No, I was very physically attracted to her. She was and is a very pretty girl, whether clothed or naked. But yeah, her technique and enthusiasm just was never very good at all, especially the technique. She just wasn't good at having sex. The other thing that really wore on me is that early in the relationship when I was pounding away in the spoon position, I popped out and slammed in to her butt really hard. Totally accidental, I swear! Like, we're talking sobbing and bleeding. I would imagine she was sore for days after, if not longer. For the rest of our relationship every time I'd start to go to pound town, regardless of position or how long it had been since The Incident, she'd tense up and tell me "be careful, oh god be careful". Which was also a huge boner killer. So the sexual intimacy/attraction/chemistry just kind of spiraled downward through the relationship because of those issues. In hindsight that aspect can and should have been fixed had we both put in more effort to it, but it's one of those things that's easy to avoid because it's an awkward and intrusive conversation to have, until it's too late. Like I said, fucking hindsight!