Lost Ark Online


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
But if you make gold hard to get, then it gives gold sellers even more power, because now you're introducing an obstacle that people are more willing to pay money to bypass.

I recall people who played pre-western release that in the KR/RU versions, gold was hard to get and you had to run alts to get gold and your ability to earn it was really capped. It sounded fucking horrible, especially since the game ties so much to gold (honing, making HP potions, etc) in addition to all the other shit you have to farm

Or you just don't have it at the start of the fucking game where you can remake hundreds of accounts and get free gold.. jesus fucking christ you are one dumb mother fucker.
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Vyemm Raider
But if you make gold hard to get, then it gives gold sellers even more power, because now you're introducing an obstacle that people are more willing to pay money to bypass.

I recall people who played pre-western release that in the KR/RU versions, gold was hard to get and you had to run alts to get gold and your ability to earn it was really capped. It sounded fucking horrible, especially since the game ties so much to gold (honing, making HP potions, etc) in addition to all the other shit you have to farm

Lol? Did you miss the part where the vast majority of the profit from this game comes from selling gold to players? If gold is easy to get in game it negates the base game design. The only reason it's "easy" to get right now is from the RMT bots flooding the servers and inflating the prices far beyond what they should be this early. And the only reason they are able to do that is because AGS and Smilegate were retarded enough to leave that tutorial gold in the game. Those tutorials were put in the game when Season 2 launched and were designed for a game with a mature economy/playerbase where 1k gold is pocket change, and for Korea, where you need a SSN to make an account.

Why do you think you're limited to 6 raids a week? That's a recent change because people were able to make too much gold too easily running their alts through raids.

Yeah, earning gold is supposed to be capped and the lack of it is supposed to feel horrible, so people will swipe. This is so fucking obvious I'm astounded I even have to type it.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Yeah, earning gold is supposed to be capped and the lack of it is supposed to feel horrible, so people will swipe. This is so fucking obvious I'm astounded I even have to type it.

Right. And this was changed. Why? Because they know the west as a general rule hates p2w bullshit in MMOs, so they're trying really hard to entice players to stay and hopefully swipe (if not for gold, then other shit). Check out the forums. People are already getting sick of honing RNG bullshit, which is a hallmark of every Korean MMO it feels like. The only thing different between this and BDO or Archeage is your item doesnt explode if you fail. They all have the charms to reduce chance of failure, which the cash shop "helpfully" sells if you run out of the ones you can get in game.

I do agree front loading too much shit makes it very easy for gold sellers (New World had a similar problem with the noob quests, so they pushed the rewards to some higher level parts to avoid the mass level 3 bots raking in gold). But it could be gold at level 5 or level 50, you're still going to get lots of bots in a game with no box price unless you can implement effective means of stopping bots (which they can't or are unwilling to invest in)


Vyemm Raider
Right. And this was changed. Why? Because they know the west as a general rule hates p2w bullshit in MMOs, so they're trying really hard to entice players to stay and hopefully swipe (if not for gold, then other shit). Check out the forums. People are already getting sick of honing RNG bullshit, which is a hallmark of every Korean MMO it feels like. The only thing different between this and BDO or Archeage is your item doesnt explode if you fail. They all have the charms to reduce chance of failure, which the cash shop "helpfully" sells if you run out of the ones you can get in game.

I do agree front loading too much shit makes it very easy for gold sellers (New World had a similar problem with the noob quests, so they pushed the rewards to some higher level parts to avoid the mass level 3 bots raking in gold). But it could be gold at level 5 or level 50, you're still going to get lots of bots in a game with no box price unless you can implement effective means of stopping bots (which they can't or are unwilling to invest in)

Changed? Nothing was changed. Are you drunk? The only reason there is gold raining down from the sky is because of the bots exploiting the tutorial rewards to make 520g every 2 hours per bot. Those quests are part of the game. When they were added to RU when Season 2 launched they had the same fucking issue, and after about a week Smilegate gave them a patch that converted the gold reward to silver instead. For individual real players those rewards are just a drop in the bucket. People are getting their gold by selling shit on the massively inflated auction house, which is being bought by whales who are "selling" blue crystals for massively inflated prices, because of that botted gold.

Without those quests, sure there would be bots, just like in RU, but they would be limited to farming gathering mats (as they are also doing here) and the weekly Una bag, which would be a tiny amount, since they would get the base bag for like 500g a week. They would not be actually generating such massive amounts of gold and injecting it into the economy.

You seriously have no idea what you are talking about. You actually believe that AGS would choose to make gold easier to earn in a game that gets its profit by selling gold. Are you really that stupid?


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
You actually believe that AGS would choose to make gold easier to earn in a game that gets its profit by selling gold. Are you really that stupid?

You clearly haven't been paying attention to AGS and how they retreated on RMT on New World. It isn't out of the realm of possibility they wanted to soften or scale back a lot of the RMT/P2W shit in LA.

Every Korean MMO that goes hard on p2w always dies in the West once the the shininess wears off and people realize the game is purposely designed to milk them for every cent possible. They'll make more in the long run selling cosmetics than they will selling gold, because cosmetics for RMT are accepted in this market.
  • 1Moron
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Vyemm Raider
You clearly haven't been paying attention to AGS and how they retreated on RMT on New World. It isn't out of the realm of possibility they wanted to soften or scale back a lot of the RMT/P2W shit in LA.

Every Korean MMO that goes hard on p2w always dies in the West once the the shininess wears off and people realize the game is purposely designed to milk them for every cent possible. They'll make more in the long run selling cosmetics than they will selling gold, because cosmetics for RMT are accepted in this market.

You clearly are clueless. One time per account rewards for the tutorial quests and welcome challenge are NOTHING for a real player. Pocket change. Even if they would attempt to do something that fucking retarded, Smilegate wouldn't allow it. How many times do I have to tell you, the fucking core of the game is designed around needing gold to progress, and that the core business model is based on selling gold/mats to players? And cosmetics? The main reason they even have them are so whales can pay cash for them and sell them for gold.

It's like I said, people have zero concept of the scarcity of gold because of the currently broken economy. You prove my point. You also have no concept of what upgrading ends up costing you at high GS levels. Ask Voldeth Voldeth or anyone else who has actually played the game for years and has over 1400 or over 1500 GS in other regions.

AGS hasn't done a single thing to change the amount of gold you can earn weekly in game. All they've done is by their incompetence allowed the economy to be completely fubar'd a month into release. But, please, continue living in your head canon, and refusing to listen to what's actually going on.


<Silver Donator>
Yeah like yesterday I made 20k gold. I have 2 chars in T3 so you'd think that's normal. But really, I made like maybe 500g from ingame systems(ran some abyss), and everything else was from selling items to other people who spent way too much gold on shit. The system doesn't reward you much gold. Even T3 abyss is only like 400g per week or whatever(the current ones, and then you spend almost half of it buying the additional stuff for mats anyway). Legion raids and shit do start handing you thousands of gold per week, but that's not in the game. Currently you make very little amount of gold from the system. So you have to wonder how do people have 3-5k gold to spend on engravings(even though they need 20 of them). And the answer is pretty obvious, there's a lot more gold flooding the market from external sources than the ingame systems(bot farming), which then gets spread around. That's why I can sell a T3 purple ring for 2500-3000g even though that's like 2weeks worth of gold in current T3 for someone who's not 1370(who would most likely rather spend their hard earned money on legendary rings instead of purple ones).

That 1k gold while leveling shit doesn't benefit people. The longer it's there, the worse this 1k gold will feel for new players. Like yeah during headstart I got gold out of it and it was nice, I bought some blue crystals at 1:1 rate and shit and could do my gold research and stuff. What does 1k gold even buy you now? It buys blue crystals at less than 10:1.

Even if you wanted to keep the 1k gold reward, just put it further down the line. Put it at the end of Shushire at least. That's like ~8hours even with speedhacks versus 4 currently. Shit put it in Rohendel. That'd take so much more effort for bots. Granted that might also make the player experience worse(bots farming mats island quests to get the mats to get to Rohendel kind of shit). But that'd make them spend like 20hours to get the gold. At that point any banwave will severely impact their ability to generate their ressources if they have to remake bots constantly. And if you can ban them before they get there? Even better. But having bots able to make money by rushing to Luterra and deleting is just no good, it doesn't matter how good the new players feel. Plus they already helped in other ways that are fine, like how in our version you're getting showered with untradeable engravings in Luterra and later. They could just do that again but instead of rewarding gold or blue crystal, just reward stuff directly. Give people some mari's rewards like battle item pack, tradeskill packs and such. New players are happy cause they got free shit, bots have free shit they can't really use(I guess work energy pots they could use to farm iron or whatever, but honestly I'd much rather bots farm mats and sell them than farm gold directly, it's better for the economy).
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Vyemm Raider
Yeah like yesterday I made 20k gold. I have 2 chars in T3 so you'd think that's normal. But really, I made like maybe 500g from ingame systems(ran some abyss), and everything else was from selling items to other people who spent way too much gold on shit. The system doesn't reward you much gold. Even T3 abyss is only like 400g per week or whatever(the current ones, and then you spend almost half of it buying the additional stuff for mats anyway). Legion raids and shit do start handing you thousands of gold per week, but that's not in the game. Currently you make very little amount of gold from the system. So you have to wonder how do people have 3-5k gold to spend on engravings(even though they need 20 of them). And the answer is pretty obvious, there's a lot more gold flooding the market from external sources than the ingame systems(bot farming), which then gets spread around. That's why I can sell a T3 purple ring for 2500-3000g even though that's like 2weeks worth of gold in current T3 for someone who's not 1370(who would most likely rather spend their hard earned money on legendary rings instead of purple ones).

That 1k gold while leveling shit doesn't benefit people. The longer it's there, the worse this 1k gold will feel for new players. Like yeah during headstart I got gold out of it and it was nice, I bought some blue crystals at 1:1 rate and shit and could do my gold research and stuff. What does 1k gold even buy you now? It buys blue crystals at less than 10:1.

Even if you wanted to keep the 1k gold reward, just put it further down the line. Put it at the end of Shushire at least. That's like ~8hours even with speedhacks versus 4 currently. Shit put it in Rohendel. That'd take so much more effort for bots. Granted that might also make the player experience worse(bots farming mats island quests to get the mats to get to Rohendel kind of shit). But that'd make them spend like 20hours to get the gold. At that point any banwave will severely impact their ability to generate their ressources if they have to remake bots constantly. And if you can ban them before they get there? Even better. But having bots able to make money by rushing to Luterra and deleting is just no good, it doesn't matter how good the new players feel. Plus they already helped in other ways that are fine, like how in our version you're getting showered with untradeable engravings in Luterra and later. They could just do that again but instead of rewarding gold or blue crystal, just reward stuff directly. Give people some mari's rewards like battle item pack, tradeskill packs and such. New players are happy cause they got free shit, bots have free shit they can't really use(I guess work energy pots they could use to farm iron or whatever, but honestly I'd much rather bots farm mats and sell them than farm gold directly, it's better for the economy).

As you mentioned before, there should be no gold rewards before level 50, and even then, it should be for shit bots don't do, like raids and guardians and shit. RMT's would never bother with shit beyond 50, it's much more efficient to just level a bunch of accounts to Lakebar level and farm ore. Level 20 mining gives you a toggle skill that makes mining cost 2x work points and gives like 2.5x mats, so they can log in and burn their 4.5k labor in like 15 minutes. Well, even a few mins less than that with their damn speed hacks. I was in Lakebar today doing some mining, it's infested, and the highest number channel was like 250. That's insane.


<Silver Donator>
So the new login event has some pretty good rewards. Also the racing shit does too, so that's another "mandatory" daily you have to do, lots of weekly stuff in there, a few pheons, some upgrade mats, some epic engravings(4 battle and 4 class per week, 8blues too if you still need these but the purples are worth a lot, apparently not untradeable either) and some bound upgrade mats. Racing event is every 2hours.

Edit: Nvm maybe you don't have to race everyday? I got 100 event currency from chaos dungeon.

Edit2: 980 from the race though, so yeah.

Edit3: Alts also get 100 per chaos/guardian, so you can more or less buy out everything in the shop every week.

Stuff you get: 8 blue class and battle books, 4 purple class and battle books, 15000/15000/6000 T1/T2/T3 shards, 50/50/20 Leapstones, 10star/moon breaths, 30/10/5 of the T3 solar shit, 500/500/150 Destruction frags, 1500/1500/450 guardian frags, 5 instant una task, 3 +1 una task, 12x 500sea coin chests, 10k pirate coins, 10 pheons, 1 random legendary card(guaranteed legendary, not the usual rare to leg shit), 10 random card packs, 10dyes and some card xp.

That's quite a lot(x4 since likely 4 weeks of event). I'm so glad I sold my Grudge book yesterday for 2500g too, since they're now 700g and likely to drop further.
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Vyemm Raider
That's quite a lot(x4 since likely 4 weeks of event). I'm so glad I sold my Grudge book yesterday for 2500g too, since they're now 700g and likely to drop further.

It seems like a lot, until you realize we get a nerfed version with less rewards compared to other regions. 150 tier 3 destruction fragments per week is shit tier for an event. Events usually give most rewards in roster bound chests, and tons more mats. See the stacks of chest in my RU roster storage? From events.



<Silver Donator>
It seems like a lot, until you realize we get a nerfed version with less rewards compared to other regions. 150 tier 3 destruction fragments per week is shit tier for an event. Events usually give most rewards in roster bound chests, and tons more mats. See the stacks of chest in my RU roster storage? From events.

View attachment 402492
From a T3 launch event though or? Cause obviously recent RU events would give more shit seeing as how T3 has been released like what, a year ago and people are 1450+ and shit. Granted I don't think it's that much for the T3 stuff in general I agree with that, and destruction stones especially get shafted in every tier, but it's pretty solid for ppl still doing T1 and T2, and for getting to 1325 or so.


<Silver Donator>
Rofl this is great. I've seen people talk about this wall and the vid is the length of time it takes to break it. Ending is awesome.
  • 2Worf
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Vyemm Raider
From a T3 launch event though or? Cause obviously recent RU events would give more shit seeing as how T3 has been released like what, a year ago and people are 1450+ and shit. Granted I don't think it's that much for the T3 stuff in general I agree with that, and destruction stones especially get shafted in every tier, but it's pretty solid for ppl still doing T1 and T2, and for getting to 1325 or so.

RU launched like a year after KR, and has always been behind them in content, and we've never had a nerfed event. If they want to limit things they just put GS reqs on what you can buy. Events are supposed to be greatly rewarding, that's their purpose. You jump through whatever stupid hoop the event requires and you get tons of helpful shit.


Vyemm Raider
There's currently 2 events running in RU, both that reward you for mostly just doing what you normally do. In addition to that, we currently have this:

Which they do every few months. You just log in and click the buttons to get all the rewards up to your current GS.


Vyemm Raider
Rofl this is great. I've seen people talk about this wall and the vid is the length of time it takes to break it. Ending is awesome.

Glad I read through the comments, I KNEW there would be some way to cheese it:

Justin Yarrington

6 days ago

If you walk up to the wall, go to character selection, and load back in, you can space/dash through the wall before it loads in.
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<Silver Donator>
Seems they stealth nerfed gold rewards from rapport(maybe quests too?). In typical "what the fuck goes through your head" fashion however, they also nerfed gold rewards in later content, including removing most of the gold rewards in Feiton. To add insult to injury, they were replaced by negligible amount of silvers, not something useful(like a lot of silver, or untradeable engravings or whatever). Imagine thinking bots would make it to Feiton, or that people were getting too much gold from getting like 5k from one time rapport.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Typical AGS handling: reward early adopters, fuck over late comers, create divisive system that long term kills player engagement


Bronze Baronet of the Realm

I have seen this action before. Where was that?? It was in some new world.


Vyemm Raider
Seems they stealth nerfed gold rewards from rapport(maybe quests too?). In typical "what the fuck goes through your head" fashion however, they also nerfed gold rewards in later content, including removing most of the gold rewards in Feiton. To add insult to injury, they were replaced by negligible amount of silvers, not something useful(like a lot of silver, or untradeable engravings or whatever). Imagine thinking bots would make it to Feiton, or that people were getting too much gold from getting like 5k from one time rapport.

It's possible they just moved the gold higher in the rapport, like they did for RU. I think they moved the 200g that you got for Thirain at level 2 rapport and moved it to level 3? I think his level 3 reward was 300g, and now it's 500g, but I don't remember exactly. Now, if they also removed the other gold you get along the way to Luterra this will seriously hamstring the bots. Not putting these changes in the patch notes is dumb. And this should have been a hotfix weeks ago.


Vyemm Raider
Also, if you think AGS has enough knowledge of the game and its economy to ask for these specific changes... lol? Smilegate had to be the ones who decided what to change.