So my wife's friend was engaged/dating a guy for 5 years. He moved from NYC to live with her. My wife's friend is crazy hot, is really nice, makes great money and already owns a house. The guy moved in with nothing and she took care of him.
His dream was to be a paramedic I guess, but he had no GED. So she set him up with schooling and got him going. After getting his GED she helped him get into some emt program at a community college.
One day she came home and found s bunch of boxes in the closet, when asked about it he said he failed out of school and got the boxes in case she kicked him out. This was a year or two ago , but basically the first red flag she ignores.
He ends up getting a job as an emt or whatever the shit tier version is called. Loves his job and again wanted to further himself. He gets some courses through work and starts attending them at night while also working overnight shifts. All seems fine.
One day he tells my wife's friend that he accidentally sent a text message to my wife's friends friend Sarah and he could explain it, It wasn't bad. She wanted to see the text but he said he deleted it. Sarah said she deleted it too but she said it was him saying "I'm in Plymouth, drinks?" Or something like that. My wife's friend said no big deal, Verizon can bring up the text log.
They go to Verizon and the guy goes inside asking about it. He comes out after awhile and says she needs to buy this cable and software to do it. She install everything and tried for 4 hours to get the messages but it's not working. Dude walks in and says "it won't work, the guy at the store told me there was a privacy lock in place and I figured you would just give up but you never did."
At this point she basically believes he's cheating on her because of how shady he's being. So a downward spiral begins of every few days he says "I have something to tell you.." and then after hashing out she asks if that's it and he assures her it is. Only to repeat.
The condensed version of that is he failed out of his courses at his job and wasn't allowed to pick up overnight shifts anymore. Only.. he wasn't home either. He was so ashamed he started getting hotel rooms in Plymouth, walking the beach, hitting bars, catching concerts. He said he didn't cheat.. but..
So she's obviously confused and hurt. I guess a coworker told him to stop that shit and tell his fiance, which set him off so he assaulted him at work and was subsequently fired for it. Instead of telling her all this stuff he just went home to NYC to live with his mom. Threw a solid 5 year relationship down the drain because he couldn't deal with failing some courses.
I guess looking back she said she remembered all the times she'd come home early and he said class was cancelled or whatever. She also said it was a shame because while that stuff is pretty shitty, it's also forgivable with some work on improving trust again.
On the outside this dude was perfect, but something wrong with his head.
So when I found out about all this I sort of forgave my wife for being a little nervous. She knows I wouldn't cheat or anything, but I think the story scared her.