Well, I never predicted the end of the world, merely the beginning of the tribulation. It's not like I think that the world will cease to exist on a specific day but rather the unfolding of Biblically catastrophic events that have been foretold would occur during our time. Also, I've only made 2 predictions and one of them was just overhyped without much evidence and it's not exactly easy to predict something like this. However I believe this time is different.
clearly all these film directors but no one else knows The Secret and they are inserting subtle clues about it in their movies because reasons
Doesn't necessarily have to be the directors. Who knows who the one suggesting it is.
Lumi, let's pivot for a moment. Why the systematic suppression of giants in the Americas? Natives all swear they existed and fought them, we had tons of evidence unearthed around the turn of the century that has all but vanished, what gives?
Is this to hide some of the possible truths present in the old testament? Another hybrid race of our long since departed stargods? The more time that passes and we continue to find these monothic structures it seems to lend credence to a race of highly capable humanoids that had a civilization that possibly encompassed the globe. Could these 9ft tall beings been our actual overlords during the true dark ages of man's past?
shadowy cabal because REASONS
Well the reason is because Satan wants to proclaim himself as God and in the Bible God always revealed his plans to the prophets. Therefor Satan also reveals his plans ahead of time and does this in the form of subtle clues in various forms of media just like what was done with 9 11.
i'm very pleased with the last two pages
Yeah....why does the entertainment industry have some secret insight to this disaster?....It's because they all sold their soul to SATAN!!! HA! I knew Brendan Fraser's CLASSIC movie Bedazzled was really how all rich/famous/successful people made it. That's how they know when the end times are coming!
So, this is what has always got me about motherfuckers that believe this shit. If you really believe in the bible and that it's from God, then you're probably familiar with the expression "like a thief in the night" alluding to the return of the lord. Like your fucking book says that exactly, so if people are saying it's happening like a Ron Paul gif then all of us non-believes are good. Because it's not fucking happening...because you're all talking about it.
But, that's all made up bullshit anyway.
I'm not. These guys are terrible at prediction busting. No one is asking for specifics as to what will constitute a "crisis" to properly fulfill the prophecy. No one is trying to pin down exactly what the prophecy contains and differentiate that from the daily bad shit that happens every day around the world. And no one is trying to head off the "well they didn't mention a year, so it could be any Sept 23!!!!" when this year nothing happens that could fulfill the prophecy.
Seriously, people, go watch some James Randi videos if you're going to try and debunk a Lumi prediction line of posts.
These were the Nephilim of the Bible and the gods and demi gods of all mythology around the Earth. Of course they're going to supress all of this knowledge because Satan wants us to believe in nonsense like evolution and to do away with any evidence that points towards God and the truth contained in the Bible.
There is no specifics given
Don't get me wrong, I dig theology but the timelines never sat well with me. How do I really believe all of history is contained within 6 thousand years? Do you really hand-wave it as a giant ruse?
Isn't there literally a Jim Carey movie about this exact thing?How can that many references be a coincidence?