Lost Ark Online


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
That is a big problem with the game - I realize we are getting a well cooked game, but it throws so much fucking shit at you and does a pretty bad job of explaining a good chunk of it. There are some modest tutorials for a few things, but the journey to 50 feels like they toss stuff at you at light speed and when you hit 50, a massive dump truck of stuff is thrown at you.

Players make decisions with poor information then get fucked. Like take engraving books for example - what is good at one level might not be great later, but books become a harder to get or locate resource, making you feel like you’ve gimped your character massively with little recourse beyond spending all your gold to get it

This is legit. I had no idea what was good/bad now/later. Fuckit! Save it all! I JUST started selling my engravings this morning I knew I'd never use and netted like 25K instantly! I was like WTF is buying shit as soon as I put it up? I stopped selling in fear of me making an AH mistake.

The past month or whatever playing, and now understanding a helluva lot more of the game, I wouldn't have floundered for a couple weeks, and could see myself pushing 1370.

I really wish I knew whether to keep or sell these mats.

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Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Oh. Yeah, fuck waking up at 4am to get an extra scroll. Not gonna bother with that.

I agree, but that doesn't mean people haven't been doing it everyday since launch. It's just an example of the crazy levels of fucked up head start you get by knowing this random ass shit.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
As far as making videos? Why the fuck would we do that? Yeah, get hundreds of thousands of views and suddenly half the playerbase is trying to do the same shit you are and guess what? It can't be done anymore. Plus I'm too fucking lazy and just don't give a shit. And it's not like it's some leet level super seekret strat. It's really basic AH shit and the only reason it's possible at the level it has been is because the economy is completely fucked.
Lol very convenient..."Totally could've done something NOBODY else did and farmed thousands of dollars in YouTube monetization, but I just don't care...". ESPECIALLY with all the eyeballs on this game at release.

You claim you're just an "average joe" gamer, yet also claim to be able to EASILY have done something that even top-tier Korean players have said isn't really possible. But, sure...you're just so much more omegabrained then they are and know all the secrets(that you totally can't share or EVERYONE will know!), despite not being at 1370 yourself...

You'd think you gaming GIGACHADs would've at least done a writeup for your FoH-bros on how "EZPZ" this all is. Hell, even a private google doc detailing a step by step system to get to 1370+ GS ASAP. You even could've only shared it with folks you knew were "serious" about progress/content. Or charged $5 to view it and made some gas money. This site has the reach of about 500 people at MOST and probably even less so when you're talking Lost Ark specifically - I think your "totally secret KGB guarded secrets" would've been safe posting them here.

So, either you gaming gods are selfish or you're full of complete shit and hitting 1370 at Argos release wasn't realistically possible with ZERO swipping/dollars spent or god-tier luck with RNG. I'd bet my life's savings on the latter.
So everyday a gate/field boss spawns at reset depending on what day it is. For some reason the one at reset counts as the next day so you get it twice.
It's a bug and it's no shock that the dipshits at AGS haven't fixed it. That said, exploit early and often boiz!
  • 1Picard
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Vyemm Raider
Lol very convenient..."Totally could've done something NOBODY else did and farmed thousands of dollars in YouTube monetization, but I just don't care...". ESPECIALLY with all the eyeballs on this game at release.

You claim you're just an "average joe" gamer, yet also claim to be able to EASILY have done something that even top-tier Korean players have said isn't really possible. But, sure...you're just so much more omegabrained then they are and know all the secrets(that you totally can't share or EVERYONE will know!), despite not being at 1370 yourself...

You'd think you gaming GIGACHADs would've at least done a writeup for your FoH-bros on how "EZPZ" this all is. Hell, even a private google doc detailing a step by step system to get to 1370+ GS ASAP. You even could've only shared it with folks you knew were "serious" about progress/content. Or charged $5 to view it and made some gas money. This site has the reach of about 500 people at MOST and probably even less so when you're talking Lost Ark specifically - I think your "totally secret KGB guarded secrets" would've been safe posting them here.

So, either you gaming gods are selfish or you're full of complete shit and hitting 1370 at Argos release wasn't realistically possible with ZERO swipping/dollars spent or god-tier luck with RNG. I'd bet my life's savings on the latter.

It's a bug and it's no shock that the dipshits at AGS haven't fixed it. That said, exploit early and often boiz!

Dude, you need to take a pill and fucking relax. There's no secret. Make alts, sell mats. Wow, genius level strat there, huh. I already listed what I've been doing and have over 100k gold and have spent like 40 or 50k. If I had sold my t1 and t2 alts mats instead of using them to feed each other I could easily have doubled my current gold. You act like 1370 GS is some kind of awesome magic sauce, wtf? It's nothing. Why would I tell people how to get there asap when there's no reason to? Oh, Argos raid, big fucking deal. It's just a shitty raid. (not to mention we had no idea when it was going to be released) People can run it every week on their main and 5 alts and the gold they make will be pocket change compared to what my alt accounts will bring in with much less time and effort (once they are all set up.) That's my strat. 4 alt accounts. And I've gone over what I do with them in detail several times in this thread. No secret.

I never claimed to be an "average joe" gamer, just like I didn't claim to be a "gamer god." I'm a hardcore pc gamer who has some experience with Lost Ark. Period. Full stop. The End.

I also never said it was easy. I said it was possible.


Trakanon Raider
So everyday a gate/field boss spawns at reset depending on what day it is. For some reason the one at reset counts as the next day so you get it twice.

Thanks for posting this in Discord a few days ago. Maybe now with Chysamere Chysamere no longer online at 5AM to shoot the shit I'll have some extra company. :)

Oh. Yeah, fuck waking up at 4am to get an extra scroll. Not gonna bother with that.

The early T3 runs with the whales were the absolute amazing best. The first legendary map (where there was only 12 of us who zoned in) went for 175k. The dude put out his whale dick and started the bidding at that too. This was the only time I was doing the double runs but they're actually really good since the folks on at that time tend to be a special kind of person.

You'd think you gaming GIGACHADs would've at least done a writeup for your FoH-bros on how "EZPZ" this all is. Hell, even a private google doc detailing a step by step system to get to 1370+ GS ASAP. You even could've only shared it with folks you knew were "serious" about progress/content. Or charged $5 to view it and made some gas money. This site has the reach of about 500 people at MOST and probably even less so when you're talking Lost Ark specifically - I think your "totally secret KGB guarded secrets" would've been safe posting them here.

So, either you gaming gods are selfish or you're full of complete shit and hitting 1370 at Argos release wasn't realistically possible with ZERO swipping/dollars spent or god-tier luck with RNG. I'd bet my life's savings on the latter.
Still mad. Still bad.
  • 1Mother of God
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Trakanon Raider
This is legit. I had no idea what was good/bad now/later. Fuckit! Save it all! I JUST started selling my engravings this morning, I knew I'd never use and netted like 25K instantly! I was like WTF is buying shit as soon as I put it up? I stopped selling in fear of me making an AH mistake.

The past month or whatever playing, and now understanding a helluva lot more or the game, I wouldn't have floundered for a couple weeks, and could see myself pushing 1370.

I really wish I knew whether to keep or sell these mats.

Honestly I'm really glad that you've stuck it out - there seemed to have been a lot of frustration towards the end of T2 for you. As already mentioned ad nauseum, you're well ahead of the average player and your progress is great. A lot of the content upcoming in the next month will be the 8 man stuff and hoping you're there for the runs. It's a lot more fun playing with the guild than pugging shit!


<Bronze Donator>
Where is the average player at? I just hit GS 500 and don't really see that many people in Rohendel or whatever it's called. I've been playing a hour or two each night. I wonder if I'm stuck in the middle of poopsockers and the average player base.


Trakanon Raider
Where is the average player at? I just hit GS 500 and don't really see that many people in Rohendel or whatever it's called. I've been playing a hour or two each night. I wonder if I'm stuck in the middle of poopsockers and the average player base.

The issue with Rohendel, Yorn, & Feiton is that they're not generally cities that are viewed as 'hubs'. Vern remains the primary hub of players until Punika, at which point people switch there. As an example, there's 39 channels up in Punika right now and there was a larger amount in Vern. I personally despise Vern (everything is so spread out) but that tends to be where people at 500 ilvl will hang out.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Which is weird, because Yorn is awesome with everything so close. My only complaint is having to go into that building for the broker. But otherwise it and I think Luterra are the only ones where everything is at the same triport (Stern is okay, but tower/cube/boss is all up by Sasha).


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Also one thing that triggers the shit out of me is how many goddamn retards don't know how to pronounce Rapport. If I see one more youtube or twitch faggot pronounce that shit with a T on the end I am going to hand them by their fucking ballbag.
  • 4Worf
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Vyemm Raider
Also one thing that triggers the shit out of me is how many goddamn retards don't know how to pronounce Rapport. If I see one more youtube or twitch faggot pronounce that shit with a T on the end I am going to hand them by their fucking ballbag.
Lol tbf, most of the tubers are euro and that's a tricky word if English isn't 1st language.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Here is a list of all shit you should have done with the head start to be at 1370+ right now. This does not need the AH, Mari Shop, or black market. Outside of Founder's Pack - you should not have needed to spend any money.

Day 1 (Tues): Get character to level 50 - Power pass two Alts, start KT on another. Do all 6 Chaos Dungeons, Guardians and Una's for the available 3 characters. Break down all mats that arent used, swap out shitty pieces of gear and funnel the honing materials to your main. Start Rapport for specific NPC's. (Repeat these steps each day). Field boss up? Do it. Chaos Gate up? Do it. Have spare time to attempt Ghost ship (460)? Do it.

Day 2 at reset (Wed): Unlock the KT character and start another - Do all Chaos Dungeons, Guardians, Una's, Abyss Raids. Do infinite Chaos and buy out all T1 mats on that vendor. Buy out all T1 mats on Pirate Merchant Ship. Buy what you can get with Guild shards. Should have had plenty of time to start doing the Islands that were spelled out in a guide that was available before the servers went live. Towards the end of the day, complete the KT on your next alt and start another KT.

Una Weekly should be complete by now - so you can collect your gold vendor points. Gold should not be an issue at this point if you're following rapport, and completing Abyss dungeons.

Day 3 (thurs - Weekly reset): Bust out all chaos dungeons, una's, weekly vendors, continue KT'ing, rapport, etc. Repeat all steps, daily.


I can keep going, but 99% of people did NOT do just those steps, which put people a week's reset worth of mats behind those that did - hell, most of us didnt hit 50 and have North Vern unlocked until day 2. Then most of us beat around the bush about starting alts. Most of us didnt do rapport outside of the NPC in Prideholme. Most of us didnt hit field bosses or chaos gates. Most of us did not do infinite chaos dungeons. Abyss Raids were completed by a lot of us at the end of week 2. Ghost Ships, timed islands etc. werent even on a lot of our radars. There were people following these exact steps on Day 1, so this isnt some heavily guarded sekret sauce knowledge.

Whats even worse about not following these steps? If you're at break points in ilvl, you can do higher chaos gates and guardians. So you get more mats from the higher levels, you get first time completion chests sooner. You just get more, quicker.

So by not following this no life shit, you effectively pushed yourself behind the small number of people that did do all that - further and further.

By this point - you're now seeing that getting 1370+ is achievable if you started at head start doing just that. The only thing that held a lot of us back is the lack of knowledge to do so, or .. what matters most, the time to do all of that each day. I fucked up by not having an alt army, earlier. So most of them are in T1 and none of my alts are in T3. Those that did start this path, or at least tried to follow this path - have alts in T3 and are getting more honing attempts than just a single main character in T3.

OUTSIDE OF ALL OF THIS - Boozecube is a perfect example of what is achievable WITHOUT following these steps, not having headstart, not spending a dime on the game, and just like the majority of us - knew jack shit about the "optimal path." You know what I was doing on my first day? Picking up fucking retard seeds. When did I start doing chaos gates and Field Bosses? Late week 2, early week 3.

As far as going out of your way to farm a single island token? Theres like 90+ islands, change that shit up and come back to it later. You'll save your own sanity that way.
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Trakanon Raider
<-- I think I just hit 1053 gearscore, have no idea what a field boss is, just stumbled into my first Chaos gate, haven't really done any ocean stuff outside of a couple random islands quests sent me to, I know there are like co-op events and stuff but haven't seen any/don't know how to access them.

100% not playing optimally. I think I have like 600 gold total, which is real bad based on this chat, lol.

But yeah, been having fun, looking forward to seeing more guardians (think I've done 6 total, have tons unlocked but just haven't tried them yet), excited to see the Abyss dungeons, but there is just constantly 1,000 things to do and so I've just been fucking off every which direction.

Good times.
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Trakanon Raider
Where do you guys rank sharpshooter and don't give me this play what you enjoy shit. Is the class truly viable as solid dps or would I be wasting my time with continuing to play it?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Where do you guys rank sharpshooter and don't give me this play what you enjoy shit. Is the class truly viable as solid dps or would I be wasting my time with continuing to play it?
Not sure what you're looking for. If you're just trying to get an overall idea of where they'll be in the far-off future, you have "https://loawa.com/stat". But that means fuck all in the current tier NA/EU is in. They have Weak point and "ok" stagger damage and are fun to play. Theyre a mid-range character, in that you'll be going melee to ranged and vice versa quite often.

As far as character investment goes, I would rate Sharpshooter on the low side for how much time you need to invest into the account/character before getting a good payoff. Where as the Epeen GS needs a huge time investment into horizontal progression. (Skill Points, Runes, etc.)


Trakanon Raider
Where do you guys rank sharpshooter and don't give me this play what you enjoy shit. Is the class truly viable as solid dps or would I be wasting my time with continuing to play it?

All classes in Lost Ark are viable. There does not exist a class which I wouldn't take for a group/raid. Sharpshooters aren't high on my list of preferences though. If you enjoy that type of class, have at it. If I had to give it a 'rank', I'd go with C tier though.