Israel has been pretty consistent about hitting targets of opportunity when world attention was focused elsewhere. I am sure they were going to invade Gaza at some point in the near future, but if I am Israel and I have my invasion staged and see this shit go down? Time to send them in while everyone is balls deep in Ukrainian brinksmanship.
This is likely all an accident (the intercepted calls seem to imply as much), but Russia and Israel are both in a pretty good spot to capitalize on this shit right now with troop buildups in place. Israel because everyone else is going to be busy tangling with Putin.... Russia because ultimately no one wants to start WW3 and they can continue their land grab under the guise of "cleaning up rogue elements" or some other bullshit. If I were PotUS, I would stage some drones near Ukraine and prepare sanctions in case the UN calls for them, then focus on getting Israel to stop committing Genocide before they start a separate escalation in the Middle East, because their neighbors aren't going to sit around and watch this shit go down forever. Or worse it will give some legs to the legitimacy of Isis and result in a unified Arabic front against Israel, which we know from experience they will react badly to.
We have no play or business in Ukraine and the best way to tackle the plutocrats running Russia is to hammer them in the pocket book. Kill their bank access to foreign markets. Shut down the deal in the Antarctic between Exxon and the Russian Oil baron. That sort of shit hurts the guys pulling the strings. But truthfully, we are too in bed with the global banks and Exxon, so its going to be the little people who take it in the ass on this one.