Just to be clear, same guy 3 times, not 3 different guys.
Anyway, it was probably a mistake to post that story, it is pretty out there. I didn't start posting about what was going on in my life expecting this twist, and I just sort of shared it because it was relevant to the line of discussion we were having.
I also am about as confident as one can be that she isn't crazy, just shy, but very sincere. She comes pre-vetted, I wouldn't expect to be hooked up with a crazy person by someone I trust. Nor am I the stereotypical basement dwelling dork, I've always been good with people and I've have had several solid relationships devoid of crazy. I'm am a good judge of character in general, the people in my life are solid and utterly free of the crazy person drama I often hear about. The only exception being the recent break-up which is actually going about as smoothly and drama free as one can reasonably expect it to.
Anyway, I expect things to go pretty normally from this point out, I can't imagine another surprise of this size. Probably shouldn't tempt fate by saying that.