Long full disclosure


So you were able to get over her looks because you thought she seemed like such a nice person? I think your mentally disabled status is unquestionable.


Well I guess its good to see you dont wanna live off the Government for the rest of youre life. But goddamn son watch where you stick that thing next time.


She sounds like just the sort of woman that will keep you in line. You should marry her and as soon as that other guy"s kid is out of the way, push as many babies into her small twisted womb as you possibly can.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
I was looking to leave a woman who at her core is far better than she allows herself to be, and I was looking at turning her loose to a world that would likely never cough up a better partner for her than those who came before me. After she was pregnant, it was a struggle between turning my back on a pregnant woman and not allowing a child to be born into such a fucked up home.


Oh and can someone link the naked pictures the goblin took of herself? I would like to post this thread all around the internet and simply must have those pictures to set the hook. If there is some sort of legal issue going on, please PM the link to me.
I need to read this thread when I have more time.. but after reading bits of OP (and of course the old thread) it is save to say:

A) I am so happy that I am not you...

B) ...and why the fuck do you go for ugly retarded psycho girls. If I would see her walking down the street I"d try to NOT EVEN LOOK AT HER because the feeling of disgust would make me scratch my eyes out. She is prolly one of the most ugly ducklings on this planet. And on top of that she is retarded AND psycho. Good job, man.
I just got this voicemail.

Shelly said:
Well, since you want to be unfit and try to kill my baby ummm and stress me out by slandering my umm name on the internet umm some more, don"t bother calling me don"t bother texting me don"t bother coming to the hospital either ummm since you don"t care about me or the baby don"t bother showing up. Fuck it I will be here by myself I will take care of the baby by myself and I will live my life by myself. Since you want to slander my name all over the internet, I have the right to do the same or I will press charges. So you can not tell me that I can not slander your name if you are not slanding my name right now with me stressed out in the ICU so...

And I obviously have "talked shit" so much. I will be hearing from her again, and she"ll be spreading filth about me and stalking me all over the internet (sigh) again. I"m getting close to getting a restraining order. Good news: She plans on coming here tomorrow, as soon as the docs give back her cell! Poor spelling in the quote is meant to reflect her pronunciation.


Tarrant220 said:
Galiem, while you"re no super model...you can do a fuck ton better then your past would lead everyone to believe.
Yeah Galiem. You are in decent shape and seem like a fairly average looking dude. That girl is 21 (if she isn"t lying about it) but looks near 40. If she was the nicest person ever you could *maybe* justify it, but she sounds completely psychotic.

Out of interest, what type of diet do you two have? Every single mentally unstable person and/family I"ve known had diets of mostly carbs, sugar, and especially caffeine. Do you drink or smoke in excess? Too much caffeine, nicotine, or alcohol will amplify every disorder you have.

It"s like the experiment in 4th grade class where you feed one Rat A a normal diet and Rat B sugar water, and Rat B turns to out to be all mangy and shriveled compared to the other one ...
Moontayle said:
Awesome! She gave you an out! Now do it! Get the fuck out! NOW BITCH!
It won"t last. She"ll be here tomorrow, will follow me around the internet, and I"ll be hearing from her otherwise, guaranteed.

Froofy-D: I drink coffee only when there"s lots to do. I try to eat a balanced diet. She eats almost nothing but meat.


Zhaun"s_Shade said:
Why no abortion again?
I am curious as well. Abortion seems to be by far the best option here, especially if the goblin has a 50% chance of passing the gobliness on. This is what abortion was fucking invented for.

GaliemVaelant said:
I just got this voicemail....

And I obviously have "talked shit" so much. I will be hearing from her again, and she"ll be spreading filth about me and stalking me all over the internet (sigh) again. I"m getting close to getting a restraining order. Good news: She plans on coming here tomorrow, as soon as the docs give back her cell!
I am stuck somewhere between utter disgust and humorous contempt. This is your doing. Did you really think you would have a normal relationship with such a creature? Honestly? I usually blame situations like this on someone thinking with their dick, but that certainly isn"t applicable here.



(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
Put your essential stuff in a backpack and walk/jog your way to Mexico. Now. Don"t learn the language once you"re there: that way your crazy won"t kick in since you won"t be able to understand them make poor judgments or whatever that sets you off. Get a job, have a normal life. By doing a honest living your self esteem will increase. That"s when you get a wife that does"t look like a mutant half-orc and have a happy life.

Walk/jog, now. Go.


It is times like this that I have to ask myself and my fellow "FoH brethren" - are we the victim of a truly epic troll?

I mean.... honestly? It wouldn"t be the first time.

If not... holy living fuck man. Somehow I don"t see this working out well.


Fediel said:
It is times like this that I have to ask myself and my fellow "FoH brethren" - are we the victim of a truly epic troll?
Now where have I heard that before.

Seriously after reading more of this I would just get the hell away from the crazies. Be good to the kids but kick her ass away.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
GaliemVaelant said:
I just got this voicemail.


And I obviously have "talked shit" so much. I will be hearing from her again, and she"ll be spreading filth about me and stalking me all over the internet (sigh) again. I"m getting close to getting a restraining order. Good news: She plans on coming here tomorrow, as soon as the docs give back her cell! Poor spelling in the quote is meant to reflect her pronunciation.
So you fully comprehend her mental state, understand that she is a bipolar midget with down syndrome yet you still willing put up with her? Do you have downs too?