Karazhan Raider
Millions? rofl. There's hardly any and the ones that exist NASA fucking admits they're photoshopped idiot lol.
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Millions? rofl. There's hardly any and the ones that exist NASA fucking admits they're photoshopped idiot lol.
Millions? rofl. There's hardly any and the ones that exist NASA fucking admits they're photoshopped idiot lol.
Well considering there's countless video's of people flying in planes and 100,000+ foot balloon video's ALL FUCKING SHOWING A FLAT HORIZON AND NO CURVATURE.
Millions? rofl. There's hardly any and the ones that exist NASA fucking admits they're photoshopped idiot lol.
So, when I go skydiving from 14k feet. Why can I see a curved horizon sir? Optical illusion?
Hmm you can see it at 14k feet but yet there's countless video's of heights about 10x that distance and no curve. Strange.
This conversation is stupid. Can we fast forward to when fake Lumi gets irritated enough to send nasty pms to someone with cancer or someone with family with cancer so he can be banned again?
NASA admits that none of their photo's of Earth are real and are all photoshopped/CGI.
Point Hubble at Earth and take a picture. Also, if you can't tell that those images are CGI you're actually retarded.
No, they haven't. Please point to any reliable (that's an important word in this sentence) where an official spokesperson for NASA has said anything of the sort. Just one. I'll wait.
Richard Garriott must have been pretty disappointed after paying the Russians 30 million only to find out the Earth was flat and there was no such thing as space travel.
No, they haven't. Please point to any reliable (that's an important word in this sentence) where an official spokesperson for NASA has said anything of the sort. Just one. I'll wait.
First, how is Hubble orbiting a flat earth, second, you have some balls calling any other human b
So I've been getting a lot of entertainment out of this guy. He himself is reasonable but the nature of his work gets the crazies to follow him. I recommend skipping the part where he answers their questions unless you want to hear some real Lumie shit. I generally like missing persons cases and I like that he uses objective facts and specifically doesn't draw conclusions. Its cool because I totally get how local offices would get some WEIRD ass cases over the years and just throw it under the rug and forget it ever happened because yeah... nobody wants to even try to deal with that shit. I have no idea what to make of it nor do I even try to draw conclusions but the cases themselves are pretty crazy.
I think some of these people are getting washed away by surging drain flow but the other stuff is interesting.