Lord of the Rings Online


A nice asshole.
The new NA server is Angmar. I am on there as well on a 48 Red Lore Master.

The server has a huge population, so you shouldn't have trouble finding people there.

Note that the two new servers have the brand new event called Veil of the Nine running on them.

Basically, it means that when you kill any monster, there is a chance a wraith will spawn on you and attack. This starts happening at level 20.

The wraiths that spawn can be any of 3 ranks with the lowest being the easiest and highest being a real challenge. The key is to remove the wraith's corruption buff as quickly as possible in order to have a fighting chance against it. This is why it was changed to level 20 and above because all classes have a corruption removing ability by level 20.

At the high end (45+), there are rare GM events where a Nazgul will spawn somewhere in the world. They are like a public raid basically.
Downloading now, been a minute.


Lord Nagafen Raider
My main since coming back is Hunter. Currently lvl 99 and in Gondor and enjoying it.

Of my 4 other toons, one is a LM that is lvl 43 and in Angmar. Playing her as red and while she's pretty squishy, she typically blasts shit dead in 2-3 shots on a 3 difficulty. Usually dead before they reach her and also has some nice AOE firepower too. Quite fun to play.

Also occasionally playing a Champion. Level 29 atm, also on 3 difficulty, and playing yellow for true AOE wreckage. Fun to play as well but I can also see him potentially having survivability issues later on down the road.