Long full disclosure


For those suffering after clicking, this picture helped me recover:



Grooverider said:
Wait, I missed all of this.. who is this hideous chick and what is her relationship to Galiem?

Also who is that heffer in the cowboy hat?
I"ll link you the thread but when you come out looking like this just know its not my fault.


Just remember




Jeremy Phillip Harford has Bipolar Disorder, Asperger"s, and Schizoid disorder. He thinks he is an energy Vampire. He has been married 3 times and still married. He just knocks up 3 women so far, abusive, cheats, lies, then has nothing to do with them or the kids, which on Sept. 6, 2010, he kicked me out of our trailer with both our names on the title while I was going through a high-risk pregnancy with our son. I paid $500 for the trailer and he never paid me back. So, I am still co-owner of the trailer. He claims two out of four of his children, which he only pays for child support for one of his sons with his mental disability check. He has nothing to do with any of his four children (3 sons and a daughter). He knew I could have kids and wanted to have kids with me.

However, he don"t have time to call me nor text me to check up on how our son is going or spend any time with me or even see our son and spend time with him whom he disowns. I have only one son by him. His 2nd ex-wife (Mary) has 2 sons (ages 7 and 9) by him and his ex-girlfriend/girlfriend (Ashley Wood) now has a 3 yr. old daughter by him but she isn"t a good parent so her parents took her daughter. He has only seen his daughter once and his 2 sons from his ex-wife 3 times in the past 3 years that he hasn"t seen them for about 2 years now. He denies our son and never has came over to see him nor never has gotten anything for him. He pays child support for only one child from his ex-wife. Exactly, he don"t willingly pay child support. The state just takes it out of his mental check. I haven"t filed for child support yet. When I do file, they will go after Jeremy. However, a DNA test will not change the birth certificate. It will not be changed unless I have my husband sign over his rights as my husband.

I gave birth alone at the hospital. The hospital did tell me, that since I am still married and he is still married, I had to put my husband down. My husband was never at the hospital after nor during my son"s birth.

In January of 2011, we tried to work things out for the last time and the last we did anything was on November 20 actually 10 days before I gave birth to our son. However, after he was done playing his games, he told me he is still in love with his ex-fuck buddy (Jessica). Then, he gets when is ex-girlfriend (Ashley) a week later because his ex fuck buddy don"t want him. She is only 19 yrs old and he is 30.

Recently, when he was in the hospital that his girlfriend put him in on Feb. 14th, he admitted he is my son"s father and said he misses me. His girlfriend was talking me and her friends that she is just using him for the trailer. Jeremy told to me that she is a gold digger. Also, his actual words was, "I wanted her out of our home". However when he got back with Ashley, he started denying he is the father. He tried to call me twice on 24th, but I refuse to talk to him. He is right when he says he isn"t a father because he is just a sperm donor. Fathers are actually around for their kids and don"t deny him. Here is a recent picture of Jeremy cracked out.


Riddle me this...
Jesus fucking Christ get the fuck over it. Are you seriously so fucking pathetic that you have to keep posting this dribble in hopes maybe someone will take pity on you and be your white knight? If you were to be run hit by a car right the fuck now peoples concern wouldn"t be to see if you were ok it would be to make sure you didn"t do something inconsiderate and crack the windshield when you rolled over the hood.
Go somewhere and die, your kid has no hope of ever being useful to society because of you. More than likely it will be another one of those fucking cracked out fuckers that shoots up a school because of some shit being fucked in his head.
You want people to think your smart? Posting this crybaby shit just makes look sad,lonely and pathetic.
tl;dr Die you worthless crazy fucked in the head troll.

Aychamo BanBan

Grooverider said:
Wait, I missed all of this.. who is this hideous chick and what is her relationship to Galiem?

Also who is that heffer in the cowboy hat?
Honestly, it"s the most difficult thing to understand. I still think I"m being "punked."

Apparently Galiem used to fuck the very ugly, fat girl in the cowboy hat. Yes, he would sit there and lick that gross pussy until she was cumming in his mouth. Following that, he started fucking Shelly. Shelly is the retarded little midget that posts long stories about Galiem having mental disorders. Shelly is even uglier than the fat cowgirl. In fact she may be the ugliest girl that ever existed.

Shelly - you keep posting about having kids, etc. How do you think your little baby retards will feel when one day they see that their mom posted nude pictures of herself on the internet? Honestly do the kids have any hope at all?

Oh my god, the situation is just so horrible. It"s just unfathomable that someone could be as ugly and worthless as you.

Aychamo BanBan

Jx3 said:
Jesus fucking Christ get the fuck over it. Are you seriously so fucking pathetic that you have to keep posting this dribble in hopes maybe someone will take pity on you and be your white knight? If you were to be run hit by a car right the fuck now peoples concern wouldn"t be to see if you were ok it would be to make sure you didn"t do something inconsiderate and crack the windshield when you rolled over the hood.
Go somewhere and die, your kid has no hope of ever being useful to society because of you. More than likely it will be another one of those fucking cracked out fuckers that shoots up a school because of some shit being fucked in his head.
You want people to think your smart? Posting this crybaby shit just makes look sad,lonely and pathetic.
tl;dr Die you worthless crazy fucked in the head troll.
Actually if she got hit by a car, my first concern would be getting some photos so we could all laugh about it on FOH!

Aychamo BanBan

Hahahahah! You gotta love that smug little look in her face. She"s looking at the camera, trying to tease it. In the moment that GV took that picture, Shelly really believed that she was a super model with a gift for numbers. She thinks she"s Angelina Jolie, and that this one nude is just the first step on her pathway to Hollywood.

(You gotta love that she"s such a midget, that she"s sitting on a couch and the couch"s back is still way above her head. That must make her 3" tall?)


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
There needs to be a spoiler rule on the goddamn pictures.


aychamo_aycono said:
Hahahahah! You gotta love that smug little look in her face. She"s looking at the camera, trying to tease it. In the moment that GV took that picture, Shelly really believed that she was a super model with a gift for numbers. She thinks she"s Angelina Jolie, and that this one nude is just the first step on her pathway to Hollywood.

(You gotta love that she"s such a midget, that she"s sitting on a couch and the couch"s back is still way above her head. That must make her 3" tall?)
Actually, I am taller than 3" and that isn"t a couch. Jeremy took all these pictures of me before we fucked and wanted to watch me fuck with guys but I wouldn"t.