Not sure if you have had a live in woman long enough to know this, but a lot of women insist on the lower sitting seat being down while the lid is up at all times so they can take a shit late at night in the dark. Its amazing how much the act of lifting a lid at 3am infuriates women. And I am a three point stance guy, so holding the lid up is a small price to pay for revenge.
We should make it a movement. Equality for allThe amount of women on Reddit that confess they just sit down in the dark at night and don't check the seat is staggering. That'd belike me just walking In the dark and start pissing.
I've noticed lately that for the past few months my wife is only negative, never positive. If I say something that excites me or positive she always spins it negative.
The other day I was talking about selling my guitar for a new one and immediately she bursts into a tirade about how it's a stupid idea and we can't afford to keep spending money (no idea where she was getting at with this..). What really set me off though was I do our weekly grocery shopping by myself usually, but since my kid always wants to go I brought him with me - and to give her a break.
The kid had such a good time. I turned his car seat front facing and he couldn't wait to tell her about it. Also in the store he was chatting up the cashier and every time she bagged something he'd say 'thank you'. I thought it was a cute story. As soon as we walk in and he's screaming to tell her about the seat she's complaining about what I bought.
Just a miserable person lately so I've taken to ignoring her. Maybe that makes me a shitty person but she's draining the fun out of life.
When it's just dumb day to day shit, yeah I'm all over that. The biggest example I have was the shithole my wife worked in for two years. The place was run by a complete piece of shit who had his little minions. My wife actually tried to do things by the book and to make the place better, but they'd fight her tooth and nail, and so she'd come home and chronicle it to me every night. She gave me "I need to vent" thing and finally I was like "You need to leave." If she wasn't going to attempt to take action to make things better, or even could attempt, then there is no reason in staying. Thank god she took that advice (it was actually more of an ultimatum), and we have been way better off without it.
I mean, honestly? Fuck that noise. That works for your family, so more power to you.
But my wife, not given an outlet, will internalize shit and things become miserable if she can't get it out. She just chooses to come to me for that. I'm fine with it
Does that make me a cuck?
Well, that's different I guess.Well she runs her own catering company out of our home now so yeah I like the payoff. I've eaten more prime rib and cakes in the last 16 months than I have my entire life. And she's happy, the kids are happier, and I'm better fed. Win/win.
But on that, I get what you are saying. But I just have no tolerance when it's an ongoing problem that absolutely NEEDS changing, one way or the other. She is content with just bitching about it endlessly and miring in her own misery over it. It wasn't healthy and something needed to give.
She doesn't get out much but that's not my fault. She wanted to be a stay at home mom. I offer to stay in with the kids any time she wants, but rarely takes me up on it.
I don't know what she does with her time. My two kids are pretty difficult (one almost 3, one almost 1), but not overbearingly so.
My nanny was on vacation yesterday (and today) and yesterday I was home early to pick my littlest one up from school. We went to get ice cream, went to a jump house, went to the library, came home and took a bath, he “helped” me make grilled cheese sandwiches and cut fruits for the big boys and himself, we ate dinner and watched Tombstone until he was ready to pass out, I gave him a bath and put him to bed.
People really consider that a job? That was a fucking ball.
Lol... I don't honestly get what you are saying. You spent like half an afternoon doing fun shit with your kid and now you're stay at home mom of the year?