Sad Bro story:
Have a friend eight months ago that went on a date with some chick from that turned out to be a one night stand. Supposedly, when they went to bang and he reached for the rubber, she told him "don't worry about it". I railed on him the day after the date for not using a rubber, if only for STD reasons, and got the "yeah, yeah I know-- I was drunk and she's a stand up chick, I'm not worried about it". Well, flash forward a few months and he calls me freaked out because she called him out of the blue (there was no contact after the one night stand) saying that she's pregnant with his kid, but don't worry about it because she's getting an abortion. She just "wanted him to know". So, he's obviously all worked up and relieved at the same time, but was ruminating over why she bothered to even call him if she's getting an abortion. I basically shrug and tell him who cares, it's woman logic, and that he should just thank his lucky stars that's she's getting things taken care of. Flash forward another five months or so, and again he gets a call from her out of the blue. It was basically a short, 30 second statement saying "I decided to keep the baby after all and will be giving birth in a month. You are welcome to request a paternity test, but I will be couriering you child support paperwork as soon as he/she is born. Bye".
Bro is fucking sad to say the least..