Not to take away from alcoholic dad but we all have our issues...
I recently found out my "fiance" is planning on parting ways, she's contacted family and friends to try to find housing for her and our 3 kids.
She's told me she is very unhappy in our relationship, being a stay at home mom was never her plan in life and that we are completely opposite people which I agree with. In all honesty we should have never been together let alone had 3 kids together but here we are regardless.
We have been staying at her mother's house since September, after my unsuccessful attempt at starting up a pressure washing business, since then I've been employed at amazon.
We've been given a deadline to get out of her mother's house come the end of June and here is where the problem is, I found out she wants to part ways after 7 years.
That absolutely terrifies me, the thoughts of child support and her having the only car leaves me not only stranded and unable to get to work but how I can afford my own place, buying a car in a little over a month.
Not to mention the anxiety of dating, who the fuck wants to get involved with a 29 year old dude with 3 kids, I have to question anyone who would want to get involved with that much baggage unless I was loaded, which unfortunately, I am not.
Bros, what am I to do? I honestly don't even want to save the relationship, she's a spoiled fucking brat that thinks only of herself and blows through money like a powerball winner with a coke problem, we will never have anything in our lives because she refuses to work and has d her family to save her from falling no matter what.