As If I'll live that long
Yeah man I ain't about reading chats unless there's a compelling reason
Thank god he stopped at 'bigger boobs'. Once he goes 'biggest boobs', he's already hit the summit. All downhill from there.I think you have to monitor all your kids online activities. Mine are not on social media yet. But I still check browser activity and what they have been doing.
My oldest recently searched for boobs, then big boobs and finally bigger boobs. All pictures were of women in bikinis. I laughed a little. Talked to him about it. He is 12 so curiosity is a good thing. I just don’t need him sending nudes or some creeper talking to him.
When I was 13 I watched my first full porn tape in my buddy's basement on VHS. I guess we didn't have to worry about sending our dongs to the fine ladies of middle school back then, but I don't feel like seeing what I saw turned me into a deviant. That wasn't until I found efuktI think you have to monitor all your kids online activities. Mine are not on social media yet. But I still check browser activity and what they have been doing.
My oldest recently searched for boobs, then big boobs and finally bigger boobs. All pictures were of women in bikinis. I laughed a little. Talked to him about it. He is 12 so curiosity is a good thing. I just don’t need him sending nudes or some creeper talking to him.
I think you have to monitor all your kids online activities. Mine are not on social media yet. But I still check browser activity and what they have been doing.
My oldest recently searched for boobs, then big boobs and finally bigger boobs. All pictures were of women in bikinis. I laughed a little. Talked to him about it. He is 12 so curiosity is a good thing. I just don’t need him sending nudes or some creeper talking to him.
in 1997 once your kid was home he was pretty much cut off from the outside world. no instant image sending, no snapchats videos of him/her masturbating being sent to a friend. no dick picks being sent.As if drugs and cocks didn't exist in 1997
Social media is terrible. I will be all over my daughter's participation in it and will severely limit said participation. Unfortunately for my daughter, I'm always current on all the latest tech, web stuff.
What about their friends? I think the main challenge is when "everyone else" is on it. You don't want your kid to be the one who is on the outs, but at the same time you want to shield them.I have never allowed my kids on any social media and my daughter is 17. They don't miss it one bit and see it for the human cesspool that it is.
What about their friends? I think the main challenge is when "everyone else" is on it. You don't want your kid to be the one who is on the outs, but at the same time you want to shield them.
What about their friends? I think the main challenge is when "everyone else" is on it. You don't want your kid to be the one who is on the outs, but at the same time you want to shield them.
At this rate half the forum will be dead by the time I have a kid old enough to use a keyboard.I can't wait for the first father/son shitposting duo.Foler when are you having kids?
Without typing something long. I'll say I couldn't agree more. Social media has evolved into something really bad. I think it's more detrimental than good.It has come up occasionally over the years because her friends on snapchat. When she was 13-14 was probably the only time she felt "it sucked" but I'd say in the last two years she doesn't even want it. Told me most of what her friends get upset about is related to social media. Don't really want to get on a soap box about social media as I know 99% of you use it but I really feel it is a big mistake and for the vast majority of users is a very unhealthy activity that reinforces a lot of things we are better of without. Pretty much every study ever shows people are happier without it, so why would you not want your kids to be happier? I hope we are probably only a few years away from a stronger societal understanding of it being a period of madness as we explored new technology before we realized it made us even shittier than we are normally.
As lurkingdirk stated we discuss with social media with our kids all the time and have spent a lot of time having serious conversations explaining why we don't partake. Last things I want from my kids is them doing something like that "just because their friends do". But she still has friends she talks to, she texts her best friend but even with text she does very little.