Dates are mostly bad. The ones that aren't make it worthwhile.
Every time I get back on Tinder/Bumble, I find it to be exhausting. I've become pretty good at using my apathy to help weed out bad dates but it's still at best a 50/50 shot on if I'll regret it within the first 5 minutes. Sure, I'll still stick around for 2-3 hours and have a chat or whatever but I'd rather just be home or doing something else more productive.Dates are mostly bad if you expect dates to be like they were in high school, when you were both inexperienced and anxious and just happy to be on one. Dates are fine if you manage expectations. You can still have a decent conversation with someone you have nothing in common with romantically if you are a personable human being who isn't trying to find eternal bliss with the click of a button on the internet.
That being said dating can definitely be exhausting but he seems to have the right attitude and expectations to be successful in meeting someone likeminded.
I bet this was her;Did my first date since separation. She was the equivalent to old Subway meatballs. More kids than profile mentioned. bland personality. Had strong political convictions and displayed a desire to talk deeper, but couldn't follow much, worse than escort quest pathing. Breasts were camera angling.
Oh and she was late.
But hey! I did a thing. And I'll do another. And I'll work my way up.
There are plenty of YouTube videos about overcoming what you're describing.i know this is kind of derail off topic but I am seeking some help here since this is the closest thing to a dating thread with a shred of maturity...
It is upsetting me slightly...or depressing me on occasions that I cannot find in the heart of me to ask girls out or hit on them even though clearly they show constant interest in me..
Even if I do, its some mindgame and it is just waste of time.. If there were no interest, it is one thing...but it is just fucking crazy that I keep missing the boat because I just don't want to do anything and at the same time I feel sad about my decision to not do anything...Once they see that I refuse to carry on, it sort of just fizzles off...or some drama happens...
it sucks because there are clear compatibility between several of them and I just..refuse to do anything further because I don't think it is worth it...
I still got 30 more pounds to lose before peak shape so maybe I will get more opportunity....but so far my experience hasn't been good..but I am relieved nothing came out of it...weird.
Don't know that etiquette. Sounds like you're overthinking. Add them if you're interested, accept rejection of it comes.I
We far as, "should I take advantage of girls that I'm not really interested in but who would let me?" The answer is probably no. They may not be the easy marks you think though. They may be interested in a fixxer upper . Females are odd like that.
Im not in the habit deceiving others when it comes to dating so its hard to empathize with that.Big P you need to get over your sanctimonious bullshit. You need a lesson in humility my man, which is funny because you strike me as kind of pathetic.