Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
I think a few of you are way too far on the side of Lendarios. There's a pretty good chance that he's a mama's boy that lets his family have too big an influence on his life. He's yet to really explain much about his mom/wife interactions except that his mom has said mean things. It really seems like he cares more about his family than his wife (and maybe always has). And that's fine, but you have to realize the wife probably isn't going to like that if that is the case, especially when it comes to naming a child.
And, again, Lendarios, if you wife chose a name that you absolutely hated for whatebver reason, would you have objected at all? I seriously doubt you can say you wouldn't have objected, which means you're probably being a hypocrite. If you two had thought about finding a name both of you liked for each name instead of this childish pick game, none of this would have happened (though maybe the reason the game exists is because how badly you wanted to name the kid after your mom).
Now, she very well might be/is a crazy asshole, but it sure seems like it didn't get to that point all because of her.
And, again, Lendarios, if you wife chose a name that you absolutely hated for whatebver reason, would you have objected at all? I seriously doubt you can say you wouldn't have objected, which means you're probably being a hypocrite. If you two had thought about finding a name both of you liked for each name instead of this childish pick game, none of this would have happened (though maybe the reason the game exists is because how badly you wanted to name the kid after your mom).
This quote and your example shows how much you don't get it. She wants you to stand up to YOUR family, not to her or her family. It seems she doesn't feel like she's as important to you as them, and you're validating that.Funny part is that one of her main peeps and an insulting one is that according to her " i don't act like a man" because i don't stand up with her against my family, that my priorities are in the wrong place. Well now that I am standing up for myself, on the name and on the labor room stance, now she doesn't agree with it.
Now, she very well might be/is a crazy asshole, but it sure seems like it didn't get to that point all because of her.