Lost Ark Online


Ancient MMO noob
I am not saying things are random, its exactly the opposite. How the game structure its contents create a sense of "professional work environment". In order to progress, you have to be on time like going to work. You got 6 hours to finish project A; There is 30 mins before the next meeting start; Now you need to talk to Bob about X before he clocks out at 5. To me personally, its tiresome dealing with systems like this. It is no longer fun.
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Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
Gunlancer. Blue build is what I pretty much stay in unless farming CD's.

T1. Clunky. Lot of waiting on skills to refresh. No runes. Points.
T2. Plays a lot smoother. Above mentioned is pretty much not an issue.
T3. Smooth as a baby's ass. Shield can stay up 90% of the time. Couple that with being damn near unkillable (minus one shot mechanics). I literally haven't used a potion in a week.

Role: Keep bosses still. Counter. Shield team. Debuff. I have stagger on all abilities that allow it. I go for cool downs, which in turn allow me to stagger build more, and keep debuffs shields up longer on team/myself. Bitches love shields.

Unfortunately this comes at a cost of DPS. Moderate at best. Would be poor if I couldn't just soak damage and stay in place while others run around like chickens with their heads cut off. Could definitely build for higher DPS, but I like my build.

I do not as of T3 have optimal gear. Not by a mile, and I can say no one notices, since I allow them to do their jobs more efficiently. Once I get correct gems and gear I will be BrahmaGod!

Down side? Mana problems. That fuckin backstep. Oh that fuckin backstep. Counters suck.

That 1st T3 boss sucks ass for me. Literally wipes your mana to zero every damn time. Lotta waiting. Counters suck because not only do I need to time the hit, but my abilities are fuckin all crazy short range.

Overall I like Gunlancer. Made a second! Got him to T2. Made a Pally also. Still haven't really played him yet.
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<Silver Donator>
I am not saying things are random, its exactly the opposite. How the game structure its contents create a sense of "professional work environment". In order to progress, you have to be on time like going to work. You got 6 hours to finish project A; There is 30 mins before the next meeting start; Now you need to talk to Bob about X before he clocks out at 5. To me personally, its tiresome dealing with systems like this. It is no longer fun.
Oh yes absolutely I was referring to the 3mins thing, nothing is last second call or whatever, but yeah it does definitely feel like a list of things to do, with some being at certain times so you work the other things around it. It's only a few though, at least for me, basically at 11AM for reset time I do the daily adventure island, then I do my dailies on one of my T3 char, then start another char and just watch for noon time when I do either boss or chaos gate depending on what's up. Then I had one tooki a day to catch whenever I'm free but now finally done so that one's out, and one alakir when I bother with it which I don't much anymore since I'm not in a rush to gear up(so I just do an easier leapstone una task that isn't annoying). At 7:30PM there's the sailing coop. Rest is do whenever for me. There is a large amount of timed islands but they're fairly optional/completionist stuff(shangra only really has to be done once until you want to farm the token for example, and most other timed islands are the same until you're looking to complete island tokens collection).

But I usually hate these systems too, I kinda can live with it atm because I'm playing all day anyway so I can catch stuff later if I miss it, and also because I play the right hours so I cover all the active times, so I never feel too rushed. If I had less time I'd be more annoyed at it.


Vyemm Raider
That 1st T3 boss sucks ass for me. Literally wipes your mana to zero every damn time. Lotta waiting. Counters suck because not only do I need to time the hit, but my abilities are fuckin all crazy short range.

It's his spit that drains your mana, and he rears back a bit before doing it.


Mr. Poopybutthole
While I agree on the time gated content and time sensitive stuff, nothing is "you have only 3mins to get there". Stuff isn't random, there's an ingame calendar and an ingame alarm system(granted the alarm system could be a lot better imo, like actually doing alarms and not being hidden when doing certain content) and you can track your time and move to the places you have to go beforehand. This is especially easy to do with alts, I often move some of my chars to a spot I know I'll need to be hours later once I'm done with them(for example I go to the sailing coop spot on my Scrapper like 6hours before once I've done her dailies). The only "3mins only" stuff I can think of is Tooki/Shangra, but these aren't meant to be done by waiting for spawn, and instead by scouting ahead of time. 10mins before they spawn, there will be a whirlpool on the correct spot where the island will spawn. People check these and then inform each other on the locations(which is why 10mins before tooki and to a lesser extent shangra, the area chat is spammed with "where is tooki" questions).

On that note, it is finally done
View attachment 402919
Got my 12th heart with it too, so now only missing Punika, Ignea Tokens and 6 Omnium Stars potions, lots of skill points.
I'm jealous. Think I have ten days of fucking Tooki left.


<Silver Donator>
I'm jealous. Think I have ten days of fucking Tooki left.
Yeah I'm glad this shit is over, I could have just ticketed it every day but at the same time it's so easy to do it feels like a waste of tickets so I kept going there.

I'm almost done with most of my Una grinds tbh, the 21 days Punika one ends tomorrow, Astray is in 2 days, pretty much all the virtue stat, vendor and island token ones are done, only a few left that I need to get started like Gesbroy and Android Emancipation that I left for last cause I'm just gonna ticket them once I get started. It's nice that I'll finally be able to just Lopang on several chars and not have to spend time doing stuff.


Trakanon Raider
I appreciate all the responses. Playing a Sharpshooter in T2 atm and its just not cutting it for me. Two of my high damage abilities lock you in place and you are required to melee to get your super going. All this comes down to what seems like a lot more work for little gain dps wise. Other classes do way more dps and have an easier time doing it sadly. Heard that our mobility is what makes us shine. Pfft to all that crap.


<Prior Amod>
I appreciate all the responses. Playing a Sharpshooter in T2 atm and its just not cutting it for me. Two of my high damage abilities lock you in place and you are required to melee to get your super going. All this comes down to what seems like a lot more work for little gain dps wise. Other classes do way more dps and have an easier time doing it sadly. Heard that our mobility is what makes us shine. Pfft to all that crap.
I feel extremely mobile and while CD's aren't a measure of overall DPS, I MVP almost everyone I'm in due to my DPS.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
AGS cant figure out the alarm/clock system to save their life in this game. Everything is off / early by an hour cause of DST.


<Silver Donator>
Fuck another alt stuck in limbo between T2 and T3 because of this stupid untradeable gear stuff. Hopefully tomorrow, guess I'll do shitty rewards Una on this and save a guardian for tomorrow.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Fuck another alt stuck in limbo between T2 and T3 because of this stupid untradeable gear stuff. Hopefully tomorrow, guess I'll do shitty rewards Una on this and save a guardian for tomorrow.
Could be worse, I'm getting pity stacks around +10/11 on my main in T3, and now on my fucking alt at like +12/13 in T2.

I've got some terrible luck lately.

I failed 4 90% hones yesterday.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
That is odd. I also failed 2 90% on my ALT yesterday. It is not 4 but still what the fuck? I am stuck at +14 on my main for T2. I have had some shit rolls and without islands anymore I get 2 rolls a day. There is no fucking way I do this passed a certain point on T3.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
If you're running a Chaos dungeon in around 4 minutes, ~10 minutes per character at 2 runs and loading - you can see how that would add up your mats very fast. By all means, slow roll it at one or two attempts a day if you just dont care that much. But with KT's, you can spend as little or as much time on alts as you want and get a pretty good benefit out of them. The only thing that has strung me up on alts is just the leap stones, but Im not going otu of my way to farm them so it is what it is.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
All classes in Lost Ark are viable. There does not exist a class which I wouldn't take for a group/raid. Sharpshooters aren't high on my list of preferences though. If you enjoy that type of class, have at it. If I had to give it a 'rank', I'd go with C tier though.

Could be worse, I'm getting pity stacks around +10/11 on my main in T3, and now on my fucking alt at like +12/13 in T2.

I've got some terrible luck lately.

I failed 4 90% hones yesterday.
Ha. Imagine, in T1 with the Stronghold buff, every piece of gear failing 1-2 times for the 10 to 11 hone. Then in T3, every single piece failing 3-4 times for the same 10 to 11 hone.


<Silver Donator>
Yeah I failed 90% 3times today which was fun, although my Blade also did 12-15 on every slot with one fail total in T2(with stronghold buff and breaths on every 14>15 but still).


Trakanon Raider
Just a reminder that failures aren't failures. They're intended to get you closer to the best title in game and proof that you're the unluckiest of all the unlucky:


Tempted to make an extra alt just to fail more.

Also got my Anguised star to drop, so now I just need Moake and about a week more charming Nia. Literally every ability is now +10, except for one at +7:


Also stocked up on materials this week so that when I get my Argos weapon next reset, will be able to push to about 1415-1420. Greater Leapstones are a real bitch and need to get an extra alt or two to 1430 to help but the silver cost on upgrades is a pain.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
So after watching that Asmon video, I'm even more impressed with getting to 1370. That's ridiculous.

What's the general strategy? Is it cheaper to just smash them with low percentage, or better to buy the increased chances mats? And at what point would you start doing that if so?

I really thought he'd hit pity on those way earlier. In fact, did he get pity at all? Some of those got into the 7+ range on attempts.


<Silver Donator>
So after watching that Asmon video, I'm even more impressed with getting to 1370. That's ridiculous.

What's the general strategy? Is it cheaper to just smash them with low percentage, or better to buy the increased chances mats? And at what point would you start doing that if so?

I really thought he'd hit pity on those way earlier. In fact, did he get pity at all? Some of those got into the 7+ range on attempts.
The pity is based on the % chance, so on these shitty % you gain very small amount of pity, you need like 10 or 11 fails to hit pity or some shit. You can increase it by using the +% mats(breath in T1/T2 and the solar crap in T3) but these are so overpriced I think it's just worth rolling more often overall.

Honestly looks like a waste of time unless you have a lot of disposable income or you were in the early T3 rush and have several hundred of thousands of gold to flex. Better wait for hone nerf, or at the very least for them adding the additional ways to get mats which will drop the price of mats by a fair amount and make them more accessible. Mats have already been steadily dropping back to lower than their pre Argos release prices on EUC, the more ppl get to T3, the less they'll be worth because a lot of ppl are just selling mats and not progressing.

Personally I'm just improving my account shit and if there's not much new when I'm done I'll take a break until later. I wish there were more classes I felt like playing but out of the current selection, I already have them all I think, I'm even playing a sorc and I don't really like it but feels like a waste to not at least get her to T2 to farm guardians with, although the price on this has been steadily dropping to shit too, it's down to like 35g per T2 leapstone atm on EUC. That's still 560g per T2 char(assuming you're in 2nd part of T2 in Feiton) so it's not so bad, but I'm trying to get the 2alts I still have in T2(the 2 supports) to T3 to make more money. Sadly Paladin has no shards saved up so probably not happening for at least a week on him, Bard at least has like 70k shards and 350leapstones at 1040, so she should be only a few days away from being able to push.