Wife has anxiety problems. Only recently did she finally agree to go see a doctor, and more than likely put on meds. This hasn't happened yet, and I'm unsure of my tipping point, but in the last 6 months, I can't handle it when she gets frustrated and starts screaming and yelling. This morning she's packing to get ready to leave on a trip, and she drops a bag that goes all over the place. This sets her off, and she slams the stuff still in her hands down, and starts yelling and screaming. Then it turns towards me, as to why I'm not helping her get packed and ready. I thought was working from home, and checking work emails at the time while I occupied our 6 month old baby. Figured keeping the baby out her hair while she got ready was enough? Guess not.
So I get dressed real quick and carry the last of a few things out to the car with her, and she starts slamming car doors closed, and say that she needs to stop slamming doors. She slams the next even harder, and so I yell at her that if she slams another door I'm going to bash her fucking face in. She screams back at me that I don't threaten her. I yell back that I'll threaten her anytime I want as long as she keeps being unfair, and taking her shit out on me. We've made up, and I've apologized, and now she's gone, but I'm wallowing here at home, feeling like a scum bag.