It probably feels bad, man. And it must happen a whole lot, considering how often people mention it as something women do. Sex can most certainly be a weapon and a bargaining chip, so withholding may end up being a lady's try at a passive-aggressive controlling technique or just a guilt-free way to mete out punishment. Don't condone it or practice it myself, but shit. I don't have to tell you why women do it, either, if you live with the shit.
The last couple years, winter time, have been awful with the snoring thing. I'm a pretty light sleeper to begin with and his snoring + the cats made it hell. Will have to look into it.
As per Noodle story:
I'll readily admit I'm a dumbass and used to browse Cosmopolitan in the check-out line at the market. Those awful '40 Ways to Wow Your Man' columns? Yeah, would read those. It was always good for a laugh when it got ridiculous and suggested things like 'take a pearl necklace and wrap it around his shaft', but there was one that was like 'wake your man up with sex. He'll love it!' Okay, says I. I'll try it.
He sleeps like a corpse. It's 3 in the morning, he's got work in 4 hours, I reach over and apparently he's having a good dream because he seems ready to go...then he mumbles something unintelligible and rolls over the other way so I can't get at him. I was absolutely obliterated, mind and soul. Cue him being confused as hell when he gets home from work that day and I'm mad at him for no reason. Man, that ended up being a stupid argument.
she wants 3 minutes of missionary pounding until orgasm at 9 pm immediately after we've showered, then to look around and rub my arms and shit while i try to orgasm in that miserable position.
Uh, Picasso...change positions after she cums.
Uh, Picasso...change positions after she cums.
Dude, if you don't like missionary, when she is done, slip your left hand under her back, drop your right shoulder and roll to the right. Pull her on to you with your left arm. she will roll on top of you and now your out of that position...and getting ridden like a champ. Grab those hips arch that back and blast away.
Sometimes you just need to be dominant and let your woman know that it's ok to be a complete whore in the bedroom. Take charge. If that doesn't work, you didn't get that advice from me.Sometimes this is ok, sometimes not. I was thinking of implementing a no missionary policy but its prob more mature to do it your way.
She seems to have way better orgasms when she's on top but doesn't seem very interested in doing it. I don't know if she's lazy or worried about image or what.
No doubt you're actually a women. A man could never conceive a story that so stereotypically sums up the oddity of a woman's thought process particularly relating to sex.
I've told my wife the only thing I don't want to do is schedule sex, so what does she do Sunday? "We're going to have sex every day this week" which actually means she wants 3 minutes of missionary pounding until orgasm at 9 pm immediately after we've showered, then to look around and rub my arms and shit while i try to orgasm in that miserable position.
1 year anniversary in a month, gonna be a rough 50 years.
Sometimes you just need to be dominant and let your woman know that it's ok to be a complete whore in the bedroom. Take charge. If that doesn't work, you didn't get that advice from me.
I give it five years before you start to long for the times of 3 minutes of sex per day!
Seriously though. It kinda sounds like a phase, doesn't it? We all go through them. Give it a month.
That's exactly how it was before and she was and it was great. Now it's just ow! or no! And it really doesn't take much of that before I'm outtie.
That's exactly how it was before and she was and it was great. Now it's just ow! or no! And it really doesn't take much of that before I'm outtie.
So, have you talked to her about it? Communication is the key.
Problem is i think we're in the marriage phase.