A second concern I have is with Crafting. I originally chose Woodworking so I could always be sure to have a solid bow for myself. And I kept it maxxed out for this reason. But now with the Legendary Bow in place, what's the point of Woodworking now?
Honestly, I would probably drop it and take something else. You can have up to 3 crafting professions and a 4th if you choose to pay the 995LP to purchase the slot for your character.
That all being said, I'm still kind of not real sure how beneficial crafting is for the game at this point. I do it, but I could literally play through the whole soloable parts of the game with out ever doing any crafting.
Scholar is a good one to take because you can make potions, and if I remember correctly, there are potions that benefit the hunter directly ... as well as the health/mana potions.
If I was doing just 3 crafting professions and only playing a single character, I would choose scholar, farmer, and cook. That way, you can make potions, food, and coffee (gives you up to 10% run speed).
Last concern is cost. I'm VIP'd now and I realize that gets me up to a certain point in the game. In terms of later expansions, is it like EQ where if you buy the latest one, you get all of the previous ones too? Or do I have to buy each one after a certain point separately?
It's not like EQ. You have to buy them individually, but.... and this is a big but... Many of the expansions are free at this point. Basically everything up to level 95 is free, so buying expansions for those level ranges really doesn't benefit you other than to get the extra stuff that come with it.
Basically, play the game up to level 95, and then buy the expansions you need as you get to them is my suggestion.
Also, they do major sales on expansions once at different times of the year. Christmas and Anniversary time I think are their bigger sales on that kind of stuff. Just keep an eye out for it.
Speaking of sales, watch for when they put certain things on sale because it can save you a LOT of money. In particular, look for sales on Shared Storage Slots, Recall Points (forget the name), the fastest mount speed (also forget the name... its a buy once and it goes for all your characters), and recall reuse timers (there's like 2 of them and I don't recall the names, but it basically gets it down to like 5 reuse on your recall (port) abilities). These are the things that I buy on every character that I enjoy playing and want to play up to max level because they are super helpful. They change up the sales like every month, so just watch for em.