Tell me if I'm off base here.
You are a doughy, out of shape, clammy dumpling of a human being who has spent the vast majority of his social and free time growing up on the internet.
You are a gamer, and if at all interact with other gamers in a social capacity, this is your sole contact with females outsides of the ones you work with. If you do actually work.
The vast majority of your interaction with these so-called interested women is not done in person. Text, discord, games, interaction through apps.
You claim narcissicism as a badge of pride, yet are so bone-chillingly petrified of rejection you have to lie and tell yourself the actual best-case typification of your neurosis is 'I love myself too much to get laid.'
You are intensely afraid of women.
You tell yourself that you're not going through the 'bother' of asking people for dates, but it's actually because you are a social cripple who has an extremely narrow band of topics you share in common with any given female, and find yourself grasping for straws because the shit you're into is not what women are into. Hence, you often find yourself drawing blanks when even engaging in real life conversation with a live, breathing pussy.
Namely, you're into porn and videogames. Your sole sexual release, or at least your only dependable source of it, is masturbating to pictures and videos of predominately Asian women and teens on the internet.
You have been raised on a steady diet of machine manufactured k-pop idols, hentai, anime, cosplay, and variations/combinations therein. Real life porn factors in heavily, and in seeking out some intensified brand of stimulation, you have watched porn of every variety. Even the gross shit.
All the same, real women disgust you. You don't like tall women. Bet you don't like professionals, either. Probably not in a RL situation where you interact on a meaningful level with well-adjusted, normal females. I imagine you don't like women who show any sort've outward sign of being more than a sex object, even if you're not intelligent enough to be able to parse your aversion. You judge them all on their appearance measured on a standard unrealistic for an overweight and marginally-employed slip of a personality whose only promise in a relationship is boneheaded emotional ignorance and an untrained dick.