Lost Ark Online


Trakanon Raider
F - can we get this team to handle wow cinematic wannabe large scale encounters? This shit on Isteri is on another level.

Glad someone else enjoyed Isteri. After the letdown (relative to Feiton) that Punika is, I really enjoyed this.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
I've mained a paladin up to 1000 item level and then used my powerpass for a gunlancer. OOOOOF, super don't like it. Wish I could...reroll.


Seriously. I am blue build (tanky). Once I got all my cooldowns to the point that I can literally spam my abilities non stop. My shield with like 90% up time. I can face roll most shit at this point. I am in that limbo period where my gems aren't up to par yet though, so my DPS has suffered a bit.

The back step will throw you off for quite some time. Took me a couple weeks to get used to it.
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Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Ok. I'm at 1334 GS. Fucks sake my failure to success rate on honing is at LEAST 4 to 1. So I obviously need mats. My question is this. WTF gets me mats now that the islands are done?

I do Guardian Raids. Chaos Dungeons. My Weekly's. Daily's.

What else is there? Should I be trying to get my alts to T3 at this point? (GOD I don't look forward to that)


Trakanon Raider
Ok. I'm at 1334 GS. Fucks sake my failure to success rate on honing is at LEAST 4 to 1. So I obviously need mats. My question is this. WTF gets me mats now that the islands are done?

I do Guardian Raids. Chaos Dungeons. My Weekly's. Daily's.

What else is there? Should I be trying to get my alts to T3 at this point? (GOD I don't look forward to that)

You're used to the island materials coming and providing a significant source of materials. This is not an accurate representation of how Lost Ark is once you reach the current tier of content available. The added material from islands is a catch up mechanic that was put in place after the content had been released for some time; you are effectively 'caught up' to the end game at 1345, which is to say that progression is now going to be significantly slower. For the sake of your sanity, you should immediately cease thinking that you're going to be seeing power increases at anywhere near the rate that you were previously. You may have thought the last few upgrades before hitting T3 was slow. That was nothing compared to what's coming. In EQ terms, you're now max level for the expansion with decent dungeon gear; your character is still going to progress via a raid drop from time to time but this is a process of upgrades that is going to take weeks/months per upgrade rather than hours/days.

In addition to the sources you listed, there is;

1- Guild merchant
2- Pirate ship
3- Abyss Dungeons
4- Infinite Chaos
5- Alts (more on this below)

Sooner rather than later, they'll also add the PVP vendor for rewards, which is an additional weekly source of materials.

April will also release South Vern, which is a continent that will bring several significant source of materials in short order, specifically;

1- Heoic Guardian Raids
2- Abyss Trials
3- The bridge
4- Legion raids & Rehearsal raids

Lastly, there was a lot of discussion on the chat throughout the weeks as it relates to alts. Several people noted that they didn't feel that alts provided a significant acceleration (via trading materials). This was true in T1/T2 however, now that you're in T3, this sort of changes. Alts become a very large source of added materials for the purposes of pushing your main up. Some people thought I was exaggerating when I said that it would have been quicker for me to re-do 0-1345 than 1345-1370. It wasn't. You are going to hit a point where the upgrade chance is 10% per attempt, with an increase of 1% per failure until you hit the pity, which takes a lot longer. The cost of gold/silver per attempt is also higher, so you'll be capped on attempts from other sources. I mention this just to make it clear since a lot of the guild is hitting the 1340 point now: shift your expectations for how quickly your character is going to progress. It's going to be a much longer journey. Thankfully, there are a myriad of other ways to also increase your character's power (skill points, engravings, accessory optimization, etc).
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Finally got my last piece to +15 and 1100 ilvl. Off to Punika and continuing the grind. But feels good to be in Tier 3 even if the grind will be rough.
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<Silver Donator>
Finally got my last piece to +15 and 1100 ilvl. Off to Punika and continuing the grind. But feels good to be in Tier 3 even if the grind will be rough.
Well technically you're not T3 till you get the 1302 set, which you can't buy, so you could hit T3 today, or you could hit T3 in a week. Good luck with your chaos runs ^^.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I still have 4 pieces left for +15. I cannot imagine how stupid this gets post 1345. At some point I will evaluate my time playing this game and I get the feeling my play time will drop off considerably.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Well technically you're not T3 till you get the 1302 set, which you can't buy, so you could hit T3 today, or you could hit T3 in a week. Good luck with your chaos runs ^^.
Yea will quest through it tonight and hope I get some luck in the chaos for my pieces. :)


Mr. Poopybutthole
You're used to the island materials coming and providing a significant source of materials. This is not an accurate representation of how Lost Ark is once you reach the current tier of content available. The added material from islands is a catch up mechanic that was put in place after the content had been released for some time; you are effectively 'caught up' to the end game at 1345, which is to say that progression is now going to be significantly slower. For the sake of your sanity, you should immediately cease thinking that you're going to be seeing power increases at anywhere near the rate that you were previously. You may have thought the last few upgrades before hitting T3 was slow. That was nothing compared to what's coming. In EQ terms, you're now max level for the expansion with decent dungeon gear; your character is still going to progress via a raid drop from time to time but this is a process of upgrades that is going to take weeks/months per upgrade rather than hours/days.

In addition to the sources you listed, there is;

1- Guild merchant
2- Pirate ship
3- Abyss Dungeons
4- Infinite Chaos
5- Alts (more on this below)

Sooner rather than later, they'll also add the PVP vendor for rewards, which is an additional weekly source of materials.

April will also release South Vern, which is a continent that will bring several significant source of materials in short order, specifically;

1- Heoic Guardian Raids
2- Abyss Trials
3- The bridge
4- Legion raids & Rehearsal raids

Lastly, there was a lot of discussion on the chat throughout the weeks as it relates to alts. Several people noted that they didn't feel that alts provided a significant acceleration (via trading materials). This was true in T1/T2 however, now that you're in T3, this sort of changes. Alts become a very large source of added materials for the purposes of pushing your main up. Some people thought I was exaggerating when I said that it would have been quicker for me to re-do 0-1345 than 1345-1370. It wasn't. You are going to hit a point where the upgrade chance is 10% per attempt, with an increase of 1% per failure until you hit the pity, which takes a lot longer. The cost of gold/silver per attempt is also higher, so you'll be capped on attempts from other sources. I mention this just to make it clear since a lot of the guild is hitting the 1340 point now: shift your expectations for how quickly your character is going to progress. It's going to be a much longer journey. Thankfully, there are a myriad of other ways to also increase your character's power (skill points, engravings, accessory optimization, etc).
I think part of our fucked up expectations is that you're 1382 (wtf man) 1370, and we recruited a few super hardcore people from outside FoH that are also in the 1350+ range.

The reality is I saw a Reddit post saying the only people that were 1340+ at this point are whales (which isn't true, obviously). But that's the perception. We just have the opposite skewed perspective that it should be easier than it is.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Are the shards you have left over from a Tier just wasted? Im sitting at like 40k Lifeshards and as I said will be moving to 1302 gear set today/tomorrow where they aren't needed.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I still have 4 pieces left for +15. I cannot imagine how stupid this gets post 1345. At some point I will evaluate my time playing this game and I get the feeling my play time will drop off considerably.

That is one of my main concerns- as more people start hitting the RNG walls, the louder the dissenting voices are going to be. The whole system is clearly a “we designed a problem we will sell you a solution for system”, and once people realize the p2w nature of it all, there will be a larger backlash. Just like every other Korean MMO that tries to pull this shit in the Western markets


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I think part of our fucked up expectations is that you're 1382 (wtf man) 1370, and we recruited a few super hardcore people from outside FoH that are also in the 1350+ range.

The reality is I saw a Reddit post saying the only people that were 1340+ at this point are whales (which isn't true, obviously). But that's the perception. We just have the opposite skewed perspective that it should be easier than it is.
That is because it should be. This game makes it's money off the whales mainly. Most players do not spend anything. Once I have seen all the content I can see, I will most likely move on. I do not wish to play a game that caters to the " Log in over playing" mentality that is the daily grind. Alts kind of help because you get to try another fight style but in the end it is still the same game. I do not feel like it was a waste as I have enjoyed what I have played to at this point. I just know that once it gets to the ridiculous portion of the game, my time will be spent elsewhere. I am not a fan of dailies. I am a fan of playing the game. I still want to try Elden Ring. Hell, that game makes me want to buy a PS5 just so I can play it on my 75 inch TV.

This game requires an obscene amount of time to get to the top. The last 5% taking 5 times longer than the previous 95%. That is where the game fails.

Games should be fun to play. This game has been but it does get repetitive. It comes down to what people enjoy. Some enjoy spending real money to get ahead and artificially impress other online people. That is kind of why Online games are popular. The bragging rights. This game almost gets it right.
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Vyemm Raider
regarding trying to get from 1345 to 1370:

The solar mats to boost the honing rate percentages aren't worth it are they? last night i calculated it was about 7,500-8,000 gold worth of mats to raise my percentage on a chest upgrade from 15% to 30 percent, but the mats themselves for the 15% cost about 5,000. so isnt it better to just roll twice at 15% (also building up your pity) than to bother with solar fragments and breaths?

I've heard that the math on weapons favors using solar mats to boost the rate but that just didnt add up for me based on market prices for destruction crystals, honor crystals, and all 3 types of solar mats last night.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
The reality is I saw a Reddit post saying the only people that were 1340+ at this point are whales (which isn't true, obviously). But that's the perception.
Anyone who was 1340+ on Argos release may not be a "whale", but they 100% "swiped" at some point. Maybe a crystals pack, maybe a platinum founder's, something.
That is one of my main concerns- as more people start hitting the RNG walls, the louder the dissenting voices are going to be. The whole system is clearly a “we designed a problem we will sell you a solution for system”, and once people realize the p2w nature of it all, there will be a larger backlash. Just like every other Korean MMO that tries to pull this shit in the Western markets
That's because people in the West are spoiled fucking children. They're Veruca Salt and they WANT IT NOWWWW!!!! This game has been out for 3 fucking years and people are bitching that it's "P2W BULLSHIT!!!" because they haven't "beat" the game in a month. The SAME shit happened in BDO - "Oh yeah, well you have 700 gear score because you're a WHALE!! THIS GAME IS P2W!!!!!!!".

The reality is that people had been playing BDO for YEARS. Western players come in and expect to be at a similar level in a couple weeks.

I blame WoW's gear resetting bullshit for a LOT of this current mindset, tbh. MMOs were always envisioned as "investing" in your character. No longer is that the expectation among people in the West.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Bad fight for my Gunlancer ability spam since this dude eats your mana...
LOL Gunlancers have MAJOR mana issues in T1 and T2 without a bard. Yet another reason the class feels like shit to play.
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