Redpill awareness actually works
bestin a marriage or LTR because those same behaviors (and again, not PUA) are needed to maintain attraction. Remember desire cannot be negotiated - it's not something to be discussed, communicated, or compromised upon, yet it must be there, constantly and continually.
The redpill reddit and all these blogs are full - literally thousands - of stories from men who believed the societal narrative of 'open communication', only to be there posting a horror story years later. Anyone who thinks this community is full of incel nerds hasn't been involved in it whatsoever.
Rollo's response to mr and mrs spreadsheet, excellent analysis:
Rollo_sl said:
Marriage is no insulation from the sexual marketplace [...]
Case Study - Lowered Expectations
While I'm well aware I'm fulfilling my own prophecy here, I'm talking about the MRAs that use gender stereotypes as an excuse to call for a return to traditional (read: 19th century) Christian conservative values. Men are stereotyped as shallow, short-sighted sociopaths whoseonlymotivation for doing anything of value is getting laid, and women are stereotyped as idiotic hedonists in their early years and money-grubbing whores in their later years. You know, reasoning along the following lines:
dofulfill those stereotypes when it comes to human sexuality. Feminism isn't all bad: it's a good thing that women have the freedom of choice, to have a career if they choose. However, it also lies to them: you
cannothave it all; you can't have both a prosperous career and an equally prosperous home life. It just doesn't work pragmatically or even mathematically (in terms of hours). When you hear the leaders of feminism, such as Sandberg who DO have it all, what that usually means is that they have a properly feminized husband and the wealth to hire armies of nannies to maintain that prosperous home life. Most women cannot even get close to this. That aspect of feminism is a total lie.
Considering MRA and a return to 19th century Christian values: you have to understand, regardless of whether the beliefs in Christianity are illusory, that it was used sociopolitically to embed a social and moral organization upon society. These men (and what men today too often don't) knew the sexual nature of women, and this was their solution to maintain stability in society, right or wrong. The same as in Islam.
You also have to understand the concepts of 'romantic love', historically, were created by women in the 13th century French courts. Women were totally treated like property back then, and the way they gained power in interpersonal relationships was to create ideas of chivalry, courtly love, and romance. That's how the love that's conceptualized in your mind here today began: a power grab in response to being treated like property.
Fast foward to today, where laws and society do favor women in almost every respect. The answer isn't to return to the solution of the 19th century obviously, but it's, at the least, to tip the scale of power away from feminism and give some of it back to men.
Having sex with the alpha male and losing her sacred virginity would not only massively reduce her value to future beta providers, but if she's unlucky enough to get pregnant, she's stuck with thatguyguy's kidfor life.
FTFY, and this is another part of the problem, multiplied by however many, probably over a million, kids born to single moms. The football player doesn't stick around, and the mom is therefore even more likely to raise a kid in poverty (& provided for by taxpayer money) who will probably grow up and do the same shit. Due to sexual nature being what it is, the circle of dysfunction just goes on and on in a freer society.