Maybe I could offer some insight from the perspective of Tarrant's friend's wife. I'm not in the same position, but I do share the sentiment that I don't need sex at any regular interval to feel happy. If it happens, cool, if not, one of us probably screwed up with our time management. That happens(bad time management), a lot. People, in general, are really bad at sticking to a strict schedule. If that's the reason, I'm not going to get pissed about it.
I hate having to clear time to have sex. My wife does too, but I frequently have to remind her of her own position. Blocking off X amount of time for sex makes it feel almost like a chore. I'd much rather it happen organically. And unless it's the weekend, there aren't many opportunities for that to happen. We've discussed this ad infinitum, and while I'm sure both of us understand the reasons, she thinks it's because I'm not attracted to her, which is completely wrong.
Here, just to preempt some people, he's an example of our weekdays:
8 AM wakeup
9 AM - 6PM work
~6:15PM - 8:00PM check mail, discuss day, clean up anything the cat shit on, prepare dinner, eat dinner, watch a couple shows, wife falls asleep on couch
8PM - ??? at least 15 minutes here to clean up after dinner, then take care of anything around the house. Yesterday was calling VZW about the deadzone in our house. Day before that was cleaning up a water leak.
8:30PM - 11PM Free time! Could be shorter than this, but this is really the max amount possible. Wife could still be snoring on the couch, so I'm not going to wake her up just so I can poke her in the ass. Here's where bad time management and miscommunication occurs the most. I rarely get off the computer in time and she rarely ever directly asks for sex until...
11PM - 11:30PM get ready for bed. Get into bed after freshly showering, wife finally asks for sex. I usually turn her down because I'm just not in the mood at that point. I'm thinking about the next day's work and I'm tired. I just want to read a chapter in my book and go to bed. 25% chance wife gets angry, equating fucking and reading as the same thing.
Someone help me out here. I need some more ideas for organically starting sex. I've gotten pretty good at doing it on the couch as long as she doesn't fall asleep(which is a lot recently because she works at a daycare AND is pregnant). Or in the kitchen, but then you gotta go eat dinner.