apparently fakeLumi has never been in a plane above 30ish thousand feet, where you can see the curve of the earth with the naked eye
Except you can't. There's countless video's of people flying in planes with flat horizons. The video I showed was over 100,000 feet and perfectly flat in 360 degrees. The Earth is flat and the Sun and Moon are both rotating above us at around 3,100 miles.
dang you're right, my eyes must be lying to me every time. THE CONSPIRACY RUNS DEEP
implants in my brain?!?!?
I think that the Van Allen belt is the dome and is permeable, just not for living things. As for seasons, the sun is directly above us much closer than what we are told and rotates above us in a giant circle. The size of the circle it orbits changes depending on the season.
Up until a few days ago I thought the Earth being flat was retarded. Then I was shown the fact that you can see things MUCH further than what the Pythagorean theorem says should be physically possible. Not only that but no matter how high up you go, the horizon always remains flat and always remains eye level which is impossible unless on a flat surface. How do you explain these things?
Glad you back Lumi, missed you dawg.
Photo Shop. NASA admits that none of their photo's of Earth are real and are all photoshopped/CGI. Point Hubble at Earth and take a picture. Also, if you can't tell that those images aren't CGI you're actually retarded.