I think Grey just wanted this movie back on top like it belongs. I don't care what stupid reason you use, Grey, it's all good to me. Even if Chuk destroys it and Bisi literally shows the opposite... you just trying to keep it on top. Good job.
PERFECT IN EVERY WAYTotally dumb reason...
Since he saw the lizard, and he couldn't hear the cars because he was being haunted by voices in his head.
This movie is accurate in every way possible.
I was disappointed nothing much happened with it when it comes back later. I feel like they kind of set it up to make a triumphant return in a future film.Well one thing I really didn't like is how they fucked the interceptor (the last of the V8's!!!!!) in the first minute of the movie. Lame.
Do You Realize Mad Max: Fury Road Is A Miracle?I was disappointed nothing much happened with it when it comes back later. I feel like they kind of set it up to make a triumphant return in a future film.
Here five things I can't believe Miller was allowed to do:
. Have Max be the sidekick in his own film.
. Hire Nicholas Hoult, one of Hollywood's youngest, most attractive stars, then shave his head, paint him bone white, and have him play a character with disgusting chapped lips for the entire movie.
. Get rid of Max's iconic car in the first few minutes of the flick.
. Ignore conventional action movie structure in order to present one giant, two-hour long car chase.
. Give the main villain a name that will confuse every one all the time, because they assume there's been some kind of error and the character's real name must be "Immortal Joe."
Thats' mine!Uhh... am I an ass or did it not come back in the last act? Right before the cirque du soleil pole jumper dudes?
Mad Max is supposed to be like a series of myths now or something. There isn't a real timeline, more like a collection of stories told around a campfire or whatever.LoL...
The entire intro scene was a little... off putting- yeah it kind of is silly- Max shouldn't have been snuck up on- the "going nutzo from voices" is a FR addition to the Max character- and it kinda sets a retcon to MM1- shouldn't of he have seen his Wife AND kid die? and actually you do not see EITHER officially die on screen- the kid is referenced in the hospital "the baby didn't stand a chance" or something -and his wife was not DEAD per say when Max decided to go crazytown on Toecutter and his gang and then go wonder off into the wasteland conveniently before all civilization and populated areas are nukes/apocalyptoed...
The intro to FR is more of less a vehicle (lulz) to get him to the citadel and give some fan service interceptor action (although it was lame and got blown up in literally not even a minute) - and to those following the series it sets FR somewhere debatable in the timeline... the interceptor is destroyed at the end of 2 and not used or seen in thunderdome so it "seems" as if FR is somewhere before 2- but deff before 3... in 2 and 3 we do not see any "long lasting" effects from fallout etc. no mutations or generational issues as seen in FR- so it would put it after them all, but it could just be a different area that is more effected by the fallout than others- the only reference to fallout is the water selling guy in barter town.
Edit: because Max's wife was not actually dead-dead in MM1 and we just assume (just like his partner is not dead-dead just super burned and 'not the man he was') I was kind of expecting one of the mothers in the land of many others or whatever to be his wife and furosia to be his daughter as ya know they spent that time on the farm/beach with the old lady and "blasters" brother guy.
no, you jerk, mad max is a documentary of what can happen in real life. gecko stomping is serious business.Mad Max is supposed to be like a series of myths now or something. There isn't a real timeline, more like a collection of stories told around a campfire or whatever.
Yeah, I know... but I still like to put them together and try and make it workMad Max is supposed to be like a series of myths now or something. There isn't a real timeline, more like a collection of stories told around a campfire or whatever.
heheno, you jerk, mad max is a documentary of what can happen in real life. gecko stomping is serious business.
I would totally watch this Clockwork Orange style, if I could.The ONLY thing I hated about this movie was, It finished after 2 hours or whatever.... I would sit and watch 24 hours of this non stop if they could make it long enough
With clinkey piano music too!I demand a silent b&w version!
Amazing movie, best chase flick since T2, maybe even best action movie since T2