Alright... so...
About 2 1/2 months ago my long-time partner (almost 8 years, we have a place together) told me she didn't love me anymore and left. I know what you are thinking, and no she didn't meet someone else, I thought this at first as well but I am certain that isn't what happened. That same morning I was also informed that the company I work for was running out of money and although there were contracts in the works that we were going to have to be laid off in the hopes that one of the contracts would come through and we would be rehired.
The thing to remember is that I am a foreigner, and have been with her nearly my entire time here, I also cannot afford this flat on my own. In what was probably the worst day of my life I lost my job, my partner, my home, my residence permit, and my family (her family since mine lives in another country). I am very fortunate in that I have extremely good friends, and they were what helped me get through that first week where I was in so much emotional turmoil and pain I couldn't get so much as a latte down.
Life is odd, and it is shocking what a difference 10 weeks can make as I just finish up what has been an incredible week. After that initial 7 days of shock I started making moves to secure my future... I started walking more and training hard, at this point I've lost 14kg (30lbs) and 2 entire belts. I started taking intensive language courses so that I could secure my permanent residence, and my ex was gracious enough to agree to let me continue on our partner visa until I could make this happen (I am grateful for that). I found a ridiculously good deal on a place to live and between selling this place and the money I can save paying cheap rent at a nice place, I should be able to by my own place in a year or so without a very big mortgage.
And then this week capped it off when I met someone and landed a job that pays much better than my last one. Both sort of just fell into my lap in what I can only assume is me being among the luckiest people to ever grace this planet. Neither were something I was looking for or even expecting really.
I was at a friend's birthday party when another guest whom I know in passing suddenly says to me, "You're single, right? I know someone you should meet. I invited her to a pub quiz, you should come as well to see if you hit it off." And hit it off we did. Either I haven't quite lost all the charm I once had, or maybe it is just that most men here have the personalities of tree stumps, but it was pretty clear by the end of the night she was way into me. I got her number and although she had a pretty busy week coming up I called her on Monday and we arranged for a late dinner at my place Wednesday.
There is a little karmic justice though, as not everything can go perfectly, at training right before our date I busted up my ribs very badly. I thought my goose was cooked and I would have to cancel, but decided to suck it up and just play the best hand I had. Fortunately I had mostly made dinner ahead of time and my crippling pain became a conversation piece and the source of many jokes during our evening.
She ended up spending the night.
It is winter here, so even at the bar we were pretty bundled up. I was infatuated with her because she was cute, fun, smart, and laughed at my jokes (or pretended to at least). What I didn't know was how ridiculously gorgeous she is under all of those sweaters and long johns. I should have guessed, considering she was busy mostly due to dance workshops and an upcoming competition. When her clothes were off I was audibly shocked by just how ridiculously nicely she is put together, to the point where I couldn't help but chuckle, "I can't believe how hot you are." Her only response was to blush.
Things... they can change quickly. From the lowest of lows to some pretty high highs. So far I am pretty happy with the way things are turning out, far better than I ever thought they would be at this point. I am optimistic they can get even better, especially after my fucking ribs heal. Never thought I would miss coughing so much.