Fairly disjointed episode yet again, these last two have barely made any coherent sense. First she's fighting revenants somewhere, then she's back at home getting a necklace, blah blah. It is almost like they realize the people watching don't give much of a shit about consistency as long as people kiss. Unfortunately, these last two episodes have been completely lacking Kenzi humor (understandably), so the "serious" nature has shown just how bad the writing really is.
However, I still watch it, so not going to complain too much. I assume Kenzi won't be out for very long at the beginning of the next season, unless she has something planned, like filming a movie or something. Without her the show is pretty much crap. I still love Tamsin, and I'd give my left nut for a "serious" episode all about her just kicking ass, but since they need to have Bo front and center most episodes I'm not going to hold my breath. Bo is really a terrible character. If she died and it was the Kenzi/Tamsin/Vex/Evony/Bruce show (maybe with Trick as mentor still), I'd be in heaven. All the lesbians that watch the show would be disappointed though.
My hope for the next season is that we get a bunch of scenes with Kenzi in Valhalla drinking and making merry with all the dead heroes, and basically having them all be in love with her and cater to her every whim. Sort of like Bruce did. Kenzi doesn't sit around meekly, so it isn't far-fetched at all. If they don't at least do *something* with her in Valhalla, they will be wasting a big opportunity I feel.