- 2,720
- 2,340
I am 33 years old. There's literally millions of people my age. Coincidence? I doubt it.
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black eyed peas someday - Google Search:
Kinda weird. Legit dozens of examples like this all over the place.
that calendar isn't showing September 2017. September started on a Friday this year.
Doesn't need to say September really. Countless other sources simply point to 9 23. Some specifically say the date and others just point towards it. Just the fact that the date 23 and beyond are x'd out seems kind of strange. Then at the beginning of Little Shop of Horrors it says that on the 23rd of September the human race encounters a deadly threat to its very existence. It also shows a man reading a newspaper that mentions a solar eclipse. This movie released in 1986. There's a ridiculous amount of examples like this everywhere.
Evan Almighty is about a dude who has to build an Ark to save people from a disaster which occurs on September 23rd. The movie Red Dawn starts on September 22nd and the attack occurs on September 23rd. In the show Lost there's a scene which shows September 23rd and says catastrophic failure next to it. In the movie Deep Impact the people chosen to survive the disaster enter through gate 23. There's a show I forget the name of in which a bomb is set to explode at 923 Church Street. Another show where a nuke is set to go off in NYC and there's a scene where there's a guy being interrogated and he looks up at the clock and it says 9:23. Again, this is just a small sample size of the times this date is being specifically referenced. How can that many references be a coincidence?
so Lumi, you think that a planet will smash into earth on september 23rd?
that probably would explain all these earthquakes right? the gravity from the approaching planet is already affecting the molten iron core inside earth and sloshing it around causing violent earthquakes
No I don't think it has to do with any approaching planet. I don't know what will happen but even as a skeptic like yourself you can't deny the coincidence of the overhwelming references to this date, the recent solar eclipse and all of these natural disasters lately. So far a half a dozen earthquakes and hurricanes completely wrecking shit within the past 3 weeks leading up to this date. At what point do things stop being a coincidence exactly?
Evan Almighty is about a dude who has to build an Ark to save people from a disaster which occurs on September 23rd. The movie Red Dawn starts on September 22nd and the attack occurs on September 23rd. In the show Lost there's a scene which shows September 23rd and says catastrophic failure next to it. In the movie Deep Impact the people chosen to survive the disaster enter through gate 23. There's a show I forget the name of in which a bomb is set to explode at 923 Church Street. Another show where a nuke is set to go off in NYC and there's a scene where there's a guy being interrogated and he looks up at the clock and it says 9:23. Again, this is just a small sample size of the times this date is being specifically referenced. How can that many references be a coincidence?
Sooooo what you're saying is that YOU are the anti-Christ?! YOU SON OF A BITCH!!september is peak hurricane season and this isnt even close to being the worst in history. earthquakes happen all the time. you know what else is on the 23rd? my birthday. and the birthday of 1/365 of earths population
there's a 1 in 365 chance of picking September 23rd when choosing an arbitrary date. there's way more than 365 movies and TV show episodes released in a year. if you look hard enough for it, you're going to see it a lot.
its like the old birthday paradox... if you have 23 random people in a room, there's a 50-50 chance that two of them have the same birthday. humans have a hard time wrapping their heads around exponentials.
In the movie Deep Impact the people chosen to survive the disaster enter through gate 23.
Except when this date is referenced it's almost always in regards to a catastrophic event. Also, the sheer amount of references is extremely disproportionate compared to others.
when your criteria for a meaningful mention is as low as this:
just the fact that the number 23 is on something in a disaster movie? you're going to get a lot of false positives.
Of all the numbers for them to choose, why 23? Especially in a movie about a global disaster. So many numbers to choose from and yet it's 23. In the movie 23 with Jim Carrey he says he met his wife in September on the 14th then says 9 plus 14 is 23. Of all the months to choose, why September? Could've literally used any month plus a date that adds up to 23 and yet they chose September followed by 23.
Of all the numbers for them to choose, why 23? Especially in a movie about a global disaster. So many numbers to choose from and yet it's 23. In the movie 23 with Jim Carrey he says he met his wife in September on the 14th then says 9 plus 14 is 23. Of all the months to choose, why September? Could've literally used any month plus a date that adds up to 23 and yet they chose September followed by 23.
i think you predicted end of the world like 5 times over the years and blew it every single time.