Trakanon Raider
- 1,259
- 1,127
This is spot on.Here's my experience since I decided to try it again this weekend.
It's very friendly in some senses and unfriendly in others. The default world difficulty is faceroll. It's an experience meant to showcase the story and the world, but you can up the difficulty if you want. The world feels a bit sandboxy just because there's so much content, it's huge. The community is overly friendly. So from the perspective of a seasoned gamer, it's very friendly to have whatever experience you want. The world I'm on is busy enough to see people everywhere. It feels busier than a wow server aside from Tuesdays. Your character partakes in heroism but isn't the main character.
On the neutral side is the age and style of game. There's a ton of text and it often matters. It's old and the map is pretty bad so you have to actually search for things. The UI is clean and functional but dated. It's F2P so realistically some spending is required to not waste your time. There's so many expansions and new systems that it's very complex if you try to understand everything before just jumping in. Some of these may be good or bad depending on your taste.
Then there's the unfriendly things. You have to work around scaling issues on 1440p/4k monitors to read anything. Some of the classes and stats are fairly opaque, and the community while friendly doesn't produce the sheer volume of tutorial/guide content that exists for other games. There's a lot of retracing your steps. The normal servers still on 32bit servers lag periodically. The combat is thoroughly mid. You will get frustrated if you want modern guided tour experience and no longer have the patience for a true game.
Overall I think it's in a better spot than years passed when I tried it (literally since launch, every 3-5 years...). You do have to be prepared to be transported not just to Middle Earth, but also into the sometimes plodding tediousness of Tolkien which expresses itself often. The best thing about this game though is how traditional it all feels, both in how the world exists as itself outside of existing just for the player's convenience and how little modern woke trash has infected it so far. Tolkien is also relatively low fantasy, which I appreciate. It's a great chill game, especially with a group, IF you are into the lore.
My brother absolutely hates the game and will not play it with me. He prefers EQ, and what it boils down to is the reading. He's a very bad reader, and since the majority of what makes Lotro special is the stories in the game, that ruins it for him. He prefers to EQ because he just gets in a group, goes to a camp, and sits there mindlessly killing mobs for hours on end while watching TV.
I've said many times on the Lotro forums that they could expand their playerbase by a TON if they added a text-to-voice option to all quest dialogue windows at minimum. It falls on deaf ears. And, obviously, adding actual voice over work for all the dialogue in the game would cost millions with all the content they have, so that's never going to happen.
If a non-reader can get past the fact that they wont know what is going on 90% of the time when playing the game, they might like it, but as a non-story-based experience, it just feels like any other quest-hub chasing theme-park game with more dated graphics and servers that suffer from lag issues. In other words, the WoW games of the world beat out Lotro if you don't read the stories in Lotro.