Is it any use talking about this show, or have too many of you already seen them all? On syfy, they just showed the episode this pic was taken from. It was pretty good and funny, but when she was sexing up tamsin I started missing kenzi.
Ya, I cheated and watched the Canadian run episodes, so I haven't watched it on Syfy at all this season. I do want them to hurry up and wrap up the last half of the season now ;p
Last half of the final season is starting in Canada/torrent sites. It wasn't supposed to start until the 6th, but it seems the first episode is already out. Not sure if they stepped up the schedule or it leaked. Haven't watched it yet, but just wanted to give a heads up to the few people that actually watch this show.
Gah. Watched this episode, and it is so terrible without Kenzi. If it weren't for it being the end of the series, and the hope that Kenzi shows up at the end, I don't know if I could watch it even with Tamsin being so hot. I feel dirty even admitting that I watched this episode, it was so bad.
The ending scene in particular was so terrible.
So the truck literally comes out of nowhere to mow her down, and then on top of that doesn't even stop? Come on, that's about as lazy a mechanism I can think of to arrive at the "big reveal" they wanted to show us. Fuck I wanted to punch my TV because that was so bad.
Gah. Watched this episode, and it is so terrible without Kenzi. If it weren't for it being the end of the series, and the hope that Kenzi shows up at the end, I don't know if I could watch it even with Tamsin being so hot. I feel dirty even admitting that I watched this episode, it was so bad.
The ending scene in particular was so terrible.
So the truck literally comes out of nowhere to mow her down, and then on top of that doesn't even stop? Come on, that's about as lazy a mechanism I can think of to arrive at the "big reveal" they wanted to show us. Fuck I wanted to punch my TV because that was so bad.
Cheesy ending for a cheesy show, but eh, it was pretty much what I expected. I'm not disappointed I watched the whole series, even though it really wasn't that good most of the time. I just hope Kenzi shows up in something I like to watch in the future. And Tamsin. And hell, even Vex, he's always fun.
Yea, so-so ending. The end end also kind of didn't make sense...obviously not a massive amount of time passed, so it seems odd that Kenzi would have just let Tasmin's daughter just head out on her own.