I won't really say 8 of 10 but I check out a lot of women and just log it in my mind. I subconsciously evaluate how they dress, whether they looked at me, whether they took a second glance, what they are doing, etc etc... I am a very visual person and I try to make eye contact with most people that I walk by. I make eye contact with a lot of people, the looks I get makes it apparent that not a lot of people do that. Women respond very well to that I have learned. My wife has told me multiple times that some chick checked me out when I was fully past them. I don't know. I am not great looking, maybe a 5 or 6 but women have always responded well to me because I am not shy and I look them in the eye.
The second I can get away with it, and I mean the second, I glance down and check out every aspect of her rack and file it away for future knowledge. My wife knows it and laughs about it and will ask me later if I noticed "the girl in the leopard print dress with her tits falling out" or whatever.