Marriage and the Power of Divorce


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
I would say my wife's libido is about equal to mine, and we both initiate. I think that's really the important part - if one person is the only one initiating sex it's unsatisfying. If you're in a relationship where sex is part of it, you both need to do your part, and not only for yourself.
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A Mod Real Quick
I have never been able to get my wife to orgasm (she says she's never in her life been able to). That probably plays some part. I can t imagine fucking her until she was physically unable to anymore though. First of.all that sounds like a long session..
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AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
Women's bodies do different things at different stages in life. Before we had kids it was hard work to get my wife off. Not impossible, but certainly not every time. Since she's had kids, she gets off multiple times whenever we have sex. Wait until your wife hits menopause. She may be blacking out from intense orgasms. Anything is possible.

But more importantly, if you're both enjoying sex, that's a good thing. Even if orgasms don't happen.


Ssraeszha Raider
Dated a woman who told me she never had vaginal orgasms until she was 25.
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scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I have never been able to get my wife to orgasm (she says she's never in her life been able to). That probably plays some part. I can t imagine fucking her until she was physically unable to anymore though. First of.all that sounds like a long session..

You can't get her to orgasm by oral/fingers either?


Musty Nester
I thought fibro myalga was what they labeled it when you claimed to have pain and they can find no evidence of it. My wife says it's a diagnosis of "it's in your head, here's some pills go away". They tried to diagnose her with it and she went batshit. So while the pain may be something real, calling it firbo may mean that the doctor isn't even trying to fix it.

I married slightly crazy. Last night she was begging me to stick things in her butt. I'd say that "crazy = good sex" theory checks out. I wish she was a bangmaid; while she cooks, fucks, and cleans well, it's hard to get her to do them all regularly.

Your wife is kinda right. It's a thing, there's just no way that all these women are just lying about it. But what EXACTLY it is is hard to pin down. It's also probably more than one thing. It's more a sydnrome than a disorder. If a doctor can't figure out what's causing it within a certain period of time he'll just go "Guess it's Fibro".
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A Mod Real Quick
You can't get her to orgasm by oral/fingers either?
Nope. Tried everything over the last 10 years.

We've even got her using vibrators by herself in case it's something she needs to do privately and nothing.

She tells me it's one her life goals and that makes me sad
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Musty Nester
I have never been able to get my wife to orgasm (she says she's never in her life been able to). That probably plays some part. I can t imagine fucking her until she was physically unable to anymore though. First of.all that sounds like a long session..

Sadface man. Frigidity sucks for everyone.


Musty Nester
Nope. Tried everything over the last 10 years.

We've even got her using vibrators by herself in case it's something she needs to do privately and nothing.

She tells me it's one her life goals and that makes me sad

I mean in about 20 years when the kids are grown and you're just two old fuckers...

Go find some X and have a party together. If she doesn't orgasm on X her clit might just be broken.

I don't know how much you want to experiment, but supposedly viagra works for women. You'd have to talk to someone who knows something about it for dosage. I know it's less, but I don't know how much less. It works about the same way, promotes bloodflow to the organs. For women though the effect is sometimes that it makes orgasm easier to attain. And, obviously you know this but I wanna say it anyway, I wouldn't go fucking with viagra without talking to someone that actually DOES know about it specifically. Maybe her Gyno.
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scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Nope. Tried everything over the last 10 years.

We've even got her using vibrators by herself in case it's something she needs to do privately and nothing.

She tells me it's one her life goals and that makes me sad

Thats ... not great


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
If you're at the point of divorce over it anyway there's no real harm in bringing it up, she might be fine with it. She likely won't be, but you never know.

Well, it can poison the well if you have mutual friends. Imagine if she goes angry bitch mode in court and hauls out that nugget how that will play out.


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>
Dated a woman who told me she never had vaginal orgasms until she was 25.

This is very normal many women can't finish without clit action. Men our age are normally fine on the lasting long enough issue but his wife maybe doesn't want a 30 min dicking. A 10 min run with the vib and dick is far more efficient I would think for a women who already feels put out by sex


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah. And I haven't given up hope but over time you know...

Home Main - Sybian


Spent like 15-20 minutes trying to remember wtf those things were called, eventually becoming obsessed with remembering it because I was worried that it would randomly pop into my head later and I would just blurt out "Sybian! Thats what I was trying to remember earlier!" and then have to awkwardly look around at the people I blurted that out in front of.
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Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
She tells me it's one her life goals and that makes me sad

This reminds me of a documentary I saw once. I'll try to find the name of it for you, but basically the girls clit was in her throat.

Home Main - Sybian


Spent like 15-20 minutes trying to remember wtf those things were called, eventually becoming obsessed with remembering it because I was worried that it would randomly pop into my head later and I would just blurt out "Sybian! Thats what I was trying to remember earlier!" and then have to awkwardly look around at the people I blurted that out in front of.

Fortunately most people think you're talking about monkeys when they hear that word. So it's an easy blurt to cover up for. Also, it'll give you a chance to look around for the blushing females to find out who's taken a ride on one.


A Mod Real Quick
Home Main - Sybian


Spent like 15-20 minutes trying to remember wtf those things were called, eventually becoming obsessed with remembering it because I was worried that it would randomly pop into my head later and I would just blurt out "Sybian! Thats what I was trying to remember earlier!" and then have to awkwardly look around at the people I blurted that out in front of.
$1245 haha. I'll be holding off on that for a bit

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Thats ... not great
Women are weird when it comes to their vaginas.

My ex would almost never let me make her orgasm from oral. She enjoyed me going down on her and would let me do it forever how long it took to get her to the edge but as soon as she was about to orgasm, she would force me to stop and switch to penetration.


Blackwing Lair Raider
My wife also prefers a vaginal orgasm. She explained to me the penetration orgasm fills more full and that the oral one is hallow filling. Honestly, I'm not sure what she meant by it but we are very compatible in the bedroom and that has never been an issue.

I think I have mentioned it before but the best thing for our sex life was me getting fixed and her off the pill.


Kill All the White People
<Gold Donor>
Personally, I only recommend divorce with young/teen kids if you are SURE that it can be handled amicably, and you trust your wife to raise your kids well without you, cause at best you're going to have 50% custody. If you think she's going to go Full Lawyer and be an angry bitch, or you don't trust her to raise the kids alone, the damage done to your kids will haunt you till your grave. Better to just stay roommates with a sidepiece and wait it out until you don't have child support issues to worry about, and your kids are old enough to deal with the conflagration should things turn messy.

A lot of times it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation, and you're probably better off getting rid of the bitch.

The problem with my marriage is I was increasingly doing more and more and she was doing less and less. Sexually compatible just fine. We could fuck all day and it was awesome. But she had this thing where she absolutely, steadfastly refused to be responsible for shit, and that gets fucking old. If she was supposed to pick the kids up, she would be an hour late and it would fall on me. When I called her out on it, she didn't feel she did anything wrong. If we were going to do something for the evening and I had to work late, I'd come home and find her laying in bed fucking off while the kids still hadn't been taken care of. So what, I gotta work 12 hours and then feed the kids and then we can go out while you've been sitting here all day? And again, when I called her out on it, she didn't feel she did anything wrong and I was the one being the asshole.

Then after the separation, she would stay out until 4am multiple nights a week and leave the kids home alone. No fucking bueno. Some people are just trash and can't see it, and no matter how much you try, they're never going to. You can't make them see it, and you'll only get in trouble trying. I never would have left her. I would have taken care of her through all of her migraines and back injuries and cancer and everything. But today, I'm so fucking happy she made the choice for me by refusing to be reasonable anymore. I'm easily 4x as happy as I was married. I come home and the house is clean. The kids do their chores and what they're responsible for because I expect them to do it. I never have to make up for someone else's lack of responsibility. The bank account somehow manages to stay with the same amount of money I fucking left in it.

I get being honorable and sticking it out. I absolutely do, I would have done it forever because I feel that's what was expected of me. Thankfully, she has way less loyalty than i do. And no lie, my kids are definitely worse off now that I'm divorced. But life is just so much fucking easier this way. I date a woman for a couple of months, she starts being a pain in the ass, and I send her on her way. And then a new one gets magically fucking delivered to my doorstep a couple days later.

It's not a bad life.
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