My wife gets in these moods too. Its like all of a sudden she's possessed by her mother in law and starts channeling her negativity.I've noticed lately that for the past few months my wife is only negative, never positive. If I say something that excites me or positive she always spins it negative.
The other day I was talking about selling my guitar for a new one and immediately she bursts into a tirade about how it's a stupid idea and we can't afford to keep spending money (no idea where she was getting at with this..). What really set me off though was I do our weekly grocery shopping by myself usually, but since my kid always wants to go I brought him with me - and to give her a break.
The kid had such a good time. I turned his car seat front facing and he couldn't wait to tell her about it. Also in the store he was chatting up the cashier and every time she bagged something he'd say 'thank you'. I thought it was a cute story. As soon as we walk in and he's screaming to tell her about the seat she's complaining about what I bought.
Just a miserable person lately so I've taken to ignoring her. Maybe that makes me a shitty person but she's draining the fun out of life.
Its like all of a sudden she's possessed by her mother in law
I would opt to asking her what state of things would allow her to find more peace/happiness/enjoyment. Don't ask it in terms of what exactly you or her need to do, but more generally what the circumstance looks like where she believes she would be at her best. If she comes back with an I don't know or I'm not sure, then you let her know she has to think about it and to tell you when she even has a guess because you aren't a mind reader and can't develop that power. Just be there to be part of the solution but make her speak/share her choices and reality.
Married to a Latino woman? Yeah, I am with Noodle on this. He needs to pick his battles and not even engage on stupid shit. Chances are she is feeling shitty about herself and looking for a fight so she can project the blame on him. My wife does this shit occasionally, but she usually recognizes is when its pointed out. For my part, I have to remind myself that she does not always want problems solved, she sometimes just wants me to listen to her bitch about shit. Its a Mars Venus thing.
I am not saying she is fucking around on you, but I might see who she has been chatting up on social medial lately. In my experience when a woman hard core checks out its because they have or are planning to fuck someone else and are rationalizing it to themselves hardcore, but that is not always the case so more information would help you make an informed course of action. Also, how did her friend die? Finally, lawyer up NOW. If she is determined not to try and solve problems, it means she has been planning to bail and is likely a couple steps ahead of you already.
This right here is the biggest thing that I just cannot do. I absolutely hate that after griping about stuff, that I offer a suggestion on how to make it better, and she throws that at me. I just want you to listen! I just finally threw in the towel and I'll just say "Of course we don't want to actually fix shit, we just want to gripe about it, I know!" It's childish but Jesus fuck, when something is not working, I want to make it better not endlessly revel in the fact that it's just broken.
I dunno, I get the need to vent sometimes. My thing is, if its venting and you don't want a solution? Just let me know that. "Hey Honey, I need to bitch. Grab a beer and sit down" is a regular thing to hear Mrs. Dubya say.
I can't stand negative attitudes like that. Life is hard enough already, don't need it at home too. I usually make her justify any negative comments, don't care how big the fight is over it. But we don't have kids so the dynamic is probably a bit different.
Like the guitar thing, I'd make her spell out what we are "spending too much" on. I get the same shit whenever I buy a game, ammo, or anything.
Do you consciously try this hard to make sweeping generalizations or it's just automatic at this point?
Right, will just mark it down as "automatic", thanks.Stereotypes and generalizations are popular because they are generally true. I agree they are not the end of assessing the individual, but they are a good starting point. I am curious to hear your theory on the origins of Noodle's argument with the Mrs, and possible solutions. Or do you just want to bitch about it like a woman instead?
lurkingdirk trying to set noodle up for the "you think I'm fat?" trap?Hey, Noodleface , does she ever work out? My wife had a period of about six months where she was excessively negative. This was after our fourth, about a year after. She was just unhappy and turned life miserable for everyone else. We talked about it, she wasn't terribly rational, but in the end it was just a tough time for everyone. She decided at one point to start working out, and get herself back in shape. That was like flipping a switch on the negativity thing. Her entire disposition changed very quickly, and what is better, she was able to see it in herself.
I know it's not a fix all for everything or everyone, but see if you can get your wife to work out. It's a hard thing to suggest, because she's initially going to think you're saying that because you're unhappy with her body shape or whatever. Talk about the mental benefits of working out. They're huge.