but also because I figured she could vent here rather than every fucking place on the Internet.

You ALSO don"t know about the fucking YEAR I spent applying at every god damned business in Shreveport-Bossier being turned down so Cousin motherfucking Bobby at place after place could be hired. Or how I got beat out by a Ph-motherfucking-D for a job that required a fucking ASSOCIATES because the job market is that bad.

You don"t know about the nights spent nearly doing as you suggest and ending my life or the fucking year and a half in therapy working toward normaly. No, you see "disabled" and automatically "OMG THE BUM" like a bunch of retarded fucking redneck ass republican rich spoiled brat children. FUCK YOU.

Until the day I see certain of you fucking air YOUR dirty laundry, to me you"re a bunch of judgemental PRICKS and motherfucking COWARDS because you pretend to be perfect while you pick apart everyone else. You are the WORST kind of war-starting, hate-mongering people there are. EVERY problem in the world goes back to people like YOU.


Ban this fucking account already, you worthless sacks of shit and then die off and burn in hell, you inhuman, self-fucking-worshiping assinine sons of bitches.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Welp, today must be a "No Med" day, huh?

Galiem, I"m fine with my flaws, I can admit them freely. Where we differ is that I have the common sense not to go onto the internet and spill my life story. Oh, I"ve told"stories"here...like the time I was drunk, had my fingers chewed to the bone by a roomate and in a drunken rage bit a hole in his cheek (got gangrene out of that one). Or the time I got my ribcage crushed. Or how I snapped me knees in half. Or the time I had an empty pint glass in each hand and then smashed them together, slicing a hand open, nearly losing my thumb. Lot"s of stories, actually...but I don"t tell...STORIES, like you do.

The difference is, I don"t go apeshit and drag everyone in my life into some sordid internet whirlpool of stupidity. I don"t post pics of GFs or exes, whether I"m drunk or no, and I sure as shit don"t start threads LIKE THIS ONE. You and this thread, it isn"t some model of decency, people aren"t going to meet you RL and upon finding out who you are, say"OMG YOU"RE SO AWESOME!"and ask for your autograph. You"ve made yourself into a sideshow attraction, and the irony here is that no one asked you to - you did it all to yourself.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
GV, walk the 15 feet to the other side of your house and take a breather.


Riddle me this...
Aye, think I would be stupid enough to throw my problems out into the wild wonderful world of the interhubs? Nope, but here you go with the "Oh pity me and my problems" rant. You want everyone to know how disabled you are /cry /whine.
Grow up and deal with it, that"s called life. Of course you wont, you"ll still be here ranting and crying because its easier than picking yourself up like a man and carrying on. I"ve seen people in far worse situations than you with bigger problems make something of themselves because they wanted to. Its ok, just keep holding your hand out and someone will eventually walk you through life.
Are you seriously that fucking stupid?

I posted this thread to explain to you dumb fucks why Shelly appeared on your message board out of fucking nowhere to resurrect a god damn drunk post because she cyber stalked my ass to here and said, "OMG an EX of Jeremy"s!!!1!111!" I thought you might like to know what the fuck was going on. AND, since I know you to be some straightforward fuckers, I figured "Why not lay it all out there?"

And this rant today is not aimed at everyone here. Just certain among you.

I am not the only motherfucker on the Internet to get drunk and post a GF, BY FUCKING FAR. I am not the only motherfucker on the Internet to have a girlfriend go psycho-stalker-jealous and have to fucking explain it. I NEVER ASKED ANY OF YOU FOR FUCKING PITY.

But for the love of God or Satan or yourselves or whatever the fuck you worship, either draw it to a fucking close or balance it out. Shit, to hear you talk you"d think I"m the only disabled person in the country, that NONE of you EVER lived in a trailer, and that NONE of you EVER looked past someone"s looks and gave them a shot.

Shit, I thought you might even throw her a bit of support and maybe she"d actually see a fucking therapist.

People keep telling me to get my life together. Well, what the fuck do you think I"ve been working on? I"m about a year out of a three year fucking nervous breakdown. Do you think I lie around and sleep all day? NO! I"m busting my ass to get my house in order so I can step-at-a-fucking-time get shit right. I"m doing better than I have since anyone here first talked to me.

Thanks for the push in that direction, but I"m not fucking retarded for explaining myself, seeking support, dating Shelly, being disabled, or any fucking other thing. And you"re right. NONE of you would lay your shit on the line like this, be it for respect, for support, to direct the shitstorm of psycho someone laid on you to one place, or any other fucking reason because you"re too afraid of what YOU FUCKING DO!

And do you REALLY think people are going to meet me and go, "Oh! You"re Jeremy from FoH! Ewwww?" Fucking GET REAL. The VAST majority of people do not fucking know what this place is and DO NOT CARE, NOR is this ANYWHERE near the only interpersonal bullshit on the Internet so GET FUCKING REAL.

Jesus! There"s giving someone shit, and then there"s douching out like a bunch of fucking retarded monkeys, and between them there"s a line that CERTAIN among you do not see and that part of you might as well be /b/ because they"re the lowest fucking denominator.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
GaliemVaelant said:
Shelly is ugly, so in your world she shouldn"t be allowed children and shouldn"t date? YOU DUMB FUCKS she is disabled because her motherfucking fingers DO NOT UNBEND and her fucking SPINE will collapse under 50 pounds of weight, not to mention that her fucking ankles and knees can"t handle more than 30 minutes of activity without fucking breaking. Oh, but you wouldn"t know that. NO, you see ugly and disabled and assume it means unfit for life.
This is part of your problem, right here. Oh, we aren"t heartless bastards that drown cats (heaven forbid). If I knew Shelley IRL I"d probably feel sorry for her. But you know what? It isn"t my responsibility to adopt every orphan or go around righting every wrong, and while her situation is a sad one I"m not beholden to make her life better. And even if I felt like "helping" her out of guilt, I sure as shit wouldn"t HAVE A BABY WITH HER. You seem to be carrying around some sort of guilt, as if you feel some sort of need to reach out to the poor and downtrodden as if you are Jesus (except Jesus didn"t run around banging anything that was available afaik, but I digress). And that"s funny, in that you called me "Jesus" earlier, thanks, but I think you fit that role a bit better than I.

GaliemVaelant said:
Yes, I turned to this place for support, but also because I figured she could vent here rather than every fucking place on the Internet.
Wait wait wait...you started this entire shitstorm, for...SUPPORT?!? Are you fucking shitting me? No, no you can"t be that stupid, can you?

When you want support, you call your family and friends. You don"t go out on the internet and air your Jerry Springer drama for support, because honestly? Anyone with a shred of common sense would know better than to go down this path.

GaliemVaelant said:
Until the day I see certain of you fucking air YOUR dirty laundry, to me you"re a bunch of judgemental PRICKS and motherfucking COWARDS because you pretend to be perfect while you pick apart everyone else. You are the WORST kind of war-starting, hate-mongering people there are. EVERY problem in the world goes back to people like YOU.
I can"t even believe that you see things this way. You know who airs dirty laundry on the internet, actual legitimate dirty laundry? Idiots. Idiots come onto the internet and delude themselves into thinking that they"re going to get "support". For someone who is supposedly as intelligent as you are (lol), you show a startling lack of insight and comprehension.

GaliemVaelant said:
Ban this fucking account already, you worthless sacks of shit and then die off and burn in hell, you inhuman, self-fucking-worshiping assinine sons of bitches.
Are we witnessing a Galiem meltdown? Fukking lolz. I"d feel for you, I really would, if you hadn"t gone out of your way to stir this into a shitstorm in the first place.
Well, that and it was here or here, Reddit, Facebook, Myspace, in person, in text, on the phone, and everywhere else she might think she could reach me. The shit Would. Not. Stop.

I do feel guilty though because as much shit as I knew I"d have to take from this, I KNEW she would too, and it reached a pitch where I could see her paper-thin psyche breaking. I thought she"d feel a little sting, a little like touching a thorn, stop, and it would be done right then. But noooo... Shit had to just keep going, as if she"d convince a bunch of strangers who only know from text on the net what to think that she"s a poor wittle victim.

AAAAAUGH! BUT it"s still better than what it was. Time for this shit to die down though, so I do need to vanish. Maybe she"ll keep posting here, but at this point if you guys warp her mind to the point that she throws herself in front of a bus, it"s on her. And if she starts her shit elsewhere again it"s restraining order time.

Damn. It.

This PLUS I thought y"all were owed an explanation for her materialization anyway. Glad to provide the entertainment, but it"s just motivation to get shit squared away that much quicker. I"m not what I"m being painted as here, and God damn it, I"ll prove it. So thanks for that.

Aychamo BanBan

GaliemVaelant said:
You know, why don"t you guys do me a favor and ban this account because I won"t be back. You"re a bunch of assinine, self-worshiping pricks, and honestly I hope certain among you die in a fire.

You never miss an opportunity to knock someone. You leap at every fucking chance to show just how better than everyone you are.

Well, I have something none of you do: The balls to admit my own flaws, the compassion to look past exteriors, yes I do have a brain, and if any of you really believes yourselves to be better than me then you can suck my cock.

Jesus jumping jack christ, what a bunch of Kochs. You act like a group of spoiled rich brats stuck so far up daddy"s ass that you wouldn"t know earning your own way in the world from a disability check because everything you have was fucking handed to you.

"OMG they"re poor we"re better. OMG they"re ugly we"re better. OMG we have more than them we"re better. OMG daddy paid for our college and they have to earn what they have we"re better. OMG they have something wrong that we don"t we"re better."

Fucking rich prick spoiled children. Fucking die. Please.


Golden Knight of the Realm
GaliemVaelant said:
Jesus! There"s giving someone shit, and then there"s douching out like a bunch of fucking retarded monkeys, and between them there"s a line that CERTAIN among you do not see and that part of you might as well be /b/ because they"re the lowest fucking denominator.
As much as I despise 4Chan, at least they have the decency to realize that this is the internet. If you had the same decency we wouldn"t even be having this discussion. You would have seen whatever post that incited your white trash rage and you would have lolled at it and it would have been done. Instead you got all hurt and enraged and did what anyone who takes the innartubes seriously does: you made yourself look like the most insignificant little piece of shit you possibly could have. GG, frien. GG.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I like the long crazy rant, then the calm single line posts immediately after it. Don"t ever change, GV.*

*I know you can"t, but I want to give you at least one, single, achievable goal in your life.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Soygen said:
I like the long crazy rant, then the calm single line posts immediately after it. Don"t ever change, GV.*

*I know you can"t, but I want to give you at least one, single, achievable goal in your life.
Better than Goliath"s term-paper psychotic rants about how fucking.. whatever.. he is.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
GaliemVaelant said:
This PLUS I thought y"all were owed an explanation for her materialization anyway.
Christ. You really don"t owe us shit. In the first place, you probably shouldn"t have started this thread for her to even find. There was no need to make this thread even back then, which is fucking"Goliath long". And even when Shelly tracked this down, you could have (should have!) just said "Sorry guys, she"s crazy and stalking, have fun" and not contributed. This thread could only have ever been a trainwreck, it just took forever to come together.

You have 100 posts in this thread. You can"t play the victim act, especially with 100 posts in a thread that you started out of the blue about all of this insanity in the first place. Shelly found it and bumped it? /shrug.

GaliemVaelant said:
Time for this shit to die down though
It"s well past time, lol. Are you justNOWfiguring this shit out now? YOU"RE A FUCKING GENIUS!

GaliemVaelant said:
And if she starts her shit elsewhere again it"s restraining order time.
AHAHAHAHA, wait, who was the other brainiac that was bringing up restraining orders? That wasn"t Dustin was it? OMG, it"s been so long. At least you aren"t threatening US with a restraining order, or threatening to call the FBI.

GaliemVaelant said:
I"m not what I"m being painted as here, and God damn it, I"ll prove it.
Dude, what"s wrong with you? Why do keep putting yourself into positions where you have something to prove? You"re manic, you have to be. And I don"t mean that to be insulting, I"m being serious. You just need to NOT make yourself look like [all the things we"ve called you] by creating threads like this and then parading your life, and everyone else"s involved, in front of FOH.

Aychamo BanBan

Oh my god I can"t believe what I"m witnessing

001001102 said:
Bro.. Rather than focusing on what everyone else has and what you don"t, why don"t you step away from the computer for a while and focus your energy on finding some way to do better for yourself and yours? We know you have problems. We all have problems in some fashion (most of us vent those problems to people who care about us in person, but it"s understandable if you don"t have that kind of support). What you need to be worried about most for the rest of your life is making sure that your kids aren"t anywhere near as fucked up as you. Provide them with a much better quality of life than you had. You"re a parent. Start acting like one.
GV, this is probably the best advice you"re going to get here, at least until Rav comes in and writes out some nut-busting shit.

GaliemVaelant said:
See, here"s what you fucking snobs don"t get. I DID fucking work for what I have. I AM COLLECTING MY FUCKING MONEY. I have been on my own since AGE FUCKING FIFTEEN.

You know who decided I"m disabled. A fucking PANEL of psychiatrists.

You think you"re motherfucking perfect, but let me tell you something. You"re fucking shallow and empty. Shelly is ugly, so in your world she shouldn"t be allowed children and shouldn"t date? YOU DUMB FUCKS she is disabled because her motherfucking fingers DO NOT UNBEND and her fucking SPINE will collapse under 50 pounds of weight, not to mention that her fucking ankles and knees can"t handle more than 30 minutes of activity without fucking breaking. Oh, but you wouldn"t know that. NO, you see ugly and disabled and assume it means unfit for life.

She need counseling, but she"s a human god damned being you sick fucks. Yes, I turned to this place for support, but also because I figured she could vent here rather than every fucking place on the Internet.

You ALSO don"t know about the fucking YEAR I spent applying at every god damned business in Shreveport-Bossier being turned down so Cousin motherfucking Bobby at place after place could be hired. Or how I got beat out by a Ph-motherfucking-D for a job that required a fucking ASSOCIATES because the job market is that bad.

You don"t know about the nights spent nearly doing as you suggest and ending my life or the fucking year and a half in therapy working toward normaly. No, you see "disabled" and automatically "OMG THE BUM" like a bunch of retarded fucking redneck ass republican rich spoiled brat children. FUCK YOU.

Until the day I see certain of you fucking air YOUR dirty laundry, to me you"re a bunch of judgemental PRICKS and motherfucking COWARDS because you pretend to be perfect while you pick apart everyone else. You are the WORST kind of war-starting, hate-mongering people there are. EVERY problem in the world goes back to people like YOU.


Ban this fucking account already, you worthless sacks of shit and then die off and burn in hell, you inhuman, self-fucking-worshiping assinine sons of bitches.
Sounds like Shelly"s bent fingers would be great for giving handjobs.