Lord of the Rings Online


Trakanon Raider
You're right. It is just content for max level characters. There's really nothing in this expansion for anybody that isn't max level. The only upside would be getting a valar boost to level 150 for one of your characters, but then you miss a ton of great content jumping to level 150.
Like I've told my kinship earlier today, I honestly would recommend the last expansion (Corsairs of Umbar) over this expansion. You get a whole new playable class (the mariner), a valar level boost to 140 (so you can enjoy the content from 140-150 in the expansion), and some really nice cosmetics as well as cool looking mounts. The Corsairs of Umbar expansion is a hands down better bang for you buck than Legacy of Morgath.

I would hold off on buying Legacy of Morgath until you get a character level 150 to play through it, and by then, it will probably be on sale.
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