One year anniversary today. Haven't fucked it up yet and she hasn't turned into a cunt yet. Seems alright.
I didn't mean to suggest just up and leaving. The advice to get his affairs in order makes sense. I just think he should leave and forget about giving her another chance after he's separated all his assets and found a place of his own, etc. She just showed him she doesn't really care about him all that much and her attitude about whether or not she wants to be with him changes on a whim. Why try to patch things up with a person who is willing to screw you over completely at the drop of a hat?Well he's in a pretty fucked up situation where he can't exactly do that. If he leaves her today he's got nowhere to go, no way to get there, and leaves behind kids and a wife he actually cares about.
I think all any of us are saying is that at this point, he's seen behind the curtain. Most guys think "there's no way we'd split up/she'd leave me" or some version of that, or they just literally never think about it. Well it almost happened to him and he was not prepared. This could be a rekindling of their marriage, or it could be a temporary respite before the hammer drops again.
Khane, I don't disagree with you at all, but throw kids in the mix, and shit changes. I know everyone sounds like a douchecanoe for saying it, but here I go: I would put up with a metric fucktonne of stuff if it meant I could continue to live where my kids were. Like ungodly amounts. It's very hard to understand without children of your own, and I in no way mean disrespect with that, nor do I mean to demean you, nor do I mean to disrespect you in any way. For me, it was impossible to understand before I had them. Now? If I need to drag my balls through all of J49's whore's used needles in order to save my relationship with my kids, I would.I didn't mean to suggest just up and leaving. The advice to get his affairs in order makes sense. I just think he should leave and forget about giving her another chance after he's separated all his assets and found a place of his own, etc. She just showed him she doesn't really care about him all that much and her attitude about whether or not she wants to be with him changes on a whim. Why try to patch things up with a person who is willing to screw you over completely at the drop of a hat?
Have you considered vaping or cuckolding yet? You could still pull this off.One year anniversary today. Haven't fucked it up yet and she hasn't turned into a cunt yet. Seems alright.
What does this even mean? When life gives you limes, hit your wife in the head with a shovel?
What does this even mean? When life gives you limes, hit your wife in the head with a shovel?
Yeah I have no idea either. By the order of the picture I thought it meant to take a shovel and beat her into limeade pulp... I didn't want to sound psychotic so I left it aloneWhat does this even mean? When life gives you limes, hit your wife in the head with a shovel?
Hey, get out of this thread with that "I am in a well-adjusted and happy relationship" nonsenseOne year anniversary today. Haven't fucked it up yet and she hasn't turned into a cunt yet. Seems alright.
Dr Mario Making Marriage Great Again.One year anniversary today. Haven't fucked it up yet and she hasn't turned into a cunt yet. Seems alright.
Rhuma, she's already showed her hand. You've been given a huge break here because she wants to make nice (for a while, at least). If you don't use this time to have a plan for transport and temporary living, as well as putting away some cash she can't get to for an emergency fund when things go south again (and they probably will), then it's on you. Once you've got your safety net figured out, then you can see if the relationship is worth salvaging.I couldn't possibly type out everything that has happened with my phone but the jyst is she told me she let her mother put things in her head and had been really stressed out because of having to move.
Its been over a year when someone actually watched our kids so we could have a date night with just us so it's been pretty rough.
That all said im not naive to how conniving women can be, especially in situations like this, I'll definitely be conciously setting myself up incase this goes South, I won't be signing any year leases and will get myself my own vehicle regardless. So I'll take all your advice to heart, for now, I'm happy that the common enemy in our relationship is her mother and perhaps removing her from our lives will improve things significantly.
For now, that's where were at, the make up sex was amazing BTW.
This is kind of a crazy story man. Almost 2 years since you've had sex with your wife? That's not even a relationship anymore. That's exactly what you called it yourself. Platonic. The fact that she refuses to talk to you about it is probably the most troubling thing.So yes, I have reached the point where I need to ask for help, from anyone, anywhere. I haven't even gone to family yet. I'm a lurker here and have been for the past 13 years, but I respect a number of you and know there is a lot of wisdom to be had from some of our posters. I don't care about humiliation or embarrassment anymore. And maybe writing this down, making it more than words spoken, will help, even if no one replies. This will be long, so if you're still reading bear with me.
I have been married to a woman for over 16 years now. We met online in 1997 - I lived in New York, she in California. My brother lived in San Diego and my job was national, so after a year of "online dating" I decided to uproot my entire life and give it a try - I moved to San Diego to live with my brother while we dated in the "real world." 6 months later she and I moved in together, and 18 months after that we were married. She had two children from a previous marriage, they were 5 and 4 when I moved in.
For the most part, we are awesome together. I grew to love her kids and they called me dad. I watched them grow up, and they are now both college students living at home. I've always felt that my wife is my soul mate. But now, I just don't know.
About 5 years ago, sex began tapering off. I mentioned it once or twice and things sort of got back on track. Full disclosure: We have money problems. We have a massive amount of debt. We both have awesome jobs and can pay our bills, but the debt is like a second mortgage each month. So there is stress, oh yes. Eventually it had been 5 months since we made love.
Move forward to November of 2014. I confronted her about the sex - she said she simply felt no desire at all, for anyone. I assumed it was stress from bills, stress from her job, anything. I point blank asked her if it was me. She swears she is happy with me. She made me feel a little bad about it, like ALL I wanted was sex from her. I think that was a bit unfair after 5 months of being patient.
I am a highly sexual person, and believe intimacy is crucial in marriage. I am perfectly happy with my wife in all other respects. So I decided to see what would happen if I tried to "tough it out."
Well, you can probably guess what happened. Lots of no sex. Yesterday (yes, 18 months of no sex) I realized nothing would change if I continued to suffer in silence. I tried to talk to her. I told her how important physical intimacy is to me, and hell to ANY healthy marriage. She said its not me, but that she "doesn't miss sex." I asked her if we could compromise. She said and I quote "how? Do you want to rape your wife?"
I don't know what to do. In every respect except the physical, this woman is my soul mate. But she seems perfectly happy to be in a "platonic marriage." I don't want a roommate. I want a wife. She even asked if I was divorcing her. I told her I didn't want to leave her over this. I asked her is she still loves me, and she swears she does. But could someone who actually loves me be this unwilling to do something about my unhappiness? Am I being unreasonable?
I tried to see if all the other things in our relationship are the problem, but she closed down after I confronted her yesterday. We barely spoke two words after our talk in the early AM.
I am shattered. I feel like a failure as a man and a husband. I've come to love her children as mine. Granted, they are adults now, but I still feel the same. I am tired of being unhappy. I wish I knew what to do.
Anyway, thanks for listening if you're still here fellow ReRollers. I guess its a sign of how hurt and desperate I am that I am really going to hit the button to post this. I think its time to call some family and see if anyone can help.