I don't think these guys are trying to be assholes lendarios (ok mostly not, anyway) they're trying to shock some sense into you to realize how bad this relationship is. You are getting literally nothing from being in this relationship if it really as you describe. Run away.
I don't want to be the one who walks out the door without a major reason to, now specially that I have a daughter. Even though me forcing the name issue may have that outcome.
Tenks, reads other comments and you'll see a split into if I have the right to name the child or not. The thing is that there is no compromise possible on the issue. The kid either gets the name or not, there is no third option. If i wanted to have the first name then it can be compromised to middle, but by my requesting the middle, and been denied, there is no room for me to negotiate anything. Like i said, it turns out is not about the name, but instead is about the relationship with my family and how having our daughter named like a member of my family reminds her of my family... Well the solution to that is we solve the problem with my family.
In the past when she threaten divorce over stupid shit, most people here gave the advise, to take the out. I may do that this time, this time the reason is valid for me and worth standing my ground for. If she can't deal that i have the right to name our daughter, she has to learn to deal with it. It is not an issue for a normal couple, so it cant be an issue for us. Funny part is that one of her main peeps and an insulting one is that according to her " i don't act like a man" because i don't stand up with her against my family, that my priorities are in the wrong place. Well now that I am standing up for myself, on the name and on the labor room stance, now she doesn't agree with it.
To tell u a story regarding that.
One time her bother was in town, she is the youngest of the pack, and were on the line for the movie theater. The brother came and smacked her ass, in a playful manner, like if they were kids. I was like WTF, and after the movie I took the brother to the side and told him, hey she is not 10 anymore, she is my wife, please stop doing that. The guy looked at me and apologize and understood. Done right.. So a couple of days I'm telling her about this, and she goes enraged, about how I dared to get in the middle of the relationship between her and her brother, and throws such a fit, and forces me, I kid you not, to call the brother and apologize to him. So instead of standing my ground because i am fucking right on that one!!! i called like a little puss and apologize to the brother that just smacked my wife's ass. It took fucking therapy and another person to tell her that she was WAY out of line on that incident to realize that she was wrong.
Well this is similar, I don't want to spend years for her to realize that was wrong to not let me name our child because at that point, an apology is not enough. I'll start calling a lawyer friend and learning how the divorce process goes and how fucked I will be. But is better than this alternative.