Tell me if I'm off base here.
You are a doughy, out of shape, clammy dumpling of a human being who has spent the vast majority of his social and free time growing up on the internet.
You are a gamer, and if at all interact with other gamers in a social capacity, this is your sole contact with females outsides of the ones you work with. If you do actually work.
The vast majority of your interaction with these so-called interested women is not done in person. Text, discord, games, interaction through apps.
You claim narcissicism as a badge of pride, yet are so bone-chillingly petrified of rejection you have to lie and tell yourself the actual best-case typification of your neurosis is 'I love myself too much to get laid.'
You are intensely afraid of women.
You tell yourself that you're not going through the 'bother' of asking people for dates, but it's actually because you are a social cripple who has an extremely narrow band of topics you share in common with any given female, and find yourself grasping for straws because the shit you're into is not what women are into. Hence, you often find yourself drawing blanks when even engaging in real life conversation with a live, breathing pussy.
Namely, you're into porn and videogames. Your sole sexual release, or at least your only dependable source of it, is masturbating to pictures and videos of predominately Asian women and teens on the internet.
You have been raised on a steady diet of machine manufactured k-pop idols, hentai, anime, cosplay, and variations/combinations therein. Real life porn factors in heavily, and in seeking out some intensified brand of stimulation, you have watched porn of every variety. Even the gross shit.
All the same, real women disgust you. You don't like tall women. Bet you don't like professionals, either. Probably not in a RL situation where you interact on a meaningful level with well-adjusted, normal females. I imagine you don't like women who show any sort've outward sign of being more than a sex object, even if you're not intelligent enough to be able to parse your aversion. You judge them all on their appearance measured on a standard unrealistic for an overweight and marginally-employed slip of a personality whose only promise in a relationship is boneheaded emotional ignorance and an untrained dick.
it's funny because I don't fit into stereotypical gamer dude at this point in my life. Most of the games were played in single player and I generally avoid interacting online or elsewhere. I barely play any more than an hour or so if I can even do that... I don't have the same kind of desire or time to play games beyond what I used to play in my high school years..
I get bored super easily with games...nothing really gives me satisfaction online anymore except posting stuff online.
I work 9 AM to 8 PM, I come home to my boss calling me at 11 PM about his new ideas or whatever...I am intensely focused on my career and so close to making triple digit income first time in my life...I rarely take a day off...except one day where I gotta go to part time school (because why not...keeps me engaged with society) and then go straight back to work once I am done.
I guess I am addicted to kpop and whatever...keeps my sensation high...whatever you said there is true for sure. It is my escape...and probably only thing that keeps me from depressed
but kpop didn't really enter into my life until 2 years ago though. I didn't care much then and I was waayy shitty person before that. I didn't like kpop but adulthood changed all that.
I don't even really care about "women" as a fantasy concept. I don't think women or do I have opinion of them. I only look at individual merit. I don't listen to whatever MGTOW or Red Pill since their opinions exhaust me...I don't believe in gaming women or whatever... I don't even really care about gender politic anymore except they suck and I actively avoid listening to their issues..
I find professional women hot actually...I don't know where this came from. I do prefer certain type of women do ALL or women...some prefer fat chunky women..some prefer petite women...some like whatever..I just don't like tall women in general but I did like this person a year ago..but her personality was that of an empty it is impossible to know...
My biggest problem right now is I have no avenue to interact with people outside of my work and school, I lack the social circle to draw companions from since I spent my youth as a loner which I regret very much.
I think my biggest regret is I spent too many years as a moody and depressed teenager, dropped out of university 2 times and spent almost fucking 3 years incapacitated alone in my room.
I do not like women who sell provocative body image online....I look for modesty, simplicity, and honesty...
If anything, I think I make it hard for women to approach me because I always have a wall around me...Sure, I can interact normally with people or women...I work well with them, treat them exactly the same as I would've with men, and no favoritism whatsoever but I never talk about personal things and keep everything to the point of professionalism..with men, I let things slide here and there...I think I don't want to get "attached" or send wrong signal to women at any point..
With women who are over 40-50ish, yeah I let things slide. Older women love me.
I think that is my biggest problem...I am not frustrated because women don't like me....I am not frustrated at women at all... I am frustrated with myself and why I can't be a better person so that I can make something wonderful.
I think i just have to meet more people and it will work out but the fact that a lot of women find me attractive at current stage is encouraging to me and I just need to let myself go..and jump in someday...I guess that day is not today.