Lord of the Rings Online


Gunnar Durden
That’s odd. I play this every 6 months or so. Performance like that is never an issue. It’s just that the game client can’t present a good looking visual on modern monitors.

it’s like SWTOR - single player MmO and if you play it that way it’s amazing. they nail the looks and nothing is more fun that tracking a quest in the Trollshaws and randomly happening upon the stone Trolls that captured the dwarfs and Bilbo in the hobbit.


Watcher of Overs
I opened all the crap I get on every character. I have almost no space left :emoji_laughing:


oh god it's worse, some of those are boxes containing armor sets
  • 1Worf
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Watcher of Overs
This pig mount is cute but if you use it you get stuck in this repeating dismount animation


Trakanon Raider
I tried to play this again about 6 months ago and had the worst performance for some reason. I played this back in era and did not really have any performance issues, but there was some sort of hitching or lag that I could not get away from.

I'd pull a few mobs, and then the screen would literally freeze for 2secs or so, nothing whatsoever moving, but when it would stop lagging, it would fire off all of my abilities. This would happen about every 2 to 3 mobs....so I just deleted the game.

Think I played this back when a 480 was a top of the line card, and now have a 4090 and suffered more performance issues that I did with a super old card back in the day.
I believe that is the server lag. They've been working on it for a while now. The 64 bit servers are supposed to help, but we will see.


Trakanon Raider
I got my hunter to level 9 on the new Angmar server yesterday. I'm mainly playing him to get up to max level (50 right now on that server) in order to take part in the Veil of the Nine events that will be happening there. So, I'm not taking the time to re-read the story or anything which honestly is 90% of the fun in the game. Therefore, it was kinda boring. Lotro has never been about the "grab a quest, do the quest, rinse and repeat". It's more about the stories the quests relate to that makes it special.

I just keep telling myself, this character is JUST for level 50 world events lol. I much prefer to play my main (109 Champion) on the Gladden server where I take the time to read every quest dialogue.
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SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I was impressed with how smooth the new server was. I hopped onto Angmar at 9ish and played for a couple hours with zero lag spikes, even with tons of people around. That's a huge improvement over the regular servers where I get several spikes per play session.

The wraiths mechanic seems fun. I was killing boars and a nameless wraith (Cargul?) spawned nearby 5 levels higher than the other mobs and tore through a few people. I ran away to preserve that sweet sweet no defeat title.


Watcher of Overs
I got my hunter to level 9 on the new Angmar server yesterday. I'm mainly playing him to get up to max level (50 right now on that server) in order to take part in the Veil of the Nine events that will be happening there. So, I'm not taking the time to re-read the story or anything which honestly is 90% of the fun in the game. Therefore, it was kinda boring. Lotro has never been about the "grab a quest, do the quest, rinse and repeat". It's more about the stories the quests relate to that makes it special.

I just keep telling myself, this character is JUST for level 50 world events lol. I much prefer to play my main (109 Champion) on the Gladden server where I take the time to read every quest dialogue.
I'm in the swanfleet area and it is all new to me so I'm reading everything and really enjoying it.

I got a bit overwhelmed by popups and tips and inventory madness at first but once I got over that I started havin fun.

One nice thing I noticed is that the expanded vault stuff you spend points on seems accountwide. I haven't had to increase anything.
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Watcher of Overs
One just jumped me. I completely panic'd

That man saved me. I was instinct-hitting all my usual mmo hotkeys but I didn't have anything mapped. No potions etc haha. I'm fixing that now, scary!
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Trakanon Raider
I'm in the swanfleet area and it is all new to me so I'm reading everything and really enjoying it.

I got a bit overwhelmed by popups and tips and inventory madness at first but once I got over that I started havin fun.

One nice thing I noticed is that the expanded vault stuff you spend points on seems accountwide. I haven't had to increase anything.
Yeah the whole Before the Shadow content will take you to level 20+, and the story is awesome. I'm not going to spoil anything for you, but yeah the Maneldir story is so good. The side stories in that whole area are just top notch. I've read through it on multiple characters now because I love it.
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Trakanon Raider
One just jumped me. I completely panic'd
View attachment 539420

That man saved me. I was instinct-hitting all my usual mmo hotkeys but I didn't have anything mapped. No potions etc haha. I'm fixing that now, scary!
A bunch of us got jumped by one of these shadow wraiths as well in the wolf/worg den there by Mossward. At first I was like, "I don't recall that being in here", and then it hit me... holy shit this is one of the wraiths! lol.

There was like 5 of us chasing him out of the worg den. Got 2 shadow tokens (or what ever they are called) for participating in his death.

You know, the more I think of it, the more I am thinking I just don't want to play the hunter. I might swap to either champion (my favorite class) or guardian. Eitehr way, I have to get my crafting going. Crit craft gear makes a HUGE difference.


Watcher of Overs
Ok the wraith thing was cool the first time, but it started to get really tiresome.

The best fun I had with it was this creepy spider area, and 1 jumped me in there and a couple other people helped beat it. I had to keep going back and each time there'd be a spooky fun encounter in there.

But after that it was kind of all downhill. An annoying bird attacks me in town and I swat it and one spawns haha. Then I'm doing a story instance fighting a couple regulars and 2 signatures and one spawns in there. I survived that one with 10hp.

Then it just got ridiculous. Like every 4 or 5 kills one would pop up. I got really good at killing them, but then I had one spawn in heavy rain. They kind of fade in, and the rain completely hid them. I was in the middle of taking a drink from a very full cup of tea when I realized I was being hit. I got off the right keys and hit x instead of C. X is godawful and everyone should unbind it. Some kind of consoley snap camera thing. I lost that fight.

Then I went to do my loremaster level 15 quest and one spawned in there, and apparently it is just in there forever + 2 goblins.

I think I'll wait a few days and see if they tone it down a bit and maybe not spawn them in solo story instances.
  • 1Worf
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SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Yeah I got got by a wraith in the middle of a bandit camp. RIP undying title.
  • 1Worf
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Trakanon Raider
The wraiths annoyed me bad. Especially when it spawned in a solo instance I was in for the epic story. That sucked lol.

I went back to the Gladden server.
  • 1Worf
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SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
They definitely need to get rid of spawning in solo instances. I like them other than that.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Update on my new playthrough after having been away from the game for over 15 years. My Hunter is now lvl 51 and is roughly halfway through Moria. He does have his legendary bow and sword but that part wasn't exactly the most intuitive thing to figure out at first. I do like the Legendary track concept though, similar to season passes that other games utilize. A new one just around the corner too.

Things that have impressed me so far. For a game this old, the graphics are actually pretty damn impressive (the exception being your toons at the character login screen as those look pretty bad). Secondly is the story telling. Was pretty cool how they wove the Watcher into the game when you first reach Moria. And with so much content to pull from with the books and the movies, I know there's still a ton to look forward to.

Having said that, I also do have a few complaints too. I get that quest "hubbing" was sorta the model to follow back in that era of MMO design but it does get a little tiresome when that's all there is, especially when there's little to no challenge in the majority of them. The mid 40s in Angmar at least had a healthy mix of fellowship/challenging quests whereas Moria so far has been all solo to this point (I'm up to Twelve Halls). And it's not like I'm over-leveled for the area either as most mobs are orange or red to me at 51. In fact, many kills are one-shots.

A second concern I have is with Crafting. I originally chose Woodworking so I could always be sure to have a solid bow for myself. And I kept it maxxed out for this reason. But now with the Legendary Bow in place, what's the point of Woodworking now?

Last concern is cost. I'm VIP'd now and I realize that gets me up to a certain point in the game. In terms of later expansions, is it like EQ where if you buy the latest one, you get all of the previous ones too? Or do I have to buy each one after a certain point separately?
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Trakanon Raider
A second concern I have is with Crafting. I originally chose Woodworking so I could always be sure to have a solid bow for myself. And I kept it maxxed out for this reason. But now with the Legendary Bow in place, what's the point of Woodworking now?
Honestly, I would probably drop it and take something else. You can have up to 3 crafting professions and a 4th if you choose to pay the 995LP to purchase the slot for your character.

That all being said, I'm still kind of not real sure how beneficial crafting is for the game at this point. I do it, but I could literally play through the whole soloable parts of the game with out ever doing any crafting.

Scholar is a good one to take because you can make potions, and if I remember correctly, there are potions that benefit the hunter directly ... as well as the health/mana potions.

If I was doing just 3 crafting professions and only playing a single character, I would choose scholar, farmer, and cook. That way, you can make potions, food, and coffee (gives you up to 10% run speed).

Last concern is cost. I'm VIP'd now and I realize that gets me up to a certain point in the game. In terms of later expansions, is it like EQ where if you buy the latest one, you get all of the previous ones too? Or do I have to buy each one after a certain point separately?
It's not like EQ. You have to buy them individually, but.... and this is a big but... Many of the expansions are free at this point. Basically everything up to level 95 is free, so buying expansions for those level ranges really doesn't benefit you other than to get the extra stuff that come with it.

Basically, play the game up to level 95, and then buy the expansions you need as you get to them is my suggestion.

Also, they do major sales on expansions once at different times of the year. Christmas and Anniversary time I think are their bigger sales on that kind of stuff. Just keep an eye out for it.

Speaking of sales, watch for when they put certain things on sale because it can save you a LOT of money. In particular, look for sales on Shared Storage Slots, Recall Points (forget the name), the fastest mount speed (also forget the name... its a buy once and it goes for all your characters), and recall reuse timers (there's like 2 of them and I don't recall the names, but it basically gets it down to like 5 reuse on your recall (port) abilities). These are the things that I buy on every character that I enjoy playing and want to play up to max level because they are super helpful. They change up the sales like every month, so just watch for em.
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SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
It's been a while since I've leveled and I've done the original zones/stories to death, so I'm focusing on using as many of the new leveling zones as possible: Swanfleet, Cardolan, Yondershire, Angle of Mitheithel, Wildwood.

They all look way better, have more interesting quests, and reward better loot than the usual leveling path if you follow the base epic quest. Highly recommend for anyone coming back and starting a new character. Since the main quest doesn't go through them, you have to go out of your way to hit them though.
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Watcher of Overs
I've enjoyed that new bit in Cardolan. Ages ago I played middle earth play-by-mail and Cardolan was my country. They've done a decent job with it but I haven't seen the ruins of Minhiriath (I think) that was the old capital.

The big ass bushes in the new areas are rough for a little hobbit though, hard to see over!

I might have missed a few quests though. I'm over by Sarn Ford and the quests were very orangy and reddish (but still easy).

Did they make the game super easy when the introduced those "difficulty levels"? I wonder what the old difficulty level in the original game would be. I'm blasting everything straight to hell with the dpsish "red" loremaster.


Trakanon Raider
I've enjoyed that new bit in Cardolan. Ages ago I played middle earth play-by-mail and Cardolan was my country. They've done a decent job with it but I haven't seen the ruins of Minhiriath (I think) that was the old capital.

The big ass bushes in the new areas are rough for a little hobbit though, hard to see over!

I might have missed a few quests though. I'm over by Sarn Ford and the quests were very orangy and reddish (but still easy).

Did they make the game super easy when the introduced those "difficulty levels"? I wonder what the old difficulty level in the original game would be. I'm blasting everything straight to hell with the dpsish "red" loremaster.
The game apparently got super easy in overland content a long time ago. They added the overland difficulty system last year I think. It's a way to add some difficulty back to what they took away long ago apparently.

I typically run all my new characters with land difficulty 3.
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