Dude. I hit 50. I am somehow able to do the Chaos Dungeons and the Guardian Raids. So, I did both of those two times. I know
(you able to answer some dumb questions discord man?) said to get the weekly in, in guildchat, but HTF you do that?
Is there a guide to all the little ancillary shit? Like what engravings are best for what class etc.
Someone explain my damn manor! Is it a must to do? Or a time filler?
There's a bunch of guides / youtubes that will do this better than I but there is a metric fuckton of things to do, depending on what you're looking to do and what pace you're looking to progress at. There is no one size fits all, but some general stuff:
1- Complete Vern until your MSQ is sending you to Shushire and you've unlocked 2x passes to create alts. You should be creating these alts and completing your daily loop with them if you enjoy it / want to speed up progress some.
2- Your daily loop is effectively: Complete 3x Una's tasks which provide Leapstones. Clear Guardians of the ilvl you're on 2x, clear chaos dungeons for gear / mats. The rule of thumbs for gear is to equip the better quality and the accessories is to focus on what stats your class wants. The accessories will get extra complicated once engravings also factor in but by then you should have a decent grasp of things.
3- Your weekly loop is your weekly Una's (you can do most of them in a day since reset is tomorrow. Note: completing for alts will also award completion points for your account, so effectively this is how I maxxed mine out) as well as the Abyss Dungeon (once unlocked). Added note: please for the love of God look up the Abyss Dungeon boss mechanics. Lots of people just hit 50 so you'll hate life pugging this (I've had to carry some terrible groups through this and even with my ilvl 500+, having 3x of the party dead in the first 2 minutes while I solo a 10 health bar boss that targets me for all abilities is not fun).
Aside from the daily / weekly shit, you should then focus on what you enjoy the most. PVP? Queue that. Want to increase your ilvl incredibly fast? Complete the island catch up mechanics. Are you a masochist who enjoys the story? Continue on to Shushire. Looking for something PVE challenging? Unlock and work on the Tower.
While you're doing all of this, you should also be upgrading your gear at the pace you want. Guardians reward a first time completion bonus, so once you unlock new ones you should start doing them. As Pyros noted above though, not all Guardians are created equal and some are frustrating with PUGs. The one he's frustrated with is still incredibly easy and there's no group wipe one shot mechanic yet (those are approaching!), so it just gets more challenging at that point. If you don't like the challenge? Just keep killing Ul'Bro.
In short, you need to tell me what you're looking to do / how you enjoy MMOing. You have literal years worth of content to do and a lot of it is
exceptional. Example: Are you a fairy fucker who hates stupid fucking quests? Go try to solve the quests on Lullaby island (make sure you have sound on!). Are you just looking to increase your ilvl? Look up what islands offer catch up mechanics. Do you enjoy Monster Hunter boss challenges? Raise your ilvl a bit and focus on the Guardians. Prefer solo challenges? Tower. Just keep doing the loop outlined above (and donating silver to the guild, dammit!) while having fun.
Edit: Since someone asked what I meant apart from the above relating to things to do:
1- The AH
2- Your estate
3- Your ship
4- Song collection
5- 100% zones
6- focusing on other skill points.
7- Outfit collection
8- Card collection
9- Island collection
I could go on & on. Hitting 50 unlocks an actual MMO with things to do for just about anyone. If someone wants advice on what to focus on, go ahead and ask in Discord but also let me know what you're looking to accomplish.