Lost Ark Online


Canuckistani Terrorist
Some kinda bug? Weird to see 0.1%


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I'm at 1203 GS right now and still don't know what Ghost Ship, Co-Op Sailing or Chaos Rifts are. And I don't really care. I'll stumble upon that when I have the time. Right now I'm trying to clear the quest log of some missed quests that I had hidden away. Waiting for daily reset so I can hopefully get a full 1302 set.

I just know myself, once I hit the "level cap" I would 99% quit. So thats my reason I'm taking it slow, might make some gold while the prices are high once I can farm some T3.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
I'm at 1203 GS right now and still don't know what Ghost Ship, Co-Op Sailing or Chaos Rifts are. And I don't really care. I'll stumble upon that when I have the time. Right now I'm trying to clear the quest log of some missed quests that I had hidden away. Waiting for daily reset so I can hopefully get a full 1302 set.
Hrm, are you sure 1203? You should have jumped from 1100 to 1302 within a day or two from the gear transition, and even then - dont forget to transfer your old gear of course.

Regardless, Chaos Gates are short little timed events that happen in each major continent - yours would be Punika. Go to Starsand Beach in Punika at the time it tells you on your alerts, go into the portal - kill the 5 bosses with people, you'll get a secret map from Blue to Yellow in rarity. Afterwards, link that map into area chat and join 3 other people and share your map with all of them and they'll share theirs with you. Do those 4 mini dungeons spread across Punika to collect honing materials, cards etc. If you solo it, you'll only get your dungeon. Grouping with 3 others will net you four dungeons.

Ghost Ship is about the same thing out on the ocean, but the difficulty at T3 is obnoxious if you havent farmed your ghost ship and got the proper crewmate.

Co-op missions are also on the ocean, but award pirate coins. Doing them when they pop will give you the income you need to purchase honing materials from the pirate merchant vessels outside of each continent.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Hrm, are you sure 1203? You should have jumped from 1100 to 1302 within a day or two from the gear transition, and even then - dont forget to transfer your old gear of course.

Regardless, Chaos Gates are short little timed events that happen in each major continent - yours would be Punika. Go to Starsand Beach in Punika at the time it tells you on your alerts, go into the portal - kill the 5 bosses with people, you'll get a secret map from Blue to Yellow in rarity. Afterwards, link that map into area chat and join 3 other people and share your map with all of them and they'll share theirs with you. Do those 4 mini dungeons spread across Punika to collect honing materials, cards etc. If you solo it, you'll only get your dungeon. Grouping with 3 others will net you four dungeons.

Ghost Ship is about the same thing out on the ocean, but the difficulty at T3 is obnoxious if you havent farmed your ghost ship and got the proper crewmate.

Co-op missions are also on the ocean, but award pirate coins. Doing them when they pop will give you the income you need to purchase honing materials from the pirate merchant vessels outside of each continent.
Yea I only had one try at Chaos dungeon yesterday and it only dropped 3 pieces sadly. Will most likely get the rest today if the RNG does not mess me up.

Are the Ghost Ship crew seperate from the normal ship crew?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Yea I only had one try at Chaos dungeon yesterday and it only dropped 3 pieces sadly. Will most likely get the rest today if the RNG does not mess me up.

Are the Ghost Ship crew seperate from the normal ship crew?
The "quickest" way to get a proper setup for ghost ships (cause you can get carried, but its not reliable and failing will lock you out for the rest of the week) - is to do the daily "Bleak Night Fog" and finish that rep out. Take the daily, do the 460 ghost ship for the week (since its almost guaranteed win at 1300+) - then each day, take the daily una (even though the ghost ships arent up) and use an Una pass to complete it. You have to do it manually before you can una pass it. Finishing this una rep will reward you with Eiburn's Ship. Then buying Berald, Legendary or Relic Quality for 40k Pirate Coins or 80k Pirate coins and equipping it on the Eiburn. You should have gotten some Una passes from leveling up, login rewards, and now there are some from the event.

Eiburn and Berald Crewmate will give you the best defenses in it so you arent getting one shotted.
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<Silver Donator>
Where do you guys rank sharpshooter and don't give me this play what you enjoy shit. Is the class truly viable as solid dps or would I be wasting my time with continuing to play it?
From what a big KR player said on stream, every class is actually very close to each other in current KR endgame, so picking what you like would be optimal. A lot of classes are unpopular because of aesthetics or because of gameplay issues(too boring like summoner, too RNG like arcana, too clunky and so on), but these classes still perform adequately with the appropriate gear.

One advantage of sharpshooter is since he's not popular, his engravings are cheap. This is especially important since Sharpshooter seems to get both class engravings, and that's usually expensive as fuck.

Class is also somewhat one dimensional. I think there's only one "real" build in endgame, there's 2 builds at first focusing on each class engraving but once you get far enough you can get both at the same time and it just merged into a single build that does everything. Oh and if you want to pewpew only from long range, not the right class. You have to go in to knife shit to generate gauge for your hawk shit to buff your long range skills. So it's in and out kind of gameplay. Can stay at range if needed at a DPS loss though(like to avoid mechs and shit) unlike melee classes which obviously have to be in melee, but it isn't the same as full ranged sorc build where you can just stay at range forever.


Obi-Bro Kenobi-X
The "quickest" way to get a proper setup for ghost ships (cause you can get carried, but its not reliable and failing will lock you out for the rest of the week) - is to do the daily "Bleak Night Fog" and finish that rep out. Take the daily, do the 460 ghost ship for the week (since its almost guaranteed win at 1300+) - then each day, take the daily una (even though the ghost ships arent up) and use an Una pass to complete it. You have to do it manually before you can una pass it. Finishing this una rep will reward you with Eiburn's Ship. Then buying Berald, Legendary or Relic Quality for 40k Pirate Coins or 80k Pirate coins and equipping it on the Eiburn. You should have gotten some Una passes from leveling up, login rewards, and now there are some from the event.

Eiburn and Berald Crewmate will give you the best defenses in it so you arent getting one shotted.

I demand you guys post daily tips! Jesus this is good info!


Avatar of War Slayer
Where is the average player at? I just hit GS 500 and don't really see that many people in Rohendel or whatever it's called. I've been playing a hour or two each night. I wonder if I'm stuck in the middle of poopsockers and the average player base.
my main is 500 as well. thats where t1 hits the 70 or less chance to upgrade and higher honing mats gap. and probably starts checking out alts..
main story, I just visited shushire once, and we back to vern doing dungeons, unas tasks..

so yeah thats probably were most people are at.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I demand you guys post daily tips! Jesus this is good info!
Bots are scrounging for gold and slitting each other's throats on collectables, especially in the noobie zones. You can finish up all of the Luterra continent for like 150-200 gold.


<Silver Donator>
Bots are scrounging for gold and slitting each other's throats on collectables, especially in the noobie zones. You can finish up all of the Luterra continent for like 150-200 gold.
Oh that's a good one, makes sense I'm gonna do that

Also prices on engravings are pretty low atm due to the racing event, but they'll go back up once this is over so I'm planning on upgrading a bunch of my engravings to purple before it's done.


Avatar of War Slayer
Where do you guys rank sharpshooter and don't give me this play what you enjoy shit. Is the class truly viable as solid dps or would I be wasting my time with continuing to play it?
definitely don't know that answer.

It might be more useful just to have people describe how a class they play, actually plays end game. As the class preview system sucks balls, and gives you a terrible indication of how it plays.

all t1 experience.. and pugs. many classes do change as they get more of their core stats, or engravings. so keep that in mind.

Bard: stack swiftness. zero dps. very soft. basically 1 shot, unless you outgear everything. even through most defensive buffs.
desperate salvation is key. Primary use comes from defensive shields, and damage reduction they provide. healing is actually very weak. almost non-existent. desperate salvation aids in this greatly. by adding a flat % hp boost to your identity skill. lets you spam it at rank 1, and heal better then ranking it up to 3. spam awakening skill every CD. with awakening as your other engraving. this also adds 1 bubble of identity, which pairs well.
high swiftness means you run around alot, spamming aoe shields/damage reduction, at the edges of boss aoe range, trying to get dps and/or tanks in it. drop targeting defense buffs on boss, and melee dps to damage boss, and protect them. tapping boss provides a constant 10% increased damage debuff.
I very much question how useful bards really are. dps black holes. dps lost from having the bard, is not made up for, with the 10% debuff, and short term attack power buffs.
The defensive buffs are stopgaps for poor play.. but, seem much less useful if the party is properly avoiding damage. would you even need them, if you had more dps, and killed the boss faster? or had a support providing actual mechanical buffs? like gunlancer tanking, or scrapper stunlocking, allowing you to just go ham with backattacks?
what mechanical advantage a bard could play? well, its possible for a bard with good coordination to allow dps to just ignore mechanics. awakening gives 100% hp shields, and debuffs the boss with -20% attack p, move and attackspeed. rhapsody of light is a targeted aoe which gives -75% damage taken to allies in it. guardian tune is -24% damage taken and immune to 1 debuff. so, its possible to drop one or more of these, and just tell the melee dps to ignore the aoe, and just burn him down.

very weak single target dps even when alone. actually pretty godlike in chaos dungeons. all of a bards skills are aoe. and while lack the damage to kill bosses, are solid versus trash. prelude to death in particular makes chaos dungeons a joke. its 3rd tripod, debuffs targets to explode on death within 3s, and hit a single target near them for MASSIVE damage. hilarious in chaos dungeons, as you gather up mobs, and bosses, prelude, then heavenly tune, or storm, and just watch the screen explode.

Deathblade: surge seems better. basically constant uptime with deathtrance. i had actually started/planned on the other one, but got a bunch of +2 surge accessories, and found it way more fun..
spec/crit. surge/supercharge.
super high single target dps. great mobility. dark axel lets you flip over bosses.
primary attacks are all charged back attacks. without deathtrance very rough. death trance increases attackspeed/chargespeed/cd's by 50%. allowing you to cast them much faster, and often. but, you are still very locked into place trying to land charged back attacks on bosses running around. godlike when paired with a gunlancer holding the boss in place, or a stagger built class. hell in pugs with players running around nonstop. generally need to just give up trying to back attack in that case, and just hit the boss wherever. dps potential is going to vary greatly on boss mobility. supercharge is the clear winner over other early engravings. faster charge time and damage on charged attacks. master of ambush terrible as I noted, actually landing backattacks is way to rare without proper support.

just started this one. have not put in any real time yet. I wasn't sure on wardancer or scrapper. again, class preview did a piss poor job giving an idea how they play.. class preview scrapper felt bad. thankfully, at 50, it feels much better. class mechanic here is eh.. spam stam skills to build shock, then consume shock to use bigger skills. its a fast build, use, build use. like wolcen.
atm going shock. stam skills have shorter CD, and faster attacks. but less damage, and shorter ranges. shock skills hit harder, and usually have some more ranged baked in.
pretty much all their skills are back attack as well. however, unlike the death blade, they are all mostly instant. and generally even have forward movement baked in. so the scrapper should be MUCH easier to actually get in, and stay on the bosses ass. master of ambush should be more viable here, as you should be able to land back attacks more regularly.
play is not like Vi. its def kungfu styled. run up punch, punch, punch. sho-ryu-ken. kick, stomp.
Prevailing wisdom in guide is spec/crit... man I question that. I'll probably try spec/expertise. spec gives shock damage, so is high priority in a shock build, also inc shock generation.
But, I like the idea of mechanical advantage much more then reddit, etc, seems too... if my increased stagger, knocks the boss on his ass more often, allowing the dps to land more blows consistently, pretty sure thats going to by higher raid dps, then me going crit could possibly be.
(tiajistu build, focuses on stam skills, which ignores shock skills. and, with that crit/swift is recommended. with this one, you ignore the class mechanic and just spam attacks.)

Thoughts on other classes, from partying with them.
Gunlancers, I love to party with. a good one is nigh immortal. counters everything. and holds the boss in position letting melee dps backattack.
I do see players complain about their dash skill just being a shitty backstep.

Artillerist. seem impressive as well. they seem to poke. then drop their mech, sit in place, have good defensive buffs? and just unleash hell on the boss. its a steady dps. not bursty. so if the boss is held in place, they can do tons of damage safely it seems.

sorc. probably a no brainer. large aoe, massive damage. soft. big cooldowns, big cast times. they don't stat swiftness like the bard.

soulfist. very unimpressed. not sure what they actually do, except make the fights longer..

not sure I've actually even SEEN a sharpshooter.

zerkers seem to do a good job staying alive, and dealing damage.
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Ancient MMO noob
The game really feel like a second job. Lots of contents are timed, island, ghost ship, rift, ghost ships etc. "You can only go do X and miss Y. Oh btw, you only have 3mins to get there". Not to mentions all the daily/weekly....


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
That video is very educational. It teaches you to just fucking stop around the 30-40% part.

Going beyond that is like playing lottery numbers. You know you are throwing away money and you have to just accept it.

All this tension over a larger number. At least he gets to write it off as a job related tax expense.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
That video is very educational. It teaches you to just fucking stop around the 30-40% part.

Going beyond that is like playing lottery numbers. You know you are throwing away money and you have to just accept it.

All this tension over a larger number. At least he gets to write it off as a job related tax expense.
I don't think he paid much at all. Mostly got the gold and mats from viewers.


Mr. Poopybutthole
definitely don't know that answer.

It might be more useful just to have people describe how a class they play, actually plays end game. As the class preview system sucks balls, and gives you a terrible indication of how it plays.

all t1 experience.. and pugs. many classes do change as they get more of their core stats, or engravings. so keep that in mind.

Bard: stack swiftness. zero dps. very soft. basically 1 shot, unless you outgear everything. even through most defensive buffs.
desperate salvation is key. Primary use comes from defensive shields, and damage reduction they provide. healing is actually very weak. almost non-existent. desperate salvation aids in this greatly. by adding a flat % hp boost to your identity skill. lets you spam it at rank 1, and heal better then ranking it up to 3. spam awakening skill every CD. with awakening as your other engraving. this also adds 1 bubble of identity, which pairs well.
high swiftness means you run around alot, spamming aoe shields/damage reduction, at the edges of boss aoe range, trying to get dps and/or tanks in it. drop targeting defense buffs on boss, and melee dps to damage boss, and protect them. tapping boss provides a constant 10% increased damage debuff.
I very much question how useful bards really are. dps black holes. dps lost from having the bard, is not made up for, with the 10% debuff, and short term attack power buffs.
The defensive buffs are stopgaps for poor play.. but, seem much less useful if the party is properly avoiding damage. would you even need them, if you had more dps, and killed the boss faster? or had a support providing actual mechanical buffs? like gunlancer tanking, or scrapper stunlocking, allowing you to just go ham with backattacks?
what mechanical advantage a bard could play? well, its possible for a bard with good coordination to allow dps to just ignore mechanics. awakening gives 100% hp shields, and debuffs the boss with -20% attack p, move and attackspeed. rhapsody of light is a targeted aoe which gives -75% damage taken to allies in it. guardian tune is -24% damage taken and immune to 1 debuff. so, its possible to drop one or more of these, and just tell the melee dps to ignore the aoe, and just burn him down.

very weak single target dps even when alone. actually pretty godlike in chaos dungeons. all of a bards skills are aoe. and while lack the damage to kill bosses, are solid versus trash. prelude to death in particular makes chaos dungeons a joke. its 3rd tripod, debuffs targets to explode on death within 3s, and hit a single target near them for MASSIVE damage. hilarious in chaos dungeons, as you gather up mobs, and bosses, prelude, then heavenly tune, or storm, and just watch the screen explode.

Deathblade: surge seems better. basically constant uptime with deathtrance. i had actually started/planned on the other one, but got a bunch of +2 surge accessories, and found it way more fun..
spec/crit. surge/supercharge.
super high single target dps. great mobility. dark axel lets you flip over bosses.
primary attacks are all charged back attacks. without deathtrance very rough. death trance increases attackspeed/chargespeed/cd's by 50%. allowing you to cast them much faster, and often. but, you are still very locked into place trying to land charged back attacks on bosses running around. godlike when paired with a gunlancer holding the boss in place, or a stagger built class. hell in pugs with players running around nonstop. generally need to just give up trying to back attack in that case, and just hit the boss wherever. dps potential is going to vary greatly on boss mobility. supercharge is the clear winner over other early engravings. faster charge time and damage on charged attacks. master of ambush terrible as I noted, actually landing backattacks is way to rare without proper support.

just started this one. have not put in any real time yet. I wasn't sure on wardancer or scrapper. again, class preview did a piss poor job giving an idea how they play.. class preview scrapper felt bad. thankfully, at 50, it feels much better. class mechanic here is eh.. spam stam skills to build shock, then consume shock to use bigger skills. its a fast build, use, build use. like wolcen.
atm going shock. stam skills have shorter CD, and faster attacks. but less damage, and shorter ranges. shock skills hit harder, and usually have some more ranged baked in.
pretty much all their skills are back attack as well. however, unlike the death blade, they are all mostly instant. and generally even have forward movement baked in. so the scrapper should be MUCH easier to actually get in, and stay on the bosses ass. master of ambush should be more viable here, as you should be able to land back attacks more regularly.
play is not like Vi. its def kungfu styled. run up punch, punch, punch. sho-ryu-ken. kick, stomp.
Prevailing wisdom in guide is spec/crit... man I question that. I'll probably try spec/expertise. spec gives shock damage, so is high priority in a shock build, also inc shock generation.
But, I like the idea of mechanical advantage much more then reddit, etc, seems too... if my increased stagger, knocks the boss on his ass more often, allowing the dps to land more blows consistently, pretty sure thats going to by higher raid dps, then me going crit could possibly be.
(tiajistu build, focuses on stam skills, which ignores shock skills. and, with that crit/swift is recommended. with this one, you ignore the class mechanic and just spam attacks.)

Thoughts on other classes, from partying with them.
Gunlancers, I love to party with. a good one is nigh immortal. counters everything. and holds the boss in position letting melee dps backattack.
I do see players complain about their dash skill just being a shitty backstep.

Artillerist. seem impressive as well. they seem to poke. then drop their mech, sit in place, have good defensive buffs? and just unleash hell on the boss. its a steady dps. not bursty. so if the boss is held in place, they can do tons of damage safely it seems.

sorc. probably a no brainer. large aoe, massive damage. soft. big cooldowns, big cast times. they don't stat swiftness like the bard.

soulfist. very unimpressed. not sure what they actually do, except make the fights longer..

not sure I've actually even SEEN a sharpshooter.

zerkers seem to do a good job staying alive, and dealing damage.
You kind of nailed bard. My issue with them is the range on the spells are also shit. Unlike Paladin shield, you basically have to be on top of the other players for it to hit. I've had it miss standing on the opposite side of a boss, it's that small (and if there's a range, sorry you're shit out of luck on shields). And then two of their other spells are targeted AOEs (one buff, one debuff), and as I complained about previously, with how much everything and everyone moves, are almost impossible to be impactful; boss jumps out of it, players have to move to avoid attack, etc. I'm tempted to go with the heavy armor engraving once I get to t3 because I die so much on bard.

Blade so far to me seems like it might be the most equipment dependent class there is. Not having super charge is crippling. It's also a bit on the squishy side, but at least it's decently mobile so you can avoid a lot. I haven't tried surge yet, but remaining energy is one of those "huge attacks that is painful when you miss." That said, as I've gotten better runes (like I said, super gear dependent), I can build my meter pretty fast so it's not as punishing. And like I said about super charge, if you don't have it, you're stuck standing in place waiting for half your skills to charge up.

So far I've got a t3 blade, t2 paladin and bard, and t1 wardancer. Can't give an accurate assessment of wardancer yet, but it feels like it'll be super fun in t3. I do enjoy bard and paladin, and I'd like to play more bard, but it just feels like it needs some major tweaking. Maybe it gets better later.


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah. surge is pretty fun on the deathblade.
it makes it so attacks while in the deathtrance add a stacking buff, when you use other skills other then basic attacks, and awakening skills, gain a stack. max 20.
each stack is +7.5% death surge skill damage, and 5% death orb refill upon exhaustion.
lvl2 adds .5% attack power per stack. lvlt3 adds 1% attack power per stack.
so, it buffs the damage of all your skills (atlevel 2/3), and it refills your deathorb, to immediately go right back into it. you basically stay in deathtrace nonstop.

plan A was going to be remaining energy. but as soon as I tried surge. lol. nope this is my jam. I still have to actually review my skills/and tripods which were more setup for remaining energy..

fun factor and the bard.. again, I certainly can't tell if im helping at all.. how many times, have I been the last one standing, and know I don't have the dps to finish it off? at least 6 so far. granted, I'm sure theres times I've landed shields on someone before a hit, and saved them.. and bards do have decent stagger/weakpoint..

but also had a fight yesterday, where people started dropping, 2 of us left, and I very obviously got the last hit on the boss with my deathblade. landing 200k hits.. (t1 380iirc gs) thats a good feeling.

idk. does t3 bard provide enough serenade generation to actually cast serenade of courage enough to not be total trash? (extra skill points lets you generate more via a few triopods, runes as well. and just higher spec)
"15% more damage to the party, for 16s at 3 bars". at t1 that shit is like once every 3-7minutes though..
If I could cast that once per minute, I could see it not being totally useless.
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<Silver Donator>
The game really feel like a second job. Lots of contents are timed, island, ghost ship, rift, ghost ships etc. "You can only go do X and miss Y. Oh btw, you only have 3mins to get there". Not to mentions all the daily/weekly....
While I agree on the time gated content and time sensitive stuff, nothing is "you have only 3mins to get there". Stuff isn't random, there's an ingame calendar and an ingame alarm system(granted the alarm system could be a lot better imo, like actually doing alarms and not being hidden when doing certain content) and you can track your time and move to the places you have to go beforehand. This is especially easy to do with alts, I often move some of my chars to a spot I know I'll need to be hours later once I'm done with them(for example I go to the sailing coop spot on my Scrapper like 6hours before once I've done her dailies). The only "3mins only" stuff I can think of is Tooki/Shangra, but these aren't meant to be done by waiting for spawn, and instead by scouting ahead of time. 10mins before they spawn, there will be a whirlpool on the correct spot where the island will spawn. People check these and then inform each other on the locations(which is why 10mins before tooki and to a lesser extent shangra, the area chat is spammed with "where is tooki" questions).

On that note, it is finally done

Got my 12th heart with it too, so now only missing Punika, Ignea Tokens and 6 Omnium Stars potions, lots of skill points.
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