Making a Murderer (Netflix) - New info


Buzzfeed Editor
But you go too far in the opposite direction when you say 'He was just a 20 year old fooling around with his drunk friends'. He was20 years old. He was a grown adult. If I knew anybody that threw a cat in the fire, not only wouldn't I just be all "boys will be boys", but I'd beat the fuck out of him. You're allowed to think he's a sack of shit for killing the cat while maintaining that he's innocent
All I'm saying is that one incident, of which you only know sparse details, does not make a pattern. Yes, he's a sack of shit for killing the cat. But I can see a lot of possibilities beyond "... and he's clearly a murderer, there were signs even then"

Yes, people who abuse animals are shitbags. But yeah, sometimes people do stupid things, things they maybe go on to regret. And sometimes they do intentionally fucked up things because they are psycho. We're never going to know definitively. Maybe I tend to give him a lot of leeway because he's retarded. But seriously, he's retarded.


Millie's Staff Member
You are better than this bro.
being totally honest here, steve avery is a piece of shit for burning up that cat and probably not a pro-feminist. that being said, the stupid shit you do drunk you should own up to, but its by no means proof you would rape/kill a woman who you told all your neighbors was going to be at your house and then dismember and burn her remains in full view of everyone. unless he was drunk then too, which i dont think the crooked cops even suspected him of being.

Jive Turkey

All I'm saying is that one incident, of which you only know sparse details, does not make a pattern. Yes, he's a sack of shit for killing the cat. But I can see a lot of possibilities beyond "... and he's clearly a murderer, there were signs even then"

Yes, people who abuse animals are shitbags. But yeah, sometimes people do stupid things, things they maybe go on to regret. And sometimes they do intentionally fucked up things because they are psycho. We're never going to know definitively. Maybe I tend to give him a lot of leeway because he's retarded. But seriously, he's retarded.
I don't disagree with any of this. It brings up a bit of an interesting side discussion on free will and criminal intent though (I'm sure khalid knows where I'm going). Let's say Avery intended to kill the cat; he soaked it in gas, threw it on the fire, and had a good laugh with his buddies. "but he's kind of retarded" so we can't completely hold him accountable. Now lets say we have a clinical sociopath with an average IQ. He does the same thing. Because he's not retarded, do we treat him worse? Does he have any more control over the brain physiology that makes him a sociopath than Avery does for being retarded?


Potato del Grande
You're absolutely right. My bad. Apologies to chaos; I didn't mean to put words in his mouth.

It was actually you who said that, you fucking retard
Wait, so you responded to chaos directly but were indirectly talking about me in your direct response to chaos when you apologized to khane because you were really responding to me in your direct quoting response to chaos.

And then you quote me saying he's was a dumb drunk shitbag and somehow you're trying to equate that to people, oh wait me I guess, brushing aside his actions as nothing....

You're all over the place.

Jive Turkey

Wait, so you responded to chaos directly but were indirectly talking about me in your direct response to chaos when you apologized to khane because you were really responding to me in your direct quoting response to chaos.

And then you quote me saying he's was a dumb drunk shitbag and somehow you're trying to equate that to people, oh wait me I guess, brushing aside his actions as nothing....

You're all over the place.
Let me make it clear for you. I thought chaos had said somethingyousaid. I apologized to chaos and quoted your "hurr, he was just drunk. He did his time" rhetoric

Now was that so hard, sweetie?

And don't pretend you were condemning him for the cat incident. You were clearly glossing over it.

Quick! Jump to a different point of discussion again and maybe everyone will forget you're wrong!


Potato del Grande
Let me make it clear for you. I thought chaos had said somethingyousaid. I apologized to chaos and quoted your "hurr, he was just drunk. He did his time" rhetoric

Now was that so hard, sweetie?
EZBoard not so EZ?

edit: hah, nice editing out that it was khane you apologized to for the chaos post you quoted and couldn't figure out how to respond to what was actually quoted in your attempts to respond to me.

Jesus Christ you can't even functionally use a message board.

Jive Turkey

edit: hah, nice editing out that it was khane you apologized to for the chaos post you quoted and couldn't figure out how to respond to what was actually quoted in your attempts to respond to me.
Huh? Can you learn to construct sentencesplease? I wrote Khane instead of chaos by accident, then fixed it. OH GOD NO!!!!!!
If I had edited it after you quoted it, it would still say khane in your post

Jive Turkey

Since I'm sure everyone is as bored of this as I am, I'm not going to respond to popsicle again unless he quotes or references me first. Let's see how long he can go before he craves the taste of my cock in his mouth again


Unelected Mod
Yeah, its unfortunate but Popsicledeath is just unable to disagree with someone without turning it personal. Similar to Column in that way, except at least Column will eventually drop out of a thread. Popsicledeath just sits around monopolizing the discussion.


Potato del Grande
Anyone recall seeing the cost to the state for the trial and conviction of Avery? I vaguely recall something in the film about an imbalance of funds/means between the prosecution and defense, but not sure if the numbers were ever released for the state. My best guess is a couple million spent, and the two defense lawyers ending up with not much by way of profits. Which I guess doesn't matter, but it still highlights how expensive a trial is, and the fact the taxpayers ultimately pretty much paid for all of it.


<Bronze Donator>
Even Sylas had the good sense to tone down the hostility when it was pointed out to him. And you're not one to engage in a pile-on? lol alright. The whole reason you've been posting here is because you feel like you're on the 'winning' team and get to stick it to someone on the internet
Eat a bag of dicks faggot. I put your troll ass on Ignore around page 7 when you started Tanoomba'ing the thread. I didn't tone down shit nor did I need to, nor did anyone point anything out to me. I've just been playing blade and soul this week and this thread was finished on page 31, as I pointed out in my last post here.

Now if the rest of you could stop quoting this troll I wouldn't have to see his garbage.


A Mod Real Quick
If the thread is over then stop posting here. A bunch of faggots in this thread.

I guess dateline this friday will be on the Avery case. Not sure if it's going to lean one way or another like the documentary or be impartial.


Potato del Grande
I guess dateline this friday will be on the Avery case. Not sure if it's going to lean one way or another like the documentary or be impartial.
I don't think it's possible to be impartial since Dateline is pretty bad at twisting shit before each commercial break to make it interesting even when a case isn't nearly as confusing or complex as they make it seem. Even if they just present the basic facts people will claim the facts they chose were bias if it doesn't support their own opinion. And Dateline is more about the who-done-it than journalism/commentary on the system or societal implications. Meaning it'll be entertaining, at least, since that's usually their point.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I think if they just present the facts of this case, it'll seem biased to Avery. They'd have to twist it ridiculously to make it seem "balanced" because the facts of the case just are not balanced.


Potato del Grande
They'd have to twist it ridiculously to make it seem "balanced" because the facts of the case just are not balanced.
That would actually be hilarious, and probably the more entertaining/profitable story for them. Just focus the show on the Dassey confession, leg irons, sweat DNA on the hood that lines up perfectly with the confession, and of course Avery's unwillingness to be a pal by confessing to Kratz so he can write a book.


A Mod Real Quick
Not sure if I mentioned it but they got Avery's mother on a phone interview for a local radio station - first of all, worst interview ever, just saying "yeah", "ok" to every question. But she also mentioned she believes Teresa is still alive..