Gotta disagree with you there, bud. Not that she isn't my least favorite character, but that she's hotter than Bo (different strokes, and all that). Lauren's character is so weak that I don't get why Bo would ever want to be with her. Not to mention all the lying and backstabbing she's done in the show. If I were Bo I would have kicked her to the curb LONG ago.Bo is my least favorite chick on the show. Well, to be clear, Lauren is my least favorite character, but I think she's much hotter than Bo.
Tamsin is quickly becoming my favorite on the show. Not only is the actress playing her drop-fucking-dead sexy, but she's got a quirkiness that steals just about every scene she's in. I didn't like her character at first, but she's really been a great addition to the show. Any scene with Tamsin and Kenzie in it, and the rest of the cast just fades into the background.Kenzi is hot simply because of how awesome her character is, although in reality she's way, way too skinny. I still love her though, and would do terrible things to her, skinny or not. But I've come to realize that Tamsin is my new favorite in terms of bang-ability and overall hotness. She's certainly no Kenzi, but she's come into her own fairly well and I miss her if she isn't in an episode. I normally prefer brunettes, but there is something about her whole valkyrie thing that really makes her hot to me.
Bruce is fucking funny. Vex is also fucking funny. Dyson... Meh. That episode with the body switching was probably his best work. And Hale? Bleh. Hale is probably the weakest character on the show, but they gotta have a token black dude for PR reasons, so we get Hale. I gotta admit though, this past episode where he's using a groundhog day loop to get into Kenzie's pants was kinda funny.And to completely gay this post up, I have to say that I need to see more Bruce in episodes too. He's awesome. And Vex, even if he is dressing in bustiers.
I live in the US, so I've been streaming Lost Girl (and a bunch of other shows, like Sherlock) from I refuse to watch anything on Syfy, so it's my only choice, and the quality is the same as you'd get with a torrent.