You're burned either way-- it's hard to find balance it seems. My Dad was basically a Disney Dad, but did it full time. Life was primarily about enjoyment and his kids, and he was essentially just a big kid. Worshipped him until my late teens when I realized he wasn't a good provider, nor had a good work ethic-- he was basically a big loving kid that avoided a lot of adult responsibility. But the man was practically solely responsible for making my childhood memories positive ones. My stepdad here in Dallas is a neurosurgeon that I met when I was 20 or so, and he already had three adult daughters. To me, this "dad" was everything my dad wasn't-- super hard worker, super serious, etc. Yet his daughters don't get along well with him, and deeply resent him for not being around more when they were young. This despite the fact that they are all now very successful, and got to attend world class colleges because of his hard work..
Obviously there are fathers that can find that right balance, but man I think it's tough to balance the expectations of work/wife/kids.