Home Crazy. She actually sent a second email on Saturday that was almost word for word the same as the email Friday night. I don't know if she thought maybe I didn't get it or had her blocked, because she sent the second one from a different email account. I didn't respond to that one either. I told some friends about it today, about the recent emails, and how I can't help wanting to just respond with some small acknowledgement, but know its would just start it all up again. They agreed.
Away crazy did actually text me the weekend after the trip, she said "Sorry I was weird, I was shy and stupid, if you're ever in Chicago text me, I'll make it up to you! (kiss face emote)" and I just responded "No worries, will do, thanks!".
So yeah, not much.
Ohh here's a thing you may get a kick out of. I have an 18 year old sister who just graduated high school, and my parents threw her a party for it. I showed up over there last night for the party, and there was probably 50-60 people there. Maybe 85% my parents friends, and 15% friends of my sisters. So I sit at the "young people" table, with a bunch of kids basically. Well, after like an hour, this cute girl sits down across from me, and she has a full chest tattoo coming up out of her shirt. My sister introduces this girl, and we start talking. Turns out she's kind of a nerd, and so I'm basically flirting with an 18 year old girl, she's laughing, and I'm thinking "Pretty sure this makes me a creep, but I don't feel like a creep, and I'm not asking her out or anything, so just keep going." Talk to this girl for like another hour, and my sister comes over and hangs out with us. At one point, my sister goes "It's funny that you guys have stuff in common, because I think you're like as old as her dad." I go "What? Not unless her dad had her when he was 10 or something." and my sister goes "Pretty close I think." And then the subject changes.
When I was leaving later in the night my sister is walking me to my car, and I said "Hey, do me a favor. When I come visit you at college, if one of your friends is flirting with me, don't tell her I'm twice her age ok?
" and she laughed and said "Colledge girls sure, but that girl you were talking too was so-and-so's little sister. She's 16." I made a face and went "Whhhaaaaa? She has a giant chest tattoo? She can't be 16." and she told me the girls parents had signed off permission for it.
So, while I can't imagine I'm going to be in many situations where I'm talking to young girls to begin with, I've proven that I have no grasp on age. If I met this girl in a store I would have guessed early 20's, like 23 tops. Kids today, am I right?