- 26,320
- 53,812
And the camera shows him choking and hitting her and his defense is what, "thats what she wanted" ?Well, he does have lots of cameras now... (Not that that fixes everything, but probably wouldn't hurt.)
And the camera shows him choking and hitting her and his defense is what, "thats what she wanted" ?Well, he does have lots of cameras now... (Not that that fixes everything, but probably wouldn't hurt.)
I mean, I mostly just wanted to make a snarky comment about the cameras, but if she's clearly enjoying herself, literally asking for it, etc. then yeah, I would hope that would make a difference. I don't doubt you could still get fucked, but unless you're doing some insex-type shit, I'd much rather have video documentation of what actually happened than it just being my word against whatever fever dream she might come up with to try and ruin your life.And the camera shows him choking and hitting her and his defense is what, "thats what she wanted" ?
Isn’t this the whole point of a safe word?
Using the safe word "don't stop" is a bad idea.
Cutlery - are you the rock hard weekend guy or is that someone else?
The exact opposite of what Foler receives.I still don't know what a clean nut is
It doesn’t sound like you’re being a shit stain. Good luck.Spoilered for length.
I'm going to ask for a divorce tomorrow.
Sorry, this'll probably just end up a rant. And disclaimer that, of course, this is all just from my side of things.
Posted before in the depression thread about how completely stressed and overwhelmed I've increasingly been the past few years. I figured it was just shit in life piling up too high and me just poorly dealing with it. He'd just keep telling me that I worry too much. Sometime in the past couple of months, I think I finally snapped. It's not that I'm worrying too much, but I'm the only one worrying at all about anything. I handle literally everything we do. I pay for all our expenses, I always take the cats to the vet, I always handle arranging to call people to fix shit in the house, I plan and pay for all the vacations, I drive us everywhere. Anything important or anything joint, I do by myself. If I got hit by a bus tomorrow, my husband would not have a single clue how to pick up any of that. He would be fucked and not once has he ever taken the initiative to learn about any of it or volunteered to help with any of it.
The finances have always pissed me off since the beginning. I guess I was stupid and hoped that maybe it would change when we got married, but no. I've always been the breadwinner, usually making at least twice what he makes. When we first moved in, all I expected was him to just pay for utilities. Even that sometimes was apparently too difficult for his spending (we're talking maybe $100-150/mo.). But I always just ignored it because I understood he made less than me, so what should I expect? I also didn't want to be some harpy girlfriend breaking things up over stupid things like money. He's always been adamant that his money is separate because he doesn't want to have to worry about asking for permission to spend it. As a compromise, I proposed that we get a single joint account that a % of each of our paychecks goes to that will cover all the expenses and some buffer and all the remaining we keep for ourselves in individual accounts to do whatever we want with. He didn't agree to it, so that was that and I didn't bring it up again. But I always resented the fact that it seemed like my money was our money and his money was his money. Despite me making significantly more, I felt like I never had any sort of play money, just about, except things I very carefully saved up for. Every paycheck I also pulled out $100 that I put into my own savings account to keep as a last resort if something catastrophic happened and we needed emergency funds, which has floated between $5-10k. I DO NOT touch this shit unless I literally cannot pay bills for the month and I refuse to let any sort of CC balance roll over. Now, he gives me a few hundred dollars a month to contribute and pay his "rent" as he calls it. But I only get whatever's left after he's covered whatever fun spending he's done for the month. I don't know how many times I've seen him buy pieces of art that are $1-300 and then come tell me on payday that he just can't manage to give me anything that paycheck. And then if I've come up short with my own money, out of my own savings it comes to pay for the month. This has always felt unfair as fuck to me. But again, I didn't want to blow things up over money, so every time I was pissed about it, I just bottled it up.
When I talked to him the other night and told him things weren't working for me anymore, I brought up the finances crap along with other just poor financial decisions. The worst one, to me anyway, was when we moved from NY to WV, me and his family told him that he should roll over his teacher's retirement from NY over to his WV teacher's retirement account. He did not want to do this. Instead, he decided he wanted to just pull it out. I told him exactly what would happen if he did: he's going to get a penalty for pulling it early, it's going to get taxed to hell, and we'll probably owe taxes that year. He pulled it out anyway because he wanted spending money during the vacation we were going on for Christmas (where he spent 800 fucking dollars on fancy cologne). Sure enough, it was taxed to hell, there was a penalty, and we owed taxes that year. When I brought this up the other day during our talk, apparently because of his ADHD, those reasons were not enough to not get him to do it. I was supposed to explicitly in no uncertain terms command him not to. And apparently I'm supposed to be doing this for EVERYTHING. Because he just won't realize it otherwise. So when I'm doing a long drive to go visit his family and I'm literally falling the fuck asleep at the wheel and him making feeble attempts to keep me awake, he is not going to ever volunteer to take over, I have to specifically tell him that I want him to drive. When one of our cats possibly has a blockage and needs to go to the ER at 3am and I'm freaking out about it, well I should have explicitly commanded him to go with me, even though I'd already asked him and he said he couldn't because it was too late and he has to wake up early. So off I drove the 45min to the ER by myself trying to see the road while being a crying mess (yeah, I know, typical woman). Shit, I've had to drive myself to the ER before with tachycardia because he was busy. I am not an assertive person. I have a lot of difficulty telling people what I want and much more difficulty ordering people around. Now I realize if I don't tell people what I want, most likely I'm not going to get it, and I'm fine with that. But I feel like there's some things that are fucking obvious and I shouldn't have to be telling my own husband to do. Or in the example above, if I give a shitload of reasons why something is a bad idea, maybe don't fucking do it. And when I do ask or tell him to do something, he always gets so annoyed, which just makes me feel worse about doing it.
One of my biggest stressors has been money. The past few years with this shit economy we've been barely keeping stable. But because we're not struggling to eat, or pay bills, etc. it means everything is completely fine and nothing could possibly go wrong to upset that. Every time I worry about money, I get told "it'll be fine", "it'll work out", etc. That shit makes me see red. How the fuck does he know it'll be fine? He has 0 idea how much ANY of our bills cost because he's not paying for any of that shit. The only one he sees is the big ass grocery bill every week, which would be a shitload smaller if I just didn't bring him to the store. When I go grocery shopping, I bring a specific list of shit I'm going to buy, and that's what I get. I price it out ahead of time and it's usually between $75-150 depending on if I'm buying a bunch of meat on sale. But when we actually go and we get to the register? Shit is up to $250-350 from stuff that he buys. Now previously he thankfully would just pay for his own groceries and snacks he was getting for himself, but he stopped doing even that and it just got rolled into my nebulous payment he gives me every month. Same with his car insurance when I combined that. Point is, he has no idea about our financial status except looking at our bank accounts and seeing money there. And after his inshalla-esque advice to tell me to calm down about the money, he'll say "we have savings" if we're short that month. We don't have savings, that's MY savings. That's shit I'VE put away every month and it's not there to cover when we make poor spending choices, it's there when we're going to be homeless or a pet is going to die or some shit. It's infuriating that my financial planning just gets hand-waved away as the solution to everything. He never has savings. He'll toss a few hundred in there sometimes, but it'll disappear within a month. He admits he's terrible with money, but will not just let me handle it.
So, what else happens when I stress out over money? He tosses me $200 to go have a spa day to unwind. Sure, that's a fine idea in principle, but maybe not when I'M WORRIED ABOUT FUCKING MONEY and how we shouldn't be spending it on unnecessary shit. He also constantly worries about the state of the carpet in our finished basement. Now, we almost never go down there, so it's practically untouched save for the stupid bug that'll die in there occasionally. It doesn't need to be vacuumed constantly, but still he'll go tell me to go vacuum the basement because it's dirty (notice that he won't go do it). I get annoyed by this because I feel it's a waste of my time since there's barely any reason to and I hate vacuuming in general because it always severely sets of my allergies when I clean out the vacuum. So...his solution? Spends a few hundred dollars on a robot vacuum so that I won't be stressed about the basement anymore. Why. How about if he wanted to vacuum the basement, he just went and did it? And how does this help me destress when I'm worried about the FUCKING MONEY WE SHOULDN'T BE SPENDING. Oh, and all this spending? Happening at a time when he's planning to quit his job and we're going to lose 1/3 of our income. Oh, he'd also constantly complain about not having blinds on the windows facing our backyard and the woods. Low priority to me, because no one's back there, but sure, we'll get them eventually. But it's expensive and I can't afford it right now and I'm not going to go into debt for it. Did he ever try to save up on his own to get them? Did he ever investigate what kind he wanted or how much it would be? Nope. He would just complain about them and expect me to take care of it. No initiative and no care for the money.
So October, he decides he's going to quit his job by the end of December. I get it. He worked as a teacher in the autism department at the high school. It fucking blows, and it sucked all of his energy away every day and made him miserable. Absolutely quit that shit...but have something lined up first. In all the time between October and December, he didn't look for any other work. His plan was that since he would get paid until the end of January, he didn't have to look for anything until that last paycheck came in. Despite me telling him how shitty it is to get a job right now, or that even when he does get one, there's a gap between starting and getting paid, etc. nope it wasn't a problem until he stopped getting paid. What did he even want to get a job in? No idea. He only started looking early because I had that talk with him about wanting to be done. No word back from anything, of course. And whatever he has applied to doesn't even have as much pay as his old job, so it's still going to be a worse time if he does get one of these jobs. Me and everyone else I know, my friends, my family etc. would never quit a job unless we had something ready to go afterwards.
Recent months, I'd been trying to be better about bedroom time. My drive has never been where his is, but I'd also never turn him down when he asked for sex or a BJ, etc. (unless there was some health bs going on where it wouldn't be a good idea). Lately I'd been trying to initiate a whole lot more. This is a really hard thing for me to do, since I have shit all for self-esteem and I also know that I'm not attractive in the least, but I really tried hard anyway to get him in the mood. And for 2-3 months, I got turned down every single time. Always an excuse of he's too tired, he just ate, he has to poop soon, it's too late, etc. I'd offer to just blow him and I'd still get turned down. I mean, for fuck's sake, he doesn't even have to do anything. And then I'd catch him later on masturbating as usual. And I get it, sometimes you just need a private jerk off session without having to worry about someone else, etc. or just private time in general. But 3 months. I've never felt more undesired in my life. How fucking shitty must I be when I can't even get my own husband to fuck me? Maybe if I wasn't such an ugly sack of shit, he'd get over being tired. The time that made me feel the worst was over Thanksgiving. We're laying in bed and he's on his phone and I'm just cuddled pretty much on top of him, figuring we could just cuddle a bit when he was done. Instead once he was done browsing for the night, he just kind of shoved me off, rolled over and went to sleep. No hug, no kiss, not even a "good night," nothing. I guess he somehow realized I was upset a few minutes later and asked what was wrong, so I told him. Once again, I should have explicitly stated I wanted cuddle time or any kind of good night message.
I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting to write, since I'm a bit of a mess, but I realized that I'm done. He wants to fix things but I don't think it can be. I'm exhausted, I feel like shit about myself and I think I just want to move on at this point. And it's not solely his fault. There were so many things I had problems with that I just didn't bring up or would bring up once and then just suppress and try to deal with afterwards because I didn't want to be confrontational or annoying or a bitch. I did us both a disservice there and I realize that. I feel fucking awful about doing this, but I just can't keep going with it anymore. And I would have done it sooner, but I've been so worried about what will happen to him. He has no job, no savings, no place nearby to go, no friends here, his friends back in NY all have babies now and are busy, his family in NY doesn't have any room for him to stay. What will he do? Where will he go? Will he be okay? What will happen to our house? Our cats? I feel like a monster doing this when he has basically no support to fall back on. He's not a bad person and I still love and care about him. But anymore staying together and I'm just going to end up resenting it more and more and I don't want that to happen. I realize this path is probably just going to lead to me being alone for the rest of my life afterwards; there's no market for below average 38-year old women out there. Despite that, my gut says it's still what I want to do.
Anyway, wish me luck tomorrow, I guess. Or not, if this whole thing is me just being a complete shit stain of a person. I wouldn't be surprised if it did.
I thought child marriage was illegal in this country.Spoilered for length.
I'm going to ask for a divorce tomorrow.
Sorry, this'll probably just end up a rant. And disclaimer that, of course, this is all just from my side of things.
Posted before in the depression thread about how completely stressed and overwhelmed I've increasingly been the past few years. I figured it was just shit in life piling up too high and me just poorly dealing with it. He'd just keep telling me that I worry too much. Sometime in the past couple of months, I think I finally snapped. It's not that I'm worrying too much, but I'm the only one worrying at all about anything. I handle literally everything we do. I pay for all our expenses, I always take the cats to the vet, I always handle arranging to call people to fix shit in the house, I plan and pay for all the vacations, I drive us everywhere. Anything important or anything joint, I do by myself. If I got hit by a bus tomorrow, my husband would not have a single clue how to pick up any of that. He would be fucked and not once has he ever taken the initiative to learn about any of it or volunteered to help with any of it.
The finances have always pissed me off since the beginning. I guess I was stupid and hoped that maybe it would change when we got married, but no. I've always been the breadwinner, usually making at least twice what he makes. When we first moved in, all I expected was him to just pay for utilities. Even that sometimes was apparently too difficult for his spending (we're talking maybe $100-150/mo.). But I always just ignored it because I understood he made less than me, so what should I expect? I also didn't want to be some harpy girlfriend breaking things up over stupid things like money. He's always been adamant that his money is separate because he doesn't want to have to worry about asking for permission to spend it. As a compromise, I proposed that we get a single joint account that a % of each of our paychecks goes to that will cover all the expenses and some buffer and all the remaining we keep for ourselves in individual accounts to do whatever we want with. He didn't agree to it, so that was that and I didn't bring it up again. But I always resented the fact that it seemed like my money was our money and his money was his money. Despite me making significantly more, I felt like I never had any sort of play money, just about, except things I very carefully saved up for. Every paycheck I also pulled out $100 that I put into my own savings account to keep as a last resort if something catastrophic happened and we needed emergency funds, which has floated between $5-10k. I DO NOT touch this shit unless I literally cannot pay bills for the month and I refuse to let any sort of CC balance roll over. Now, he gives me a few hundred dollars a month to contribute and pay his "rent" as he calls it. But I only get whatever's left after he's covered whatever fun spending he's done for the month. I don't know how many times I've seen him buy pieces of art that are $1-300 and then come tell me on payday that he just can't manage to give me anything that paycheck. And then if I've come up short with my own money, out of my own savings it comes to pay for the month. This has always felt unfair as fuck to me. But again, I didn't want to blow things up over money, so every time I was pissed about it, I just bottled it up.
When I talked to him the other night and told him things weren't working for me anymore, I brought up the finances crap along with other just poor financial decisions. The worst one, to me anyway, was when we moved from NY to WV, me and his family told him that he should roll over his teacher's retirement from NY over to his WV teacher's retirement account. He did not want to do this. Instead, he decided he wanted to just pull it out. I told him exactly what would happen if he did: he's going to get a penalty for pulling it early, it's going to get taxed to hell, and we'll probably owe taxes that year. He pulled it out anyway because he wanted spending money during the vacation we were going on for Christmas (where he spent 800 fucking dollars on fancy cologne). Sure enough, it was taxed to hell, there was a penalty, and we owed taxes that year. When I brought this up the other day during our talk, apparently because of his ADHD, those reasons were not enough to not get him to do it. I was supposed to explicitly in no uncertain terms command him not to. And apparently I'm supposed to be doing this for EVERYTHING. Because he just won't realize it otherwise. So when I'm doing a long drive to go visit his family and I'm literally falling the fuck asleep at the wheel and him making feeble attempts to keep me awake, he is not going to ever volunteer to take over, I have to specifically tell him that I want him to drive. When one of our cats possibly has a blockage and needs to go to the ER at 3am and I'm freaking out about it, well I should have explicitly commanded him to go with me, even though I'd already asked him and he said he couldn't because it was too late and he has to wake up early. So off I drove the 45min to the ER by myself trying to see the road while being a crying mess (yeah, I know, typical woman). Shit, I've had to drive myself to the ER before with tachycardia because he was busy. I am not an assertive person. I have a lot of difficulty telling people what I want and much more difficulty ordering people around. Now I realize if I don't tell people what I want, most likely I'm not going to get it, and I'm fine with that. But I feel like there's some things that are fucking obvious and I shouldn't have to be telling my own husband to do. Or in the example above, if I give a shitload of reasons why something is a bad idea, maybe don't fucking do it. And when I do ask or tell him to do something, he always gets so annoyed, which just makes me feel worse about doing it.
One of my biggest stressors has been money. The past few years with this shit economy we've been barely keeping stable. But because we're not struggling to eat, or pay bills, etc. it means everything is completely fine and nothing could possibly go wrong to upset that. Every time I worry about money, I get told "it'll be fine", "it'll work out", etc. That shit makes me see red. How the fuck does he know it'll be fine? He has 0 idea how much ANY of our bills cost because he's not paying for any of that shit. The only one he sees is the big ass grocery bill every week, which would be a shitload smaller if I just didn't bring him to the store. When I go grocery shopping, I bring a specific list of shit I'm going to buy, and that's what I get. I price it out ahead of time and it's usually between $75-150 depending on if I'm buying a bunch of meat on sale. But when we actually go and we get to the register? Shit is up to $250-350 from stuff that he buys. Now previously he thankfully would just pay for his own groceries and snacks he was getting for himself, but he stopped doing even that and it just got rolled into my nebulous payment he gives me every month. Same with his car insurance when I combined that. Point is, he has no idea about our financial status except looking at our bank accounts and seeing money there. And after his inshalla-esque advice to tell me to calm down about the money, he'll say "we have savings" if we're short that month. We don't have savings, that's MY savings. That's shit I'VE put away every month and it's not there to cover when we make poor spending choices, it's there when we're going to be homeless or a pet is going to die or some shit. It's infuriating that my financial planning just gets hand-waved away as the solution to everything. He never has savings. He'll toss a few hundred in there sometimes, but it'll disappear within a month. He admits he's terrible with money, but will not just let me handle it.
So, what else happens when I stress out over money? He tosses me $200 to go have a spa day to unwind. Sure, that's a fine idea in principle, but maybe not when I'M WORRIED ABOUT FUCKING MONEY and how we shouldn't be spending it on unnecessary shit. He also constantly worries about the state of the carpet in our finished basement. Now, we almost never go down there, so it's practically untouched save for the stupid bug that'll die in there occasionally. It doesn't need to be vacuumed constantly, but still he'll go tell me to go vacuum the basement because it's dirty (notice that he won't go do it). I get annoyed by this because I feel it's a waste of my time since there's barely any reason to and I hate vacuuming in general because it always severely sets of my allergies when I clean out the vacuum. So...his solution? Spends a few hundred dollars on a robot vacuum so that I won't be stressed about the basement anymore. Why. How about if he wanted to vacuum the basement, he just went and did it? And how does this help me destress when I'm worried about the FUCKING MONEY WE SHOULDN'T BE SPENDING. Oh, and all this spending? Happening at a time when he's planning to quit his job and we're going to lose 1/3 of our income. Oh, he'd also constantly complain about not having blinds on the windows facing our backyard and the woods. Low priority to me, because no one's back there, but sure, we'll get them eventually. But it's expensive and I can't afford it right now and I'm not going to go into debt for it. Did he ever try to save up on his own to get them? Did he ever investigate what kind he wanted or how much it would be? Nope. He would just complain about them and expect me to take care of it. No initiative and no care for the money.
So October, he decides he's going to quit his job by the end of December. I get it. He worked as a teacher in the autism department at the high school. It fucking blows, and it sucked all of his energy away every day and made him miserable. Absolutely quit that shit...but have something lined up first. In all the time between October and December, he didn't look for any other work. His plan was that since he would get paid until the end of January, he didn't have to look for anything until that last paycheck came in. Despite me telling him how shitty it is to get a job right now, or that even when he does get one, there's a gap between starting and getting paid, etc. nope it wasn't a problem until he stopped getting paid. What did he even want to get a job in? No idea. He only started looking early because I had that talk with him about wanting to be done. No word back from anything, of course. And whatever he has applied to doesn't even have as much pay as his old job, so it's still going to be a worse time if he does get one of these jobs. Me and everyone else I know, my friends, my family etc. would never quit a job unless we had something ready to go afterwards.
Recent months, I'd been trying to be better about bedroom time. My drive has never been where his is, but I'd also never turn him down when he asked for sex or a BJ, etc. (unless there was some health bs going on where it wouldn't be a good idea). Lately I'd been trying to initiate a whole lot more. This is a really hard thing for me to do, since I have shit all for self-esteem and I also know that I'm not attractive in the least, but I really tried hard anyway to get him in the mood. And for 2-3 months, I got turned down every single time. Always an excuse of he's too tired, he just ate, he has to poop soon, it's too late, etc. I'd offer to just blow him and I'd still get turned down. I mean, for fuck's sake, he doesn't even have to do anything. And then I'd catch him later on masturbating as usual. And I get it, sometimes you just need a private jerk off session without having to worry about someone else, etc. or just private time in general. But 3 months. I've never felt more undesired in my life. How fucking shitty must I be when I can't even get my own husband to fuck me? Maybe if I wasn't such an ugly sack of shit, he'd get over being tired. The time that made me feel the worst was over Thanksgiving. We're laying in bed and he's on his phone and I'm just cuddled pretty much on top of him, figuring we could just cuddle a bit when he was done. Instead once he was done browsing for the night, he just kind of shoved me off, rolled over and went to sleep. No hug, no kiss, not even a "good night," nothing. I guess he somehow realized I was upset a few minutes later and asked what was wrong, so I told him. Once again, I should have explicitly stated I wanted cuddle time or any kind of good night message.
I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting to write, since I'm a bit of a mess, but I realized that I'm done. He wants to fix things but I don't think it can be. I'm exhausted, I feel like shit about myself and I think I just want to move on at this point. And it's not solely his fault. There were so many things I had problems with that I just didn't bring up or would bring up once and then just suppress and try to deal with afterwards because I didn't want to be confrontational or annoying or a bitch. I did us both a disservice there and I realize that. I feel fucking awful about doing this, but I just can't keep going with it anymore. And I would have done it sooner, but I've been so worried about what will happen to him. He has no job, no savings, no place nearby to go, no friends here, his friends back in NY all have babies now and are busy, his family in NY doesn't have any room for him to stay. What will he do? Where will he go? Will he be okay? What will happen to our house? Our cats? I feel like a monster doing this when he has basically no support to fall back on. He's not a bad person and I still love and care about him. But anymore staying together and I'm just going to end up resenting it more and more and I don't want that to happen. I realize this path is probably just going to lead to me being alone for the rest of my life afterwards; there's no market for below average 38-year old women out there. Despite that, my gut says it's still what I want to do.
Anyway, wish me luck tomorrow, I guess. Or not, if this whole thing is me just being a complete shit stain of a person. I wouldn't be surprised if it did.
Fuck him.Spoilered for length.
I'm going to ask for a divorce tomorrow.
Sorry, this'll probably just end up a rant. And disclaimer that, of course, this is all just from my side of things.
Posted before in the depression thread about how completely stressed and overwhelmed I've increasingly been the past few years. I figured it was just shit in life piling up too high and me just poorly dealing with it. He'd just keep telling me that I worry too much. Sometime in the past couple of months, I think I finally snapped. It's not that I'm worrying too much, but I'm the only one worrying at all about anything. I handle literally everything we do. I pay for all our expenses, I always take the cats to the vet, I always handle arranging to call people to fix shit in the house, I plan and pay for all the vacations, I drive us everywhere. Anything important or anything joint, I do by myself. If I got hit by a bus tomorrow, my husband would not have a single clue how to pick up any of that. He would be fucked and not once has he ever taken the initiative to learn about any of it or volunteered to help with any of it.
The finances have always pissed me off since the beginning. I guess I was stupid and hoped that maybe it would change when we got married, but no. I've always been the breadwinner, usually making at least twice what he makes. When we first moved in, all I expected was him to just pay for utilities. Even that sometimes was apparently too difficult for his spending (we're talking maybe $100-150/mo.). But I always just ignored it because I understood he made less than me, so what should I expect? I also didn't want to be some harpy girlfriend breaking things up over stupid things like money. He's always been adamant that his money is separate because he doesn't want to have to worry about asking for permission to spend it. As a compromise, I proposed that we get a single joint account that a % of each of our paychecks goes to that will cover all the expenses and some buffer and all the remaining we keep for ourselves in individual accounts to do whatever we want with. He didn't agree to it, so that was that and I didn't bring it up again. But I always resented the fact that it seemed like my money was our money and his money was his money. Despite me making significantly more, I felt like I never had any sort of play money, just about, except things I very carefully saved up for. Every paycheck I also pulled out $100 that I put into my own savings account to keep as a last resort if something catastrophic happened and we needed emergency funds, which has floated between $5-10k. I DO NOT touch this shit unless I literally cannot pay bills for the month and I refuse to let any sort of CC balance roll over. Now, he gives me a few hundred dollars a month to contribute and pay his "rent" as he calls it. But I only get whatever's left after he's covered whatever fun spending he's done for the month. I don't know how many times I've seen him buy pieces of art that are $1-300 and then come tell me on payday that he just can't manage to give me anything that paycheck. And then if I've come up short with my own money, out of my own savings it comes to pay for the month. This has always felt unfair as fuck to me. But again, I didn't want to blow things up over money, so every time I was pissed about it, I just bottled it up.
When I talked to him the other night and told him things weren't working for me anymore, I brought up the finances crap along with other just poor financial decisions. The worst one, to me anyway, was when we moved from NY to WV, me and his family told him that he should roll over his teacher's retirement from NY over to his WV teacher's retirement account. He did not want to do this. Instead, he decided he wanted to just pull it out. I told him exactly what would happen if he did: he's going to get a penalty for pulling it early, it's going to get taxed to hell, and we'll probably owe taxes that year. He pulled it out anyway because he wanted spending money during the vacation we were going on for Christmas (where he spent 800 fucking dollars on fancy cologne). Sure enough, it was taxed to hell, there was a penalty, and we owed taxes that year. When I brought this up the other day during our talk, apparently because of his ADHD, those reasons were not enough to not get him to do it. I was supposed to explicitly in no uncertain terms command him not to. And apparently I'm supposed to be doing this for EVERYTHING. Because he just won't realize it otherwise. So when I'm doing a long drive to go visit his family and I'm literally falling the fuck asleep at the wheel and him making feeble attempts to keep me awake, he is not going to ever volunteer to take over, I have to specifically tell him that I want him to drive. When one of our cats possibly has a blockage and needs to go to the ER at 3am and I'm freaking out about it, well I should have explicitly commanded him to go with me, even though I'd already asked him and he said he couldn't because it was too late and he has to wake up early. So off I drove the 45min to the ER by myself trying to see the road while being a crying mess (yeah, I know, typical woman). Shit, I've had to drive myself to the ER before with tachycardia because he was busy. I am not an assertive person. I have a lot of difficulty telling people what I want and much more difficulty ordering people around. Now I realize if I don't tell people what I want, most likely I'm not going to get it, and I'm fine with that. But I feel like there's some things that are fucking obvious and I shouldn't have to be telling my own husband to do. Or in the example above, if I give a shitload of reasons why something is a bad idea, maybe don't fucking do it. And when I do ask or tell him to do something, he always gets so annoyed, which just makes me feel worse about doing it.
One of my biggest stressors has been money. The past few years with this shit economy we've been barely keeping stable. But because we're not struggling to eat, or pay bills, etc. it means everything is completely fine and nothing could possibly go wrong to upset that. Every time I worry about money, I get told "it'll be fine", "it'll work out", etc. That shit makes me see red. How the fuck does he know it'll be fine? He has 0 idea how much ANY of our bills cost because he's not paying for any of that shit. The only one he sees is the big ass grocery bill every week, which would be a shitload smaller if I just didn't bring him to the store. When I go grocery shopping, I bring a specific list of shit I'm going to buy, and that's what I get. I price it out ahead of time and it's usually between $75-150 depending on if I'm buying a bunch of meat on sale. But when we actually go and we get to the register? Shit is up to $250-350 from stuff that he buys. Now previously he thankfully would just pay for his own groceries and snacks he was getting for himself, but he stopped doing even that and it just got rolled into my nebulous payment he gives me every month. Same with his car insurance when I combined that. Point is, he has no idea about our financial status except looking at our bank accounts and seeing money there. And after his inshalla-esque advice to tell me to calm down about the money, he'll say "we have savings" if we're short that month. We don't have savings, that's MY savings. That's shit I'VE put away every month and it's not there to cover when we make poor spending choices, it's there when we're going to be homeless or a pet is going to die or some shit. It's infuriating that my financial planning just gets hand-waved away as the solution to everything. He never has savings. He'll toss a few hundred in there sometimes, but it'll disappear within a month. He admits he's terrible with money, but will not just let me handle it.
So, what else happens when I stress out over money? He tosses me $200 to go have a spa day to unwind. Sure, that's a fine idea in principle, but maybe not when I'M WORRIED ABOUT FUCKING MONEY and how we shouldn't be spending it on unnecessary shit. He also constantly worries about the state of the carpet in our finished basement. Now, we almost never go down there, so it's practically untouched save for the stupid bug that'll die in there occasionally. It doesn't need to be vacuumed constantly, but still he'll go tell me to go vacuum the basement because it's dirty (notice that he won't go do it). I get annoyed by this because I feel it's a waste of my time since there's barely any reason to and I hate vacuuming in general because it always severely sets of my allergies when I clean out the vacuum. So...his solution? Spends a few hundred dollars on a robot vacuum so that I won't be stressed about the basement anymore. Why. How about if he wanted to vacuum the basement, he just went and did it? And how does this help me destress when I'm worried about the FUCKING MONEY WE SHOULDN'T BE SPENDING. Oh, and all this spending? Happening at a time when he's planning to quit his job and we're going to lose 1/3 of our income. Oh, he'd also constantly complain about not having blinds on the windows facing our backyard and the woods. Low priority to me, because no one's back there, but sure, we'll get them eventually. But it's expensive and I can't afford it right now and I'm not going to go into debt for it. Did he ever try to save up on his own to get them? Did he ever investigate what kind he wanted or how much it would be? Nope. He would just complain about them and expect me to take care of it. No initiative and no care for the money.
So October, he decides he's going to quit his job by the end of December. I get it. He worked as a teacher in the autism department at the high school. It fucking blows, and it sucked all of his energy away every day and made him miserable. Absolutely quit that shit...but have something lined up first. In all the time between October and December, he didn't look for any other work. His plan was that since he would get paid until the end of January, he didn't have to look for anything until that last paycheck came in. Despite me telling him how shitty it is to get a job right now, or that even when he does get one, there's a gap between starting and getting paid, etc. nope it wasn't a problem until he stopped getting paid. What did he even want to get a job in? No idea. He only started looking early because I had that talk with him about wanting to be done. No word back from anything, of course. And whatever he has applied to doesn't even have as much pay as his old job, so it's still going to be a worse time if he does get one of these jobs. Me and everyone else I know, my friends, my family etc. would never quit a job unless we had something ready to go afterwards.
Recent months, I'd been trying to be better about bedroom time. My drive has never been where his is, but I'd also never turn him down when he asked for sex or a BJ, etc. (unless there was some health bs going on where it wouldn't be a good idea). Lately I'd been trying to initiate a whole lot more. This is a really hard thing for me to do, since I have shit all for self-esteem and I also know that I'm not attractive in the least, but I really tried hard anyway to get him in the mood. And for 2-3 months, I got turned down every single time. Always an excuse of he's too tired, he just ate, he has to poop soon, it's too late, etc. I'd offer to just blow him and I'd still get turned down. I mean, for fuck's sake, he doesn't even have to do anything. And then I'd catch him later on masturbating as usual. And I get it, sometimes you just need a private jerk off session without having to worry about someone else, etc. or just private time in general. But 3 months. I've never felt more undesired in my life. How fucking shitty must I be when I can't even get my own husband to fuck me? Maybe if I wasn't such an ugly sack of shit, he'd get over being tired. The time that made me feel the worst was over Thanksgiving. We're laying in bed and he's on his phone and I'm just cuddled pretty much on top of him, figuring we could just cuddle a bit when he was done. Instead once he was done browsing for the night, he just kind of shoved me off, rolled over and went to sleep. No hug, no kiss, not even a "good night," nothing. I guess he somehow realized I was upset a few minutes later and asked what was wrong, so I told him. Once again, I should have explicitly stated I wanted cuddle time or any kind of good night message.
I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting to write, since I'm a bit of a mess, but I realized that I'm done. He wants to fix things but I don't think it can be. I'm exhausted, I feel like shit about myself and I think I just want to move on at this point. And it's not solely his fault. There were so many things I had problems with that I just didn't bring up or would bring up once and then just suppress and try to deal with afterwards because I didn't want to be confrontational or annoying or a bitch. I did us both a disservice there and I realize that. I feel fucking awful about doing this, but I just can't keep going with it anymore. And I would have done it sooner, but I've been so worried about what will happen to him. He has no job, no savings, no place nearby to go, no friends here, his friends back in NY all have babies now and are busy, his family in NY doesn't have any room for him to stay. What will he do? Where will he go? Will he be okay? What will happen to our house? Our cats? I feel like a monster doing this when he has basically no support to fall back on. He's not a bad person and I still love and care about him. But anymore staying together and I'm just going to end up resenting it more and more and I don't want that to happen. I realize this path is probably just going to lead to me being alone for the rest of my life afterwards; there's no market for below average 38-year old women out there. Despite that, my gut says it's still what I want to do.
Anyway, wish me luck tomorrow, I guess. Or not, if this whole thing is me just being a complete shit stain of a person. I wouldn't be surprised if it did.
I thought child marriage was illegal in this country.
Spoilered for length.
I'm going to ask for a divorce tomorrow.
Sorry, this'll probably just end up a rant. And disclaimer that, of course, this is all just from my side of things.
Posted before in the depression thread about how completely stressed and overwhelmed I've increasingly been the past few years. I figured it was just shit in life piling up too high and me just poorly dealing with it. He'd just keep telling me that I worry too much. Sometime in the past couple of months, I think I finally snapped. It's not that I'm worrying too much, but I'm the only one worrying at all about anything. I handle literally everything we do. I pay for all our expenses, I always take the cats to the vet, I always handle arranging to call people to fix shit in the house, I plan and pay for all the vacations, I drive us everywhere. Anything important or anything joint, I do by myself. If I got hit by a bus tomorrow, my husband would not have a single clue how to pick up any of that. He would be fucked and not once has he ever taken the initiative to learn about any of it or volunteered to help with any of it.
The finances have always pissed me off since the beginning. I guess I was stupid and hoped that maybe it would change when we got married, but no. I've always been the breadwinner, usually making at least twice what he makes. When we first moved in, all I expected was him to just pay for utilities. Even that sometimes was apparently too difficult for his spending (we're talking maybe $100-150/mo.). But I always just ignored it because I understood he made less than me, so what should I expect? I also didn't want to be some harpy girlfriend breaking things up over stupid things like money. He's always been adamant that his money is separate because he doesn't want to have to worry about asking for permission to spend it. As a compromise, I proposed that we get a single joint account that a % of each of our paychecks goes to that will cover all the expenses and some buffer and all the remaining we keep for ourselves in individual accounts to do whatever we want with. He didn't agree to it, so that was that and I didn't bring it up again. But I always resented the fact that it seemed like my money was our money and his money was his money. Despite me making significantly more, I felt like I never had any sort of play money, just about, except things I very carefully saved up for. Every paycheck I also pulled out $100 that I put into my own savings account to keep as a last resort if something catastrophic happened and we needed emergency funds, which has floated between $5-10k. I DO NOT touch this shit unless I literally cannot pay bills for the month and I refuse to let any sort of CC balance roll over. Now, he gives me a few hundred dollars a month to contribute and pay his "rent" as he calls it. But I only get whatever's left after he's covered whatever fun spending he's done for the month. I don't know how many times I've seen him buy pieces of art that are $1-300 and then come tell me on payday that he just can't manage to give me anything that paycheck. And then if I've come up short with my own money, out of my own savings it comes to pay for the month. This has always felt unfair as fuck to me. But again, I didn't want to blow things up over money, so every time I was pissed about it, I just bottled it up.
When I talked to him the other night and told him things weren't working for me anymore, I brought up the finances crap along with other just poor financial decisions. The worst one, to me anyway, was when we moved from NY to WV, me and his family told him that he should roll over his teacher's retirement from NY over to his WV teacher's retirement account. He did not want to do this. Instead, he decided he wanted to just pull it out. I told him exactly what would happen if he did: he's going to get a penalty for pulling it early, it's going to get taxed to hell, and we'll probably owe taxes that year. He pulled it out anyway because he wanted spending money during the vacation we were going on for Christmas (where he spent 800 fucking dollars on fancy cologne). Sure enough, it was taxed to hell, there was a penalty, and we owed taxes that year. When I brought this up the other day during our talk, apparently because of his ADHD, those reasons were not enough to not get him to do it. I was supposed to explicitly in no uncertain terms command him not to. And apparently I'm supposed to be doing this for EVERYTHING. Because he just won't realize it otherwise. So when I'm doing a long drive to go visit his family and I'm literally falling the fuck asleep at the wheel and him making feeble attempts to keep me awake, he is not going to ever volunteer to take over, I have to specifically tell him that I want him to drive. When one of our cats possibly has a blockage and needs to go to the ER at 3am and I'm freaking out about it, well I should have explicitly commanded him to go with me, even though I'd already asked him and he said he couldn't because it was too late and he has to wake up early. So off I drove the 45min to the ER by myself trying to see the road while being a crying mess (yeah, I know, typical woman). Shit, I've had to drive myself to the ER before with tachycardia because he was busy. I am not an assertive person. I have a lot of difficulty telling people what I want and much more difficulty ordering people around. Now I realize if I don't tell people what I want, most likely I'm not going to get it, and I'm fine with that. But I feel like there's some things that are fucking obvious and I shouldn't have to be telling my own husband to do. Or in the example above, if I give a shitload of reasons why something is a bad idea, maybe don't fucking do it. And when I do ask or tell him to do something, he always gets so annoyed, which just makes me feel worse about doing it.
One of my biggest stressors has been money. The past few years with this shit economy we've been barely keeping stable. But because we're not struggling to eat, or pay bills, etc. it means everything is completely fine and nothing could possibly go wrong to upset that. Every time I worry about money, I get told "it'll be fine", "it'll work out", etc. That shit makes me see red. How the fuck does he know it'll be fine? He has 0 idea how much ANY of our bills cost because he's not paying for any of that shit. The only one he sees is the big ass grocery bill every week, which would be a shitload smaller if I just didn't bring him to the store. When I go grocery shopping, I bring a specific list of shit I'm going to buy, and that's what I get. I price it out ahead of time and it's usually between $75-150 depending on if I'm buying a bunch of meat on sale. But when we actually go and we get to the register? Shit is up to $250-350 from stuff that he buys. Now previously he thankfully would just pay for his own groceries and snacks he was getting for himself, but he stopped doing even that and it just got rolled into my nebulous payment he gives me every month. Same with his car insurance when I combined that. Point is, he has no idea about our financial status except looking at our bank accounts and seeing money there. And after his inshalla-esque advice to tell me to calm down about the money, he'll say "we have savings" if we're short that month. We don't have savings, that's MY savings. That's shit I'VE put away every month and it's not there to cover when we make poor spending choices, it's there when we're going to be homeless or a pet is going to die or some shit. It's infuriating that my financial planning just gets hand-waved away as the solution to everything. He never has savings. He'll toss a few hundred in there sometimes, but it'll disappear within a month. He admits he's terrible with money, but will not just let me handle it.
So, what else happens when I stress out over money? He tosses me $200 to go have a spa day to unwind. Sure, that's a fine idea in principle, but maybe not when I'M WORRIED ABOUT FUCKING MONEY and how we shouldn't be spending it on unnecessary shit. He also constantly worries about the state of the carpet in our finished basement. Now, we almost never go down there, so it's practically untouched save for the stupid bug that'll die in there occasionally. It doesn't need to be vacuumed constantly, but still he'll go tell me to go vacuum the basement because it's dirty (notice that he won't go do it). I get annoyed by this because I feel it's a waste of my time since there's barely any reason to and I hate vacuuming in general because it always severely sets of my allergies when I clean out the vacuum. So...his solution? Spends a few hundred dollars on a robot vacuum so that I won't be stressed about the basement anymore. Why. How about if he wanted to vacuum the basement, he just went and did it? And how does this help me destress when I'm worried about the FUCKING MONEY WE SHOULDN'T BE SPENDING. Oh, and all this spending? Happening at a time when he's planning to quit his job and we're going to lose 1/3 of our income. Oh, he'd also constantly complain about not having blinds on the windows facing our backyard and the woods. Low priority to me, because no one's back there, but sure, we'll get them eventually. But it's expensive and I can't afford it right now and I'm not going to go into debt for it. Did he ever try to save up on his own to get them? Did he ever investigate what kind he wanted or how much it would be? Nope. He would just complain about them and expect me to take care of it. No initiative and no care for the money.
So October, he decides he's going to quit his job by the end of December. I get it. He worked as a teacher in the autism department at the high school. It fucking blows, and it sucked all of his energy away every day and made him miserable. Absolutely quit that shit...but have something lined up first. In all the time between October and December, he didn't look for any other work. His plan was that since he would get paid until the end of January, he didn't have to look for anything until that last paycheck came in. Despite me telling him how shitty it is to get a job right now, or that even when he does get one, there's a gap between starting and getting paid, etc. nope it wasn't a problem until he stopped getting paid. What did he even want to get a job in? No idea. He only started looking early because I had that talk with him about wanting to be done. No word back from anything, of course. And whatever he has applied to doesn't even have as much pay as his old job, so it's still going to be a worse time if he does get one of these jobs. Me and everyone else I know, my friends, my family etc. would never quit a job unless we had something ready to go afterwards.
Recent months, I'd been trying to be better about bedroom time. My drive has never been where his is, but I'd also never turn him down when he asked for sex or a BJ, etc. (unless there was some health bs going on where it wouldn't be a good idea). Lately I'd been trying to initiate a whole lot more. This is a really hard thing for me to do, since I have shit all for self-esteem and I also know that I'm not attractive in the least, but I really tried hard anyway to get him in the mood. And for 2-3 months, I got turned down every single time. Always an excuse of he's too tired, he just ate, he has to poop soon, it's too late, etc. I'd offer to just blow him and I'd still get turned down. I mean, for fuck's sake, he doesn't even have to do anything. And then I'd catch him later on masturbating as usual. And I get it, sometimes you just need a private jerk off session without having to worry about someone else, etc. or just private time in general. But 3 months. I've never felt more undesired in my life. How fucking shitty must I be when I can't even get my own husband to fuck me? Maybe if I wasn't such an ugly sack of shit, he'd get over being tired. The time that made me feel the worst was over Thanksgiving. We're laying in bed and he's on his phone and I'm just cuddled pretty much on top of him, figuring we could just cuddle a bit when he was done. Instead once he was done browsing for the night, he just kind of shoved me off, rolled over and went to sleep. No hug, no kiss, not even a "good night," nothing. I guess he somehow realized I was upset a few minutes later and asked what was wrong, so I told him. Once again, I should have explicitly stated I wanted cuddle time or any kind of good night message.
I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting to write, since I'm a bit of a mess, but I realized that I'm done. He wants to fix things but I don't think it can be. I'm exhausted, I feel like shit about myself and I think I just want to move on at this point. And it's not solely his fault. There were so many things I had problems with that I just didn't bring up or would bring up once and then just suppress and try to deal with afterwards because I didn't want to be confrontational or annoying or a bitch. I did us both a disservice there and I realize that. I feel fucking awful about doing this, but I just can't keep going with it anymore. And I would have done it sooner, but I've been so worried about what will happen to him. He has no job, no savings, no place nearby to go, no friends here, his friends back in NY all have babies now and are busy, his family in NY doesn't have any room for him to stay. What will he do? Where will he go? Will he be okay? What will happen to our house? Our cats? I feel like a monster doing this when he has basically no support to fall back on. He's not a bad person and I still love and care about him. But anymore staying together and I'm just going to end up resenting it more and more and I don't want that to happen. I realize this path is probably just going to lead to me being alone for the rest of my life afterwards; there's no market for below average 38-year old women out there. Despite that, my gut says it's still what I want to do.
Anyway, wish me luck tomorrow, I guess. Or not, if this whole thing is me just being a complete shit stain of a person. I wouldn't be surprised if it did.
Sorry this is miserable. I'll echo he sounds like a man child.Spoilered for length.
I'm going to ask for a divorce tomorrow.
Sorry, this'll probably just end up a rant. And disclaimer that, of course, this is all just from my side of things.
Posted before in the depression thread about how completely stressed and overwhelmed I've increasingly been the past few years. I figured it was just shit in life piling up too high and me just poorly dealing with it. He'd just keep telling me that I worry too much. Sometime in the past couple of months, I think I finally snapped. It's not that I'm worrying too much, but I'm the only one worrying at all about anything. I handle literally everything we do. I pay for all our expenses, I always take the cats to the vet, I always handle arranging to call people to fix shit in the house, I plan and pay for all the vacations, I drive us everywhere. Anything important or anything joint, I do by myself. If I got hit by a bus tomorrow, my husband would not have a single clue how to pick up any of that. He would be fucked and not once has he ever taken the initiative to learn about any of it or volunteered to help with any of it.
The finances have always pissed me off since the beginning. I guess I was stupid and hoped that maybe it would change when we got married, but no. I've always been the breadwinner, usually making at least twice what he makes. When we first moved in, all I expected was him to just pay for utilities. Even that sometimes was apparently too difficult for his spending (we're talking maybe $100-150/mo.). But I always just ignored it because I understood he made less than me, so what should I expect? I also didn't want to be some harpy girlfriend breaking things up over stupid things like money. He's always been adamant that his money is separate because he doesn't want to have to worry about asking for permission to spend it. As a compromise, I proposed that we get a single joint account that a % of each of our paychecks goes to that will cover all the expenses and some buffer and all the remaining we keep for ourselves in individual accounts to do whatever we want with. He didn't agree to it, so that was that and I didn't bring it up again. But I always resented the fact that it seemed like my money was our money and his money was his money. Despite me making significantly more, I felt like I never had any sort of play money, just about, except things I very carefully saved up for. Every paycheck I also pulled out $100 that I put into my own savings account to keep as a last resort if something catastrophic happened and we needed emergency funds, which has floated between $5-10k. I DO NOT touch this shit unless I literally cannot pay bills for the month and I refuse to let any sort of CC balance roll over. Now, he gives me a few hundred dollars a month to contribute and pay his "rent" as he calls it. But I only get whatever's left after he's covered whatever fun spending he's done for the month. I don't know how many times I've seen him buy pieces of art that are $1-300 and then come tell me on payday that he just can't manage to give me anything that paycheck. And then if I've come up short with my own money, out of my own savings it comes to pay for the month. This has always felt unfair as fuck to me. But again, I didn't want to blow things up over money, so every time I was pissed about it, I just bottled it up.
When I talked to him the other night and told him things weren't working for me anymore, I brought up the finances crap along with other just poor financial decisions. The worst one, to me anyway, was when we moved from NY to WV, me and his family told him that he should roll over his teacher's retirement from NY over to his WV teacher's retirement account. He did not want to do this. Instead, he decided he wanted to just pull it out. I told him exactly what would happen if he did: he's going to get a penalty for pulling it early, it's going to get taxed to hell, and we'll probably owe taxes that year. He pulled it out anyway because he wanted spending money during the vacation we were going on for Christmas (where he spent 800 fucking dollars on fancy cologne). Sure enough, it was taxed to hell, there was a penalty, and we owed taxes that year. When I brought this up the other day during our talk, apparently because of his ADHD, those reasons were not enough to not get him to do it. I was supposed to explicitly in no uncertain terms command him not to. And apparently I'm supposed to be doing this for EVERYTHING. Because he just won't realize it otherwise. So when I'm doing a long drive to go visit his family and I'm literally falling the fuck asleep at the wheel and him making feeble attempts to keep me awake, he is not going to ever volunteer to take over, I have to specifically tell him that I want him to drive. When one of our cats possibly has a blockage and needs to go to the ER at 3am and I'm freaking out about it, well I should have explicitly commanded him to go with me, even though I'd already asked him and he said he couldn't because it was too late and he has to wake up early. So off I drove the 45min to the ER by myself trying to see the road while being a crying mess (yeah, I know, typical woman). Shit, I've had to drive myself to the ER before with tachycardia because he was busy. I am not an assertive person. I have a lot of difficulty telling people what I want and much more difficulty ordering people around. Now I realize if I don't tell people what I want, most likely I'm not going to get it, and I'm fine with that. But I feel like there's some things that are fucking obvious and I shouldn't have to be telling my own husband to do. Or in the example above, if I give a shitload of reasons why something is a bad idea, maybe don't fucking do it. And when I do ask or tell him to do something, he always gets so annoyed, which just makes me feel worse about doing it.
One of my biggest stressors has been money. The past few years with this shit economy we've been barely keeping stable. But because we're not struggling to eat, or pay bills, etc. it means everything is completely fine and nothing could possibly go wrong to upset that. Every time I worry about money, I get told "it'll be fine", "it'll work out", etc. That shit makes me see red. How the fuck does he know it'll be fine? He has 0 idea how much ANY of our bills cost because he's not paying for any of that shit. The only one he sees is the big ass grocery bill every week, which would be a shitload smaller if I just didn't bring him to the store. When I go grocery shopping, I bring a specific list of shit I'm going to buy, and that's what I get. I price it out ahead of time and it's usually between $75-150 depending on if I'm buying a bunch of meat on sale. But when we actually go and we get to the register? Shit is up to $250-350 from stuff that he buys. Now previously he thankfully would just pay for his own groceries and snacks he was getting for himself, but he stopped doing even that and it just got rolled into my nebulous payment he gives me every month. Same with his car insurance when I combined that. Point is, he has no idea about our financial status except looking at our bank accounts and seeing money there. And after his inshalla-esque advice to tell me to calm down about the money, he'll say "we have savings" if we're short that month. We don't have savings, that's MY savings. That's shit I'VE put away every month and it's not there to cover when we make poor spending choices, it's there when we're going to be homeless or a pet is going to die or some shit. It's infuriating that my financial planning just gets hand-waved away as the solution to everything. He never has savings. He'll toss a few hundred in there sometimes, but it'll disappear within a month. He admits he's terrible with money, but will not just let me handle it.
So, what else happens when I stress out over money? He tosses me $200 to go have a spa day to unwind. Sure, that's a fine idea in principle, but maybe not when I'M WORRIED ABOUT FUCKING MONEY and how we shouldn't be spending it on unnecessary shit. He also constantly worries about the state of the carpet in our finished basement. Now, we almost never go down there, so it's practically untouched save for the stupid bug that'll die in there occasionally. It doesn't need to be vacuumed constantly, but still he'll go tell me to go vacuum the basement because it's dirty (notice that he won't go do it). I get annoyed by this because I feel it's a waste of my time since there's barely any reason to and I hate vacuuming in general because it always severely sets of my allergies when I clean out the vacuum. So...his solution? Spends a few hundred dollars on a robot vacuum so that I won't be stressed about the basement anymore. Why. How about if he wanted to vacuum the basement, he just went and did it? And how does this help me destress when I'm worried about the FUCKING MONEY WE SHOULDN'T BE SPENDING. Oh, and all this spending? Happening at a time when he's planning to quit his job and we're going to lose 1/3 of our income. Oh, he'd also constantly complain about not having blinds on the windows facing our backyard and the woods. Low priority to me, because no one's back there, but sure, we'll get them eventually. But it's expensive and I can't afford it right now and I'm not going to go into debt for it. Did he ever try to save up on his own to get them? Did he ever investigate what kind he wanted or how much it would be? Nope. He would just complain about them and expect me to take care of it. No initiative and no care for the money.
So October, he decides he's going to quit his job by the end of December. I get it. He worked as a teacher in the autism department at the high school. It fucking blows, and it sucked all of his energy away every day and made him miserable. Absolutely quit that shit...but have something lined up first. In all the time between October and December, he didn't look for any other work. His plan was that since he would get paid until the end of January, he didn't have to look for anything until that last paycheck came in. Despite me telling him how shitty it is to get a job right now, or that even when he does get one, there's a gap between starting and getting paid, etc. nope it wasn't a problem until he stopped getting paid. What did he even want to get a job in? No idea. He only started looking early because I had that talk with him about wanting to be done. No word back from anything, of course. And whatever he has applied to doesn't even have as much pay as his old job, so it's still going to be a worse time if he does get one of these jobs. Me and everyone else I know, my friends, my family etc. would never quit a job unless we had something ready to go afterwards.
Recent months, I'd been trying to be better about bedroom time. My drive has never been where his is, but I'd also never turn him down when he asked for sex or a BJ, etc. (unless there was some health bs going on where it wouldn't be a good idea). Lately I'd been trying to initiate a whole lot more. This is a really hard thing for me to do, since I have shit all for self-esteem and I also know that I'm not attractive in the least, but I really tried hard anyway to get him in the mood. And for 2-3 months, I got turned down every single time. Always an excuse of he's too tired, he just ate, he has to poop soon, it's too late, etc. I'd offer to just blow him and I'd still get turned down. I mean, for fuck's sake, he doesn't even have to do anything. And then I'd catch him later on masturbating as usual. And I get it, sometimes you just need a private jerk off session without having to worry about someone else, etc. or just private time in general. But 3 months. I've never felt more undesired in my life. How fucking shitty must I be when I can't even get my own husband to fuck me? Maybe if I wasn't such an ugly sack of shit, he'd get over being tired. The time that made me feel the worst was over Thanksgiving. We're laying in bed and he's on his phone and I'm just cuddled pretty much on top of him, figuring we could just cuddle a bit when he was done. Instead once he was done browsing for the night, he just kind of shoved me off, rolled over and went to sleep. No hug, no kiss, not even a "good night," nothing. I guess he somehow realized I was upset a few minutes later and asked what was wrong, so I told him. Once again, I should have explicitly stated I wanted cuddle time or any kind of good night message.
I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting to write, since I'm a bit of a mess, but I realized that I'm done. He wants to fix things but I don't think it can be. I'm exhausted, I feel like shit about myself and I think I just want to move on at this point. And it's not solely his fault. There were so many things I had problems with that I just didn't bring up or would bring up once and then just suppress and try to deal with afterwards because I didn't want to be confrontational or annoying or a bitch. I did us both a disservice there and I realize that. I feel fucking awful about doing this, but I just can't keep going with it anymore. And I would have done it sooner, but I've been so worried about what will happen to him. He has no job, no savings, no place nearby to go, no friends here, his friends back in NY all have babies now and are busy, his family in NY doesn't have any room for him to stay. What will he do? Where will he go? Will he be okay? What will happen to our house? Our cats? I feel like a monster doing this when he has basically no support to fall back on. He's not a bad person and I still love and care about him. But anymore staying together and I'm just going to end up resenting it more and more and I don't want that to happen. I realize this path is probably just going to lead to me being alone for the rest of my life afterwards; there's no market for below average 38-year old women out there. Despite that, my gut says it's still what I want to do.
Anyway, wish me luck tomorrow, I guess. Or not, if this whole thing is me just being a complete shit stain of a person. I wouldn't be surprised if it did.
As a compromise, I proposed that we get a single joint account that a % of each of our paychecks goes to that will cover all the expenses and some buffer and all the remaining we keep for ourselves in individual accounts to do whatever we want with.
When I brought this up the other day during our talk, apparently because of his ADHD, those reasons were not enough to not get him to do it. I was supposed to explicitly in no uncertain terms command him not to. And apparently I'm supposed to be doing this for EVERYTHING.
I'd offer to just blow him and I'd still get turned down. I mean, for fuck's sake, he doesn't even have to do anything. And then I'd catch him later on masturbating as usual.
He has no job, no savings, no place nearby to go, no friends here, his friends back in NY all have babies now and are busy, his family in NY doesn't have any room for him to stay. What will he do? Where will he go? Will he be okay? What will happen to our house? Our cats?
I told my wife that too. She refuses to do it because she's afraid I won't remember. Aint no way she's doing that without getting full credit.Also one time I told my wife it was a fantasy to be woken up by sex. Apparently she tried and in my sleep I denied her, 100% zero memory of this happening so definitely was in deep sleep. And I've never heard the end of it...