male rape survivors

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Tranny Chaser
That's from Invincible. It's been running for a few years now and it's very, very good. It kinda starts out with a Justice League, "my father is Superman" thing and goes on to completely subvert the genre.

Would recommend.


Guys, tanoomba is an authority on feminism. He is a faggot who teaches little DREAMERS and American Inventors proper english. He only accepts dicks in his ass as payment. Never question him.


<Rickshaw Potatoes>
This post completely exemplifies why I think you'reactuallya she.

Women do not lack a capacity to sympathize with male hardship or pain, but they absolutely lack the capacity toempathizewith uniquely male experiences. While I have no doubt that many women may have experienced the pain of a broken bone, or the hardships of life, they've never experienced those hardships as a man, and therefore cannotempathizewith that experience. Similar to how they are constantly ramming it down men's throats that we couldn't ever possibly empathize with the pains of child birth, the painful cramps during a menstrual cycle, etc. Now, extrapolate that to other aspects of a man's life, or his idealizations about how he would want a woman to love him, behave, etc.

You constantly see the termempathyreplace the termsympathywhen used by women. As if their feminine character uniquely transcends merely sorrow or compassion for someone in pain, but becomes somehow equitable withfeelingthat person's pain. Women convince themselves that their sympathy is really empathy, and their innate self-absorption only serves to further protect them from even having the curiosity to attempt real empathy towards men.

This fallacy of feminine-specific empathy is rooted in the "nurturer" myth attributed to the feminine, as well as the "mysticism" of females. If women are the "unknowable" forces of nature that the feminine imperative constantly batters into social consciousness, it isn't too far of a leap to accept that the "mythical" feminine intuition might also stretch to them literally experiencing the pain of others, in an almost "mystical" fashion.

It all makes for a good tale, but it hardly stands up against the, "men are such big babies when it comes to pain!" trope, or does it? If women are granted the authority to define whatreallyhurts and what doesn't for men, due to a socially presumed ownership of empathy - then this puts them into better control of which men can best qualify for their feminine needs/desires. In essence, women own the selective-mating game if they can convince men that they know, by literal experience, what really hurts a man and what doesn't, or whatshouldn't.

Furthermore, women believe that they are the only authority and irrefutable judges of anything that has to do with personal relationships. They have, and continue to control the language of anything relationship. Just look at the comment threads of any relationship article/blog/Facebook post. Every female response is written from a position of authority. The same women who can't convey anything informative in other contexts, can wax poetic about relationship by-laws, etiquette, formalities and how it'smen'sduty to comply with their reality. We are socialized to presume that social dynamics shouldalwaysdefault to a feminine imperative. In essence everyone, male or female,shouldagree with any social dynamic that benefits the feminine. Without even an afterthought, you are cast into what would benefit a feminine mindset and a female ideal. To the feminine mind(of both women and feminized men)this is just the way the world is.

In order to effect this reality, men must be convinced of a degree of more control than the feminine imperative exerts. They must believe that it is they who are the masters of a reality defined by the feminine, while remaining dependent upon the systems that the feminine reality outlines for them. So they are told they are kings, brutes, savages, intellectuals, anything that might convince them that the reality they exist in is privileged(check your male privilege!). This all encourages the default presumption of "victimhood" for the feminine.

The irony of the feminine reality, is that men should be accused of patriarchy/misogyny, while enabling the very framework of the feminine imperative. The feminine sexual strategy works so well, because even under the contrived notion of male "oppression", it's still ultimately female goals agreed upon as the "correct" effort. Satisfying the feminine imperative - achieving the goals of the feminine sexual strategy is still the normative condition. Men's goals are aberrant/deviant, women's are seraphic.

Tanoomba, realize that your perceptions are based in this reality. You're "correct" because your beliefs line up with what the framework of your reality has reinforced in you as correct. Any other frame of reference is either totally foreign to you, or evil, immoral, misogynistic, etc.

The relevant part of the video starts at around 30s.

The "system" of a feminized world is all around us. You see it from the original topic of this thread, the dating "advice" that women give out, down to the media that we consume. Game of Thrones recently had a glaring example of the female imperative and its numerous double-standards. A couple weeks ago, Jaime Lannister "rapes" his sister Cercei. Twitter, Facebook, blogs, etc. were "outraged" over this. Many females were threatening to quit watching the show, completely ignoring that the "rape" part of the scene was just one of many disturbing aspects of that scene, amongst characters that have committed murder, attempted murder, treason, incest, etc. Yet, women and feminized men everywhere lashed out at the "rape", women's solipsistic nature allowed them toperceivethe scene as some sort of misogynistic "slight" the show's creators had deliberately put into the show.

Now, contrast that scene to a scene from last season, where a male character is tortured in unimaginable circumstances, even to the point of getting his penis cut off. How did the show treat this situation? Well, so far, they've already joked about the topic(within the show)twice. Yet, nary a peep from women and feminists/"equalists" on this topic. Nobody threatened to quit watching the show, boycott the writers, or anything else. Instead, most probably had a slight chuckle any time the show injected a joke about the topic.

Oh, I forgot that's what this is about, especially with the myriad of females amongst this community.
Even if all you said is true, this doesn't hold up as a logical argument. Informal fallacy; ignoring the counterevidence, aka, that men areat leastas bullshit as women are, if not more so.


Buzzfeed Editor
And this exemplifies why you're a fucking moron. In fact, if your knowledge of gender issues is so supposedly expansive and yet you can be wrong about the gender of a male poster on a nearly exclusively male-dominated massage board, perhaps you're not the authority you think you are. Your gender stereotypes have failed you right off the bat, and I'm supposed to take anything you say after this point seriously? If only there were a group of people dedicated to eradicating these stereotypes... Oh wait, there is just such a group!
It seems as though I've struck a nerve. Perhaps there's something you wish to tell us? The closer you get to the truth, the louder women screech. This board has certainly seen its fair share of transgenders, so this is a safe place. Nearly everyone was completely convinced that Evelys was a she. A lot of people were convinced that Millie was a she. You're probably the first female pretending to be male that we've had, but there's a first for everything.

Not surprisingly, your form of message delivery is lost on most women. Adopting the male perspective seems novel, something that might set a woman apart in a world of common fem-speak, but it?s important for people to understand that anything positive an "equalist", or "pro-man" female author has to offer is still rooted in her female reality. In fem-world, what directly benefits womennecessarilyis presumed to benefit men. So, what you're beginning to see is a new crop of female bloggers bastardizing the ideas that MRAs, male blogs, etc. have put together, and repackaging it in a female context.

So women don't understand men and men don't understand women. Thanks for that completely pointless tidbit. Let's go one step further: No one can truly empathize with anyone else, since every person is living a unique experience specific to them and only them. Or, conversely, since we are all human, we are all capable of empathy to some degree, even to those of differing backgrounds, ages, ethnicities, genders, etc. See how pointless this can be? Not that it helped your point any way (and I'm being nice here, acting as though you had a point).
You see? The bolded is the sort of condescending remark that a female would make. "Oh, honey! Listen, I'm going to be nice here and let you down easy...".

No, women understand men very well. It's why they've been so effective in feminizing many of them. Fortunately for women, most men still don't understandthem(whether by denial or willful ignorance), and those that do are often consciously considered a "threat", but subconsciously they can't help feeling attracted to them. However, empathy isn't just "understanding", it goes far deeper than that. Empathy is understanding what others are feeling because you haveexperiencedit yourself, or can put yourself in their shoes. Sympathy essentially implies a feeling ofrecognitionof a person's suffering, while empathy is actuallysharinganother person's suffering, if only briefly. Most of the guys I know who've broken a bone, torn a bicep, or slipped a disc know, and could empathize with,exactlywhat it feels like, and would know what I was describing to them. However, my wife's first reaction to that pain would be, "Oh, men are such babies! They all complain about how much it hurts! You think that's painful?! Try having a kid!". It's as if by dismissing the injury I would get up and say, "You know what? It?s really not so bad!" and go back to mowing the lawn.

Perhaps it?s due to a deeply enigmatic hard-wiring of the feminine's psychological firmware, but women cannot accept thatanyman, and in particular a man worth considering as a suitable life partner, might ever be incapacitated/having a rough time. The feminine subconscious refuses to acknowledge even the possibility of this. Perpetuating the species and ensuring the nurturing her offspring may be part of her pysche?s hard-wiring, but ensuring the survival and provisioning of her mate is not. This isn?t to say that women can?t learn(by necessity)to assist in her mate's well-being, it's just not what evolution has programmed her for ? it requires effort on her part.

I suspect this is because women's solipsistic nature excludes them from empathizing with a male experience ? and this extends to men?s legitimate pain/hardships. The idea that a man, the man her body bet its genetic inheritance on for protection and provisioning, could be so incapacitated/downtrodden thatshewould have to providehimwith protection and provisioning, runs so opposite of the feminine imperative, that the feminine psyche evolved psychological defenses("men are just big babies when it comes to pain!")against even considering the possibility of it. Thus, due to species-beneficial mating habits, women fundamentally lack the capacity toempathizewith the male experience, and male pain/suffering.

What is this? What the fuck are you hypothesizing? "If women are granted the authority"... really? This is textbook MRA paranoia. "Them wimmins gon' take over and us men gon' be empty shells. Empty shells, hear?"
I realize how paranoid some of it comes off as, but sometimes paranoia simply means you have all the facts.

The mass feminization of western culture we know now is far more a result of men's complicitness. Your Dad, my Dad, in some cases our Grandfathers, have all contributed to this, either implicitly or complicitly.

Far more males will vehemently rise to defend the "victimized" woman, or decree how "privileged" males are, without so much as a critical thought as to what?s been said. These menthinklike women. The content doesn't matter, only the context. And if that criticism sounds even remotely disparaging of their ego investments, it's met with a throng of protest, such a well taught and conditioned shaming response, that even awomanwith an opposing viewpoint becomes secondary to their need to prove amongst themselves who's the more acceptable to the feminine norm. You saw examples of this earlier in the thread with Khalid and Iannis' responses. Males have become assimilated by this feminization and are now more emphatic and effective feminists than the original founders of feminism could've ever hoped for.

Guess what, darling?Just as guys will be guys and say guy shit that doesn't help us overcome gender inequality, girls will be girls and do the same thing. Are you pretending girl shit (not feminist by any stretch of the imagination, by the way) somehow has greater power to dictate societal norms thateveryonehas to follow?Really?Check again who has the money and power and get back to me on that one.
The Freudian slips that sneak into your responses don't go unnoticed, I assure you. But, I do enjoy how you cherry picked, then attempted to create a strawman out of it. I wasn't referring to dating websites. Men asking women for dating advice is so pants on head retarded that I won't even go over it, but I was referring to your typical blogs, Facebook posts, forums posts, etc. Anytime something related to a relationship comes up, women typically attempt to claim that they are the sole authority on the subject.

Now, there is an interesting subset of men that has evolved in our feminized social environment over the past 30+ years. I won't quite refer to them as betas, since that seems too broad, these men are something belonging to that set, but actively embracing and advocating for the feminine imperative. Men who are so invested in the conditioning of the feminine imperative that, unaware of how it affects their own interests as men, actively collaborate with and promote the feminine imperative's social reengineering of masculinity.

They are the advocates of gender realignment, the male feminists, the men whose perspective it is that a more "equal" society is one in which masculinity is redefined to better convenience the feminine imperative. These are the men who emphatically define "healthy masculinity" in a feminine framework where the results of testosterone and all of the innate traits that make one male are character flaws that disturb a feminine defined "equality".

For the most part, these males are more or less oblivious to the feminine imperative that's conditioned them. Whether this is a willful denial or simple indifferent ignorance is debatable, but in either case, these men take the identification of beta to the logical extreme. In a world of White Knights, to seem unique requires a greater devotion to the feminine imperative.


Riddle me this...


I'm With HER ♀
tldr: Kirun hates women.
No shit. Jesus, dude. That's a landslide of psychobabble bullshit.

However, my wife's first reaction to that pain would be, "Oh, men are such babies! They all complain about how much it hurts! You think that's painful?! Try having a kid!". It's as if by dismissing the injury I would get up and say, "You know what? It's really not so bad!" and go back to mowing the lawn.
I think I said this the last time a discussion like this happened. Just because you associate with shit women doesn't mean all women are shit.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
and race.

EDIT: had this funny seminar on job workshop. "Don't judge people by cover."
it was something about "why employers don't hire natives, pregnant teens, and whatnot." everything basically came down to, "You don't know who they are, so don't judge them." everybody seem to hate natives though. drunk and lazy. eomer probably hates natives i think.

but yeh,
I said, "I wouldn't hire any teenage moms unless I know them personally and know their situation on the ground (daycare)."
Everybody lost their shit, including this dude who is a religious guy and proposed some scenario where women wouldn't want to abort their child". I should have said, "just give up the child then. it's their right."

this one chick was crying hysterically throughout the seminar because of drug past and stuff, basically living off with a loser boyfriend with a kid because she can't afford her own place right now.


Shit Lord Supreme
Someone shouted at me, " Hey you better check your privilege!".

I replied "CHMOD 777"


Shit Lord Supreme
That sets your privileges, doesn't check them. Way to fail.
If you set your privilege, you wouldn't have to check it. If you wanted to be the autistic child that lives inside your heart, you'd point out that permissions and privileges aren't interchangeable in the strictest sense of the word.


Buzzfeed Editor
Just because you associate with shit women doesn't mean all women are shit.
I laugh at the notion of the "right" woman. You've misinterpreted my words as a "women = shit", binary opinion. Most men's concept of the "right" woman is an unrealistic idealization. There's not a guy in the world who committed to monogamy with a woman who didn't think she was "right" when he was with her. Even if she was a clinical psychopath before he hooked up with her, she still had "other redeeming qualities" that made her worth the effort. It's onlyafterwards, when the world he built up around her idealization came crashing down in flames that she "really wasn't the right girl." They'll end up with the "right" woman by default, because she's the only candidate who would accept him for her intimacy. It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy by process of elimination. Taken to its logical conclusion, you shoot the bullet, paint the target around it, call it a bullseye, and after which you'll feel good for having held to a(misguided)conviction.

As we become a more and more connected society, the indiscretions of a person's past will become increasingly more difficult to hide, much less temper. Whereas before, unless a woman was a celebrity/worked in porn, documenting her sexual and/or personal past may have been an effort best reserved for private investigators. Now, it's as easy as reading her social media footprint, archived for all to read.

The bad news and the good news of this is that, as connectivity and communication among men increases, so too do many realize that the "right woman" trope is an impossibility, even for the most gracious of women. Thanks to the rise of the internet, we have an entire community of men exchanging their individual experiences with women, to compare and contrast with their own. The good part that it's easy to generate a list of red flags to watch out for, or read about the consequences men have suffered. The bad part is that with that greater understanding comes the realization that even the best of women are still subject to biology, the feminine imperative, and the fem-centric environment they find themselves in.

A little bit of knowledge is sometimes dangerous. After a lot of this realization and the discernment that comes from it, men are likely to have a very long list of prerequisites and red flags that develop. I'm not saying men should surrender to the inevitability of marrying some raging bitch, but I am saying that an important part of that realization is letting go of the idealization of the "right" woman. There are a lot of caring and nurturing former sluts, and there are pristine and chaste women only lacking the proper motivation to move them in a direction no one would ever expect.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
kirun bro, should have just said men should stand up for themselves and end it there. simpler the better.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
so is pornography empowering or degrading to woman?
depends on who you ask. Christian traditionalist/feminist do argue it is degrading to women. Mostly because of the industry practices and "men" domination at the top. Materials involving rape fantasies, for instance, would be argued as degrading to women.

But Warren Farrell proposes completely different thesis. That massive availability of pornography destroys men's imperative and their empowerment.

Cosmopolitan is the best-selling magazine to single women. Cosmo tells single women how they can get a man to commit and achieve her primary fantasy of better homes and gardens. It's the single female's version of Playboy. Pornography is the male primary fantasy--access to as many beautiful women as desired without risk of rejection--at a price he can afford!